Hey there.. here we are.. back at it all again.. once more around the darkened loop, it seems.. in perpetual motion. once more hangin at the library on too-hard seats, on a faulty keyboard. -.- with no real relief in sight .. these days its more a battle with cussedness and just plain straight-up depression. working hard onthat whole shouganai thing.. complete with a good dollup of dmned ifn you do.. and dmned ifn you dont added for yet something else to fret about. once more i could have predicted it.. how disappointing. added to that.. as if it wasn't already too much.. a birdi wants to fly so badly it can be tasted... in desperation. and the frosting bit is.. apparently the powers that be want us out before they get back. I cant actually blame them. they have been beyond patient with us all. still.. plehhs
She was just a bit overdoing it, with her midnight suggestion that the bird-call give in and use got creds to get everyone moved out instead of flying away alone. sigh and yet, i'm actually frightened to be leaving half-cocked with no where to end up. and nothing to end up with. and asmuch as it'd befun to see sheep again... not sure I'd want to descend on him with all of 'this'.... so much uncertainty!!
on another note.. i successfully fussed out the issue with linguti locks and got myself restarted... naturally though, because im not
on my comfy desktop, I have to contend with this piece of. meep.. of a laptop so cannot seem to keep needed sentences straight without giving it a once more critical eye of appraisal before submitting..just to make sure i got all the right letters in place. no missing spaces .. no missing o's or i's or s's.ugh!!
-.- I do ..honestly.. wish i could just close my eyes and all this trouble would just.. go away.