My little laptop, the gimp that it is.. Has a strong dislike for the space-bar..and the letters n, o, g, and e. so if those are missing or omitted in this post, sorry now, on my laptop's behaf. if, on the other hand, its a letter replacement or booboo. Thats my sad typing skills.
ok, that having been said,...
Dunno if i said it before or not but.. theres a pause.. a slight relief from the glaring red eyeball of living with a moving roof and feeling lucky at that... its been cold out, a "no-duhh" is placed here in time for the holidays. Christmas came and went... and here comes the new year. wee. (sarcasm intended). Its a dad-by-day struggle... with no light at the end of the tunnel... because it can't be afforded... kind of like food, these days. getting scarcer by the week.Makes you really apreciate the little things. Dinno where I'm gunna be this evening...nevermind tommorrow. But enough about me.. Lol!
Not a whole lot else going on, really. My portal use is sketchy at best... but at least before christmas, i amused myself enportal, naturally, by throwing things into the cc chests in spawn. took the time,and exp use, to make sure a new person would find them useful. dunno that they went to anyone else or not but i guess thats how it goes. i probably just annoyed a few shopkeepers by giving them a bit less potential business. ..but then i too have been annoyed by a shopkeeper i trusted, underselling me, and not mentioning me when they could have as i have done them before. so.. i guess its a little passive-agressive of me...and likely its all on my side anyway.
in my everyday bid to staywanted and busy, I have once more taken to prompting the villagers in my new town project to, become a bit more productive... and davey jr is still refusing to choose a profession. I'm starting to think he should be donning the geen robes of the village idiot class...
but he wont take so much time for even that.I managed to rework the waterall, after the Disappearence of the farmer up there. made ita bit safer.. i think. Dunno though.. i did retrieve the new farmer from the cliffside the other day.... not sure just how he got on the ledge. I added a gate onto the overlook, and brought in the donkey.. who aparently had been waiting for me. patiently, i might add. Surprized me. I didnt have to go far at all. Well he's in a bit of safety now anyway. Ifhis friend, the horse is still out there, the next time i look, I'll bring him in as well.
I need to buildsome nice walls around the place they are better than the fences... but, im not real confident i can make them worthy... so i havent tried as yet.
I did try to remake a villager house but...its the usual boxy i stopped at the first floor.
my excuse is, im waiting for the end to the annoying undead minion that keeps showing up to command my attn. They are I'm told, leaving on the 2nd. Hope I'm still able to work on things then. Im tired of boxes really. I see such amazing places.. and I just cant get past the basic box. I think I'm getting bored of feeling alone, again. How does that guy do it? years and years of working on one thing.. for no real reason. no real gain. like... a disapearing cloud. no matter how hard you work atit, trying to make it a masterpiece.. its still.. is nothing but vapor. I dont get that. I really dont. and.. why cant i just Do stuff like i always have, why is it so different now? hmm...
feels a bit like i'm peering into that big can of worms again..
i had thoughts of maybe posting a text version, with screenies, of personal roleplay stories and lore type stuff... but yeah, no... its more of that same vapor feeling. who would read it? why would it even matter? hell, my old webpages got more attention. and that was back when skills in basic html put you a little closer to the 'worth looking at' tag,.. that doesnt seem to exist for me anymore. feeling my age, i suppose. lol :D
shades of self-worth...or self-confidence .... or the lack there of. it doesnt matter. i know this.and yet, i agonize over it all anyway.
Encountered a bit of an issue earler today.. someone had stated a rule of 'no personal info'. Now, I do actually agree on princible. not only should it be a good policy to practice, but it is especially so with underage folk. but while, i certainly know not to be sharing identfiable stuff, address, ph no, and such, i have not heard, nor seen at this place, such a particular details. so, it is with some surprise and with a fair bit of embarrissment to get called on one of those particulars. (shaekes head saddly) amazing. well, i am better informed from here on out, and as such, i have attepted to apologize for what was otherwise a simple guessing game in whch i was hardly alone.. but was the one 'caught'. I should have somehow known better. One thing could have easilly lead to another, I suppose. and its best I should not have engaged at all, even given my hesitation. perhaps the fellow reading the riot act was from purple. hehe perhaps its a good thing I have no real desire to join the portal's team of helpers. I am too much of a rogue for them, anyways.
Did I just lose you that last? sorry bout that. Tmi, rght? Lets just go on to other thngs.