Tales of a mostly Solo PVE Roleplay Character within the multi-verse of gaming... with -lots- of break-outs into other interests and the occasional obsession.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
The noise of randomness!
Of late, been having some rather oddball dreams.. kind of disturbing and not necessarily scary and Always subject to interpretation with ample consideration given for my mental as well as physical state under the circumstances. whew, that was a mouthful.
The weather here on this tiny part of the universe at large, has gotten colder. I think the weather where I am has finally decided to get on with winter and let the odd moment in time called "fall" to its own devices under the dead leaves, for another season. Being that I'm not a huge fan of ever-sunshine and the nothing but blueblueblue skies of summer. I welcome the changes. I really like clouds. My favorite kind of day, is slightly cool and cloudy with moments of sunshine throughout the day... peeking through the clouds.
Been youtubing a little of late, once again skirting the edges of the fascinating without falling too far over the edges of darkness. Watched a kind of documentary, asking the question of is there life on mars.. or the moon, and if we have bombed the moon. and once again, I feel the mad desire to give my own comments about the video. The primary thing that makes me laugh about all of the pictures, purporting to to be evidence of the existence of distant, blurry objects is.. you zoom in to a fuzzy original photograph, you encounter something known as pixelization. the 'noise' of the picture begins to take a bit of shape as sharp and blurred lines or hatchwork, and general interlacing. you look close enough to any picture/video on the net, and that's what you will get. no major mystery there. So I'm afraid that zooming in ultra close to a picture is no real evidence to me, of alien cities or towns on mars or the moon anymore then I have reason to believe said moon aliens have told us never to return. (that's to say little of the fact that most people, having been told to 'never return' often do... for the implied challenge if nothing else.)and filling up a long documentary of these blurry images, doesn't do anything for changing my thoughts on the matter. As for the claims of Photoshopped city skylines in those ultra close view of blurred photo scans... yeahh w/e. aww comon!
Don't you think that given the day and age we live in, just how easy it is to spend the extra moment to making the bluing of already blurred images a tiny bit more believable, wouldn't be something that was given consideration by the cover-up-ees? Now, I'm not saying there wasn't a cover-up, of course there are and have been with just about anything the government wants to pull the wool over our eyes for.. been doing so for ages already, and it'd take a rather acute idiot citizen not to see or have heard about that by now. I'm just saying, I'd think they would have just a little finesse about such things by now. Think about it... if you 'actually don't want' the world to wonder about the message on the wall, don't just take a random swat at it with a piece of paper.
so saying, the reverse is also true. you look at a blurred picture and think, what could it be? to the point of displaying said images of nothing, and start calling them mountains of mystery. Skunch over in the sandbox a bit and let the 'real' scientists have their say, already!
Now for the sum-up... do I think there are aliens on mars or the moon that may have told us to stay away? uhmm.. the jury is still out on that. I'd hazard a thought of my own as to the belief in aliens... I think it's presumptuous of humans to believe that not only are we the top o the intelligence mountain on earth, but also that we, in the whole of the universe, are the only 'intelligent' beings in existence. Even though I haven't seen actual proof, it seems fairly reasonable to me, they we are not, in either case. To think so, only limits what we can except or expect outside of that thought.
It is possible, as nearly anything is, that aliens exist. therefor, its also possible there might be such on the moon or hidden in mars. As for telling us to stay away, i don't think its likely. We human beings just don't habitually scare off that easily.. and for so long. Were it not for determined human curiosity, we'd still be sitting on our thumbs in the darker ages of antiquity. that blasted curiosity and determination has led us through miles of innovation.. through several wars, had us facing off through huge historical moments of terror and anger with each-other, and great strides of advancement in the sciences that even within a small handful of years, has given us more knowledge of how things work around us then has so much as been dreamt of before.
And speaking of terror... it has come to my attention of late, of a great deal of anarchy going on concerning a certain belief system. even here and on the other side of the planet... the braying of mighty jackasses can be heard. no really, that's what someone once called the situation to come.. and here it is. The heeyawwing of a whole bunch of people thinking they gots the corner market on the whole, what comes after, thing. So here they go, causing chaos and killing peoples right left and upside down who doesn't have anything to do with anything,.. never-mind the whole 'what comes after thing' just for.. what? because the governments are pissed at each other for killing scores of people.. who honestly had nothing to do with anything in concern to those doing the killing? why? because its easier to target innocents, I suppose. how cowardly,.. in either field. We -all- have to live on this mudball of a planet.. liking it or not. We either learn to live next to eachother, or we all die. end of sentence. Yeah I have heard about the whole 'what comes after' thing too. Some violent people think that by killing their enemies, it'll make them oholymeoh in what comes after... because that's what their 'good' book' says will happen. Others claim that if you are good to people, you'll get to be a part of what comes after. yet others think it doesn't matter, since there is no what comes after. But these bad guys, it seems, also think that anyone who doesn't agree with the way they do, then they can be lied to, cheated and killed.. just cuz... and the more they do such horrid things to others, the bigger their ohholymeoh position in what comes after.
If indeed this is the way of it, it doesn't sound like a very good place to be ohholymeoh of, to me. Remember Yurtle the turtle, after all. He claimed to be king of all he could see. the ohholymeoh of a all thats surveyed,.. is still a turtle in a mud puddle. get over it. why not just go sit in a mudpuddle somewhere lonely to start with and we will all be better off without your pain-bringing and braying. its old song and dance by now and this folks need a whole different routine.
I really feel for those people who's lives were forcefully changed because of some lame idiots with guns thinking they are gunna be ohholymeoh, yesterday. I also feel sorrow for those same idiots who actually believe violence is going to bring them good things later, when all it's doing is showing their own lack of human-born common sense and giving the very people they work with a super bad reputation with the world at large... much like a child molester or worse.
Hang in there guys, it wasn't expected to be easy when it got underway. Don't get lost in all the braying about. You arn't alone in defense.
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