Friday, July 12, 2024

continuing drama

      Same sort of situation in a different spot. At least the wrapping looks a little different. Starting all over again still smarts.. and even the new portals are making me think again, if its worth the look-see.
I read a short story the other day. It started out simple and grey and before i realized it, it got all mud-bogged. It wasnt a very good story really.  It was about two best friends and a third, who they both thought was such a good friend at first, who sowed seeds of hate between them. And who ended up blackmailing and defrauding them both while they blamed eachother for the problem and the loss. In the end, with thier very lives at stake, only then, that they realize the truth of it all.
Its was bad at the start and only seemed to get worse and worse as the story went on. You can just imagine the ending before it did.

Adressing a concern.. Dude! You were doing so well!  But the %'s  were a terrible tell. How disapointing you are.. such high hopes too. Now i hear you saying this is the right path, but im not the only one able to tell its not what wed agreed upon. What happened to you? You sound like them now. You give thier talking points the highest numbers when you know thats not what you said when you got the job. You just..changed your mind...viewing that as more important than anything you promised.. without even talking it over first?!! What kind of 'stick to yer guns,' is that? In with a deturmened roar and out with a cluck. You cant even claim now to be doing better than the guy you replaced...because you are sounding as bad as him right now. Maybe worse. Because you arnt even pretending to hold the line.. you folded like a weak cardboard chair. And to think, i was still of the mind to support your struggle with comprimise until i saw your idea of  percentages asked for. Thats pretty low. I can see why peoples are pretty upset with you now.
*Humphs and steps off the soapbox, kicking spilled kittylitter everywhere as she does so*

Also got a call from someone i rather value.. i didnt catch the call and.. they should call back. Altho a part of me doesnt want to hear what its about. The only real reason, i can think of, that this person would reach out to me, like this, is if the news is bad.

 I fell on my butt, financially, about a year or so ago, and am only just now back up to a low crawl. Cant aford to stop everything to go deal with bad news right now. I'll drown!

Aahem... Other news is.... Yeah.. a new spot... New wrapping. Trying to not burn out the portal. Keeping busy has gotten ...dull, tho.
I found an old portal and reconnected with it from a new spot. I have seen a few neigbors that were not there before.. not sure if they are active tho. I have raised a few walls, added a little farm and cleared a few trees. I even added a few tree tops to the hilltops and a couple sheep to make noise so it doesnt seem so lonely. Not sure what else to do really. Just... Keep going, i guess.
Its at times like this, that i hear the sirens most clearly. Should run from sirens, right? Ive ever been the sort of person who detests being where she isnt wanted anyway. Where to go though? I mean really. Its down to the pickle and the dead fish.
You ever get the 'waiting in a holding pattern' .. feeling?  I seem to feel that most of the time these days. Im growing ssoo tired of waiting...