Yes, I said 'again' Ok, I put a {Link here} for a blog entry concerning this subject.
Now we have in issue with the internet. There should already be in place, the thought that the head of our great land should, if emergency arises, be able to gain some control of the net in our area... after all, he already does with the rest of our communication abilities, right? The problem is... if the control were given without the 'emergency' specifications and details thereof.. it will give the 'king' a tad more power then he should have. History already gives us a clue as to what happens after that. Now you might think I'm going on about issues that are not yet come.. worrying over nothing, essentially. but we have already seen evidence of the unconstitutional munching this will cause. Messages are popping up all over the net, seized and closed down by the government... movie pirates, music pirates, and whole blogging servers (need proof?.. here's a {link} to a fairly well-known blog site.).
While I don't, as your average citizen, have much to say concerning the shut-down of internet pirating.. that last little "blog" detail is a problem. As the anti-war howlers (and the pro-war howlers as well...)love to point out.. Freedom of speech, baby! That's the 1st amendment. It's another one of those rules there were created as a foundation for this great nation of ours. Is this the start of something bigger and badder? Are you worried as well, that it just might be?
Consider this: If you have one bad apple in a whole bushel of good apples, do you throw out the whole bushel? Our gov seems to think so and our leader is pushing the new laws into place, in spite of the protesting of the people he governs.
From all I have witnessed thus far, I'd say...
Listening to: Alexander Rybak
Current Show: Leverage, Psych, Heroes
Feeling: ehh
Internet Tabs: Mabi, Facebook
Obsessing Over: -.-
Current Rant: The heat, politics. government,
history, and the general craze of living.