I have managed to spend a bit of time out at frost haven on VT. Fortunatly, most of the folks I have met, are friendly and willing to share excess coals in the aftermath of Scold's destruction. The other evening, Indy and I got to meet up with some UK friends
There was a quest invite too! I bowed out as it sounded far too dangeous for me, but Indy gladly accepted a 'wolf' guide for the flagging. She then got this marvelous tour of the Viam islands and loved the company so much (they have much in common) she laughed off the death (due to buffs falling in the middle of a Ruk settlement)and was thankful never-the-less, that her guide thought to take her back for her things. The rest and hardest part of the quest takes place later today. I do hope its as much fun for her as the tour was. :)
I also got a letter from a friend in the realm of NWN. Drum, who is a goblin, has been enjoying life on an Italian server of late. Which is funny to me, as he seems more adept at gobbledee-speak then he is at any other known language.
He tells me that he ran into a few difficulties this last evening. He had joined a group with a friend of his, who was watching, with some small trepidation, as the rest of the party went about the task of beating on some very nasty mobs. Just one of which could likely kill either one of the two of them if not both together. At one point, the group leader had died and asked for resurection. Drum's friend didn't have a res rod, so asked Drum to help. Goblin's are, by thier very nature, something of a cowardly lot... but Drum carefully made his way to the fallen leader, brought him back... then quickly ran for the nook they had been standing in, once more.
Since Drum was now out of rods as well, he elected to return to town and get another.. asking his friend to let him know when the leader was close enough for him to safely return. She asked if he would fetch a rod for her as well... so he did and gave it to her on his return.
After a moment, the leader had returned to the now regathered group... and attacked Drum's friend... who killed him in total surprise! After he was again brought back, he booted the friend from the party. Drum was rather upset and confused as to why the group leader would do this. He writes that he got two messages from the ensuing conversation.
The leader thought Drum's friend was dragging exp from the group for standing there and not helping. And that it didn't help that she didn't speak Italian.. on an Italian server. (Drum tells me, this was not so, exp-wise, as the lowest member of the party actually boosts exp for all members of the group.)
Sometime after this, he writes, another member of the now desolved group, joined with the two of them to go after the big bears. But they popped into the middle of those horrible mobs from before and were killed while the 'joiner' left them to thier fate completely. Drum has since been added to a dislike list himself for being a party to all of this.
I realize it all likely arose from a misunderstanding. The group was not privy to the convo about the res rods between Drum and his friend. Both wanted to be of help, however they could... but it aparently wasn't good enough.
On the upside, if one can be said to be had, He thinks there are still a few friendlys on the server.
Perhaps he might yet come out of this with only a few scars to show.. or perhaps he has been soured to the server as a whole now and will no longer adventure there... I'm not sure.
It's a shame when people are like this.. simply because of a language difference. Personally, I greatly enjoy getting to meet and making friends with people from many different walks of life... From many different places around the world. There is so much of interrest to learn from one-another.
Ciao :)