Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A sudden pet peeve

Listening to: ...
Watching: Grimm, Castle, The Mentalist, Haven
Playing: Mabinogi.
Reading: random blogs
mood: annoyed
Latest Rant: gawd I hate it when.. i get interrupted by a third party, who then gets pissy with me for trying to finish my convo. *heaves a big sigh* Now I'm all annoyed. great.

Also annoyed with changes to something I have finally gotten used to... several things changing just after I finally gotten used to how it all works.

This site was once so nice, small, and stable..

now, it seems, they always come up with an upload error.. So I can no longer use them.. So I currently have no where to post mp3s. *pout*

Blogger has changed rather drastically, and although I can cope with the new editing box.. it's difficult to get past the changes for tags.. as the whole box randomly moves over the top of the editing box and I can no longer use the editing area without having to reload the whole page and then maybe not.

Photobucket has also changed quite a bit. fortunately, they are still allowing me to add to my already massive list of pictures. Just more hoops to jump through.

Yes, I am still a bit growlish with nexon over the pisspoor way they handled the mapletheft. Even after it was finally over the only compensation for having lost a lot of rl money was.. maplestory hair coupons..?!! really?

Added to my list of gripes... do people REally understand the meaning of the genre of romantic comedy? it means, a good portion (if not an equal share) of both romance and comedy in a drama, series, or movie. what it does Not mean is.. a bucket full of tears or traumatic horror being the main if not the sole carrier of the drama. Nor does it mean romance OR comedy. geez people! get it straight already!!
If your going to give an answer to the age old question of "which are good romantic comedies?", please don't just answer as you please without first considering the -whole- question.
I swear, some people are dumber then a post with training wheels! \./

Edit:.. DivShare fixed whatever the issue was not allowing me to add songs! YaY! They are great again!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A road well traveled

Listening to: ...
Watching: 9 end 2 outs, Grimm, The Mentalist, Haven
Playing: Fairyland on Facebook occasionally and Mabinogi.
Reading: uh... Mabi chat?
mood: frustrated, a little tearful and angry
Latest Rant: see below....

you ever find yourself suddenly screeching to a halt in your walk of life with this horrible feeling that your on the wrong road?

and you can just barely make out a path, you 'know' is your opportunity.. but.. its so far away.. might even have missed it already

thats where I am atm. life sucks.

i get mad at myself.. for not having the will to want to even reach for that path.
because it seems when Running for it in the past.. i ended not a cm closer... just on the same-o different place, same channel
same place different channel.. completely like the original really
so i stop even wanting to look, much less reach for it.

these dreams are well out of reach for me. too far

i feel i am wasting my life...
like im just going in circles

time hasn't said 'bip' this whole last several years. and trying my best.. just landed me in the same situation

i figure.. if i can reach this dream.. I'll make another to reach for. right?
but i cant even reach this one.
kinda makes me feel its all a bit fruitless. meaningless
i grow weary of spinning in circles

if I'm not moving. im stagnating. to stagnate for me, is to die

i have a goal.. i cant make out its detail..
but no idea how to reach it and its too far away to want to try

in the past, when confronted with such a dilemma.. my response was flight...
but really. i cant do that this time.
every time i ran away, it just landed me in the same general situation
feels a bit like a cage with no visible bars
its frustrating

i know.. its all a bit esoteric or something... like smoke or.. fog or something..
guess thats what makes pipe dreams
frustrates me doubly that i cant find any answers.. no matter where or to whom i ask
so's ok if you dont know what to say :)

I understand

there is something about writing.. perhaps.. no confidence though. why?!!