Saturday, August 26, 2023

its another title...

Its another high stress kind of day for me. I blame the economy really. There was a time.. not too long ago, where a single income could keep you in everyday, if min, living. Today though, jobs are in scarce supply and even two/three incomes cant seem to keep you in living. Im a day away from landing on my nose in the gutter of nowhere. Seriously. And what have i of value to show for it? Ignoble self destruction of fading away with no one whod even care to read these words? Yeah, i know.. a little fatalistic of me. But in this moment.. the possibility of a light at the end of the tunnel... Even if its a train,.. is long gone..all i see now, is darkness... And i lack so much as a flashlight... Nevermind a working one.
I feel a forboding as well, about this place that i have found myself in. That, even in this patch of darkness.. theres nothing beyond it either.
Im begging for foregivness here.. just in case, eh? I feel chills and such regret and sadness. And yet.. id just go back to the norm if i can. Wierd huh? And i also realize that i am likely making little to no sense to you right now. I think thats ok atm. I also think thats suprising to me. Hi!! Well enough of the rl situation crying... Ahem..

In the latest portal saga.. while its still there... Meepsburg continues to slowly grow. Took down the parking garage at last, in favor of the growing area tucked in the corner of district 1. Made the patchwork tavern/inn at the end of the pier with stairs leading down into a large underwater viewing area. Theres a cargo boat with a single sail resting at dock now.. and plans for an underwater horse path to view the ruins and the coral bed located just off the fishing dock. The processor is still... Uhm.. not worked on but for the water to power the place.. which looked kinda cool in the darkness with the frame in its lighter color. Maybe could add a little terracotta brown to the processor build. Maybe sometime yet in the future. 
Sigh.. what a lousey day.. days.. week.. weeks..month...year..time.... As the worm turns..

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