Watching: Youtubers -
Gimmeaflakeman and Tomoko with teaching news,
softypapa and his wildness hikes,
Hallyu Back and her funny drama reviews,
TheJapanChannel for scenes from -the- scene,
Simon's Cat, and Maru
Playing: Mabinogi.
Reading: Magically Dramatical Mistakes, WaniKani, Memrise
mood: Neutral
Latest Rant: Looking for Art Program Tutorials... I need a good one for vectors!..still!!...especially for the PSPro x5
A day like any other really. Future doesn't seem bright, trying to not think on it.. living in the moment. All in all, it hasn't been that bad of a moment really. Not particularly exciting, and not particularly boring or depressing either. Things I'm not happy with.. guess that will always be the case.. in one subject or another.. right? But that, if I pause to really give it some thought, the breeze outside is rather nice too. not too warm, not cold, and no mosquitoes.. or wasps buzzing about to cause concern. Yepyep, I like winter the best of the seasons. Everything is sleeping awaiting spring's renewal.. but for the rabbits and coyotes of course. Dry brown grass rustling in the puffs of breeze.. tossing dead leaves about rather capriciously. bird song tweeting in the winter sunlight. Not a bad time to be paying attention.
As usual in my life, I'm best looking beyond the trees before me at the forest.. as much as I enjoy hearing about and wishing I could explore other places.. This place right here, is ok.. it has its charm.. even if its been largely neglected by me most of the time. I have been in worse places really... other adventures in other timelines... through other portals. Normally, I'd say words best suit the moment, but let me explain my thoughts with something other then words. Oh, and I might mention, these scenes are soo not mine in origin.. they are PD pics found on the net (google Public Domain images). This is Texas to me.