Friday, October 02, 2015

Back in the moment

Yepyep.. back to the general lack of net statis.  Sigh..  just so expencive! ANYWAY, with everything back up in the air like a baloon with a never-ending supply of helium, makes it a little harder to find the time to do much of anything usefull.  Not that i did a whole lot of usefullness when i -was- in a constant connection.... short of updating my drama blog with watched dramas... and adding watched anime and music here. Instead, im back to using my phone and bloggers handy app to get the msg out there... untill further notice... or if i am in frame of mind while sitting in a local dan-herd library chair. Hehe, yeahsheright! (^ω^)

Update: nov 1st..ish...
Back online for another month anyway... Time to catch up a little, clean up blog pages and check the drama i had been wanting to watch. It was something of a windfall really. Something someone left to others that i managed to get a few nickles to rub together with. Now, i need to teach myself a bit of wordpress.. i think.. or ways of working with cascading pages...

o.o <-- thoughtless look.. ummm.. right, well... urm.. what was I just talking about? All Hallow's eve has come and gone.. I went to a friend's to watch movies until it got late, then came home and went straight to bed..pretty much. I didn't even dress up in the spirit of the season. just wasn't in the mood. Sometime tonight, I'm told, is the start of what I feel is going to be a long week.. not for the days.. but for the nights. I just don't sleep well at night without some sort of company... and no, the neko o the place, doesn't actually count. Especially when he's been more paranoid of nighttime noises then I have been... and He's got better hearing! Sometime before.. or just after the new year, I am told, will come a great sojourn across the places i know for some of the places I haven't seen or been to in a long long time and frankly, I don't actually want to go. Not only because I have been down that road already and 'know' what I'll find there, but also the aforementioned neko doesn't travel very well at all... and I'll be fleeped before I let him stay with most of the people here-abouts that would take him in... for however long it would be for. Yes, this means there's another required move comin in the first of the new year. Even as I can understand 'Why'.. I don't care for the 'take a year off to tour the..' uhh No! 'it'll just be the lot of us crammed into a little car, for miles and months of traveling around the whole of the..' No! No! This wasn't what I had in mind at all! I said perhaps it was a good idea to find a smaller more affordable place.. but I didn't mean we should pack our lives into small suitcases and 'look for another home' somewhere else on the continent... at some point.. nonono! Thanks anyway. geez. If I'm gunna move, I want to know where I'm going, before I actually have to pack up. to take a bit of time, moving things from this old spot to that new one. Why doesn't anyone get this around here? I like it, it's a great idea! Why can't i know where I'm going, how i will get there, and just long that will take before I have to throw everything out and pack everything as small and tight as possible in an actual move? ....mBehhh
The whole subject is coloring my world in grey... again. Ehh Ill work on it, I guess. must be brighter sides to this then I am atm seeing.

I just got one of my b-day gifts.. late.. but not without joy for seeing! :D
Sims3 island paradise! yay! At last my happy little sims can learn to do a bit of diving!.. while avoiding drowning, being et by a shark or keel-hauled by a giant squid. in between to short moments of dashing around a part of france, egypt or china, looking for a golden shovel and avoiding mummies and the random meteor.

Think perhaps im either getting used to being without, or am losing my love for on-line games anymore. Hardly any want to keep up with the mabi halloween event, or all.. or everquest 2.. which really is starting to look like its going downhill fast now. Daybreak, which took over from sony, isn't treating the game right. lost their edge with the helpful support tickets deal all-together, and have merged several servers and now bunches of people, me included, are subject to a 2+ hour waiting que just to be able to play a little. (or being able to check their characters names and guilds to make sure everything transferred.)

I want to look into flash again..