Why do I have this blog again? ... oh right. gripes and updates.
ok.. so..
Today was another bummer of a day in a week long series. Today, my seat mate or one of 2 others likely stole my precious (favorite) flash drive. add to the use of my stolen college card at the beginning of the week,.. still ongoing, because im not sure just what I'm suppose to do at the higher one web pages. .. I have another omg 2 page paper draft due tomorrow... the poor art teacher got an earful from the only drawing 2 student he has this part of summer.. so he was in the hall for much of the period. and someone i know is driving me to remove my computer beast rather then bring over my printer to complete my project all in one place. Also have another four major papers due for the second half of summer, when us history starts up. also, sign-up for fall sem, is happening on monday next.. and I'm not even sure I will pass english yet, nevermind us history, which hasn't even started. My ride to school, no longer wants to stay late... and classes I was hoping to take, start late. It was suggested i try a web class, but not at all sure if i could.. since home doesn't have web access, and a 'friend' who would rather i remove the beast then bring over the printer... or the folks who are due back before fall is done. Since i cannot take later classes, and there is no such thing as a web version of a ceramics class, means i have to take the morning class, and settle with less extra time. and of course, the writing class i need.. is in conflict.....
Then, just to add to the low irritated feelings... as i mentioned, i am over there borrowing the net, in hopes of gaining access to several games that are insisting i have access in order to get them underway... i was told, that's all i needed.. access just long enough to get the updates, then offline for the game itself. This seems to be so, for some games anyway..
not, apparently, for Starcraft 2 though. i even have the box loaded onto the computer but no.... i need to load.. more,...a lot more... what is counting for several days running with an achingly slow speed more... updates? WTF? this is insane!
oh, and not to forget the lack of disability. for some odd reason, they think too much has changed and so took me off the program.. sigh.. so need to go through the whole dispute proceedings in hopes that at some point i can maybe get back on it.. meanwhile... so much for electricity.
yepyep.. that's how my whole week + thus far has gone.. so pardon me for a bit of the doldrums. I'll try to spark up a little and get back to all you invisible masses sometime again soon.