Sunday, March 25, 2012

Song and Dance

Lindsey Stirling

Ascendead Master

A Tango Performance
Inga Savitskaya (Inga Sawicka) - Moskwa 2004

Lesson In Leaving
Jo Dee Messina

Michael Meets Mozart
1 Piano, 2 Guys, 100 Cello Tracks
The Piano Guys

by Boyfriend

Chocolate Love

Love Ya
by SS501

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Another Day another nothing special.

I am continuing to update my drama blog.. still hoping for pleasing improvements. Eventually, I'm hoping to have actors linked with drama's so it'l be just a click to find another good drama/movie to watch. right? lol! go check it out! *poke link below*
--}Magically Dramatical Mistakes{-- post a comment to say you were there.

Haven't felt up to dealing with much else of late.

Language studies are still very slowly marching onward.. dunno if I'm actually learning anything or if it's just a mean circle of re-learning what I already should know. *yawwn*

I haven't seen any new portals of late, but then I haven't really been looking either... its a slump, I think.

Listening to: "Boyfriend" by Boyfriend, "Chocolate Love" by SNSD
Watching: Skip-Beat drama, Dream High 2, Shut up! flower boy band, Hungry! and Great Inheritance.
Playing: a little bit of Castleville on Facebook.
Reading: drama listings
mood: down-Neutral *glances over shoulder once again* >.> slightly bored and uncomfy.
Latest Rant: Facebook's changing-without-informing policies.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

confused garblness

Having ongoing issues with my sister.. *rolls eyes* more 'drama' I don't need from that corner.. All the pissiness isn't worth the accumulated stress imo. There isn't much in life that's worth that.

Also moving all my aDrama review stuff onto a new blog spot. Whew, sure are a lot of them. lol!! If yer looking to see brilliance in slow motion go check it out! *poke link below*
--}Magically Dramatical Mistakes{--

Listening to: "Boyfriend" by Boyfriend, "Full of Happiness" by Super Junior, and "Chocolate Love" by SNSD
Watching: Once upon a time, Castle!, Skip-Beat drama, Dream High 2, Shut up! flower boy band, and Hungry!
Playing: a little Mabinogi.. not much else.
Reading: drama listings
mood: flustered and grumpy
Latest Rant: growl, hiss, spit, pfft!!
Too much to go into really...