hey there... just for serendipitous sake, I occasionally check out youtubes oddity vids. you know, feeling idle if not outright bored, so you click on the odd vid link to watch the top 5 who-cares kind of stuff. As much as I abhor posting in comments to some of these things, I do have my own thoughts on them at times.
Today I came across a vid on a viral vid concerning what looked like a huge 4-legged.. spider? crawling up the side of a building. here The commenter in the vid, stating their reasons why the vid was a hoax. Besides the bad grammar, the commenter seemed to have actually examined what could be seen in the vid.. the commenter had apparently discovered the name of the original poster of the vid.. hard to do as is, nevermind that it was a vid title that had to be translated. but I was willing to just go with that. we are then shown another vid of this same creature, again scaling the side of a building. at this point, I an wondering how it was this video folks just managed to randomly be running their cameras in this particular direction just as this creature came into view? and.. what.. no comment about the changing length of its limbs? We are then told that some.. paranormal investigation team, located the original poster of.. (the second vid?) and asked what program they used to create the video. (again, this second vid was in another language, even though the question was posted in English. They was told the program used was Blender, a 3d modeling/animation program. Ok, got that, back to the first video. The commenter then states that it was unusual to see the creature reflected so clearly in the windows of the facing building on such an overcast day, why the movements seemed so jerky, and why there was no damage to the building
the window reflection doesn't prove a hoax either way really. reflections are not shadows. On an overcast day, a shadow on, say, the opposite wall, if any at all, would be indistinct. but a reflection.. if there is good ambient light, will reflect on a window or mirror quite clearly. So either the reflection in the windows was just that, a reflection of the creature crawling on the outside wall .. or someone paying really good attention to detail in the forgery. It would be much more unnatural if there had been no reflection at all. As for no damage to the building... think on this a sec.. do actual spiders damage the walls they walk on? No, they don't. Ever wonder why?
The shaking of the camera in taking the vid is just as bad as what might amount for the jerkiness of the creature so it's difficult to say one way or another but.. as the creature goes up over onto the roof, its movement does seem a bit unnatural.
it's like it simply stops using its back legs really, and slides onto the roof and out of sight.
And since we are on the subject of unnaturalness (it all is actually) why did the camera man not talk with the dwellers of the building the creature was crawling over, just to see if anyone else happened to be looking or glancing out the window right when that thing went by? Would have given the video some credence if it was a real deal. Even given that some had shades drawn, there's a whole lot of windows facing the right direction, would have been a seriously easy thing to spot. If fake however, it would make better sense to let it lie as a mystery with just the video.
Kind of reminds me of a certain Godzilla movie where an anchorman, facing away from the many windows of a highrise office, is complaining about not having a really sensational piece to talk about, when the huge lizard strolls on by, seem by pretty much everyone but the anchorman.
Now here's a fun one. ghostly activity in a retail store. here
Several blankets falling off the shelf in the middle of the night, caught by the surveillance camera. that's strange. Ok, there is mention of earth-shakes, that could have done it.. although, as commented in the video, it didn't also cause the big ones on top of the rack to fall. (shaking the big blanket shelf afterward proves nothing to me.. other then the shelf she was shaking nearly caused one of the big blankets to fall)
Now, the blankets .could. have been balanced 'just so' so that when the earth shook a little, it was just enough to unbalance them.. causing the first one to fall, then eventually, the other two.. possibly in another low rumble. That sort of thing has happened before... with or without earthquake assistance.