Tuesday, August 27, 2024

another day of summer heat.

Feeling a tiny bit sorry for myself today..i just spent several days alone and the moment i have to excercize my voice (to talk) with someone in the  room with me, i get the oh gawd, roll-eyed, long suffering look, complete with sigh.. And they headed off again, saying little to me. And im back to being alone again. I guess i dont have anything of any worth to say. Either that or somebody is being a crappy friend.  Maybe both. My eyes hurt as well.. which hasnt improved my mood. Happy day indeed.

Friday, July 12, 2024

continuing drama

      Same sort of situation in a different spot. At least the wrapping looks a little different. Starting all over again still smarts.. and even the new portals are making me think again, if its worth the look-see.
I read a short story the other day. It started out simple and grey and before i realized it, it got all mud-bogged. It wasnt a very good story really.  It was about two best friends and a third, who they both thought was such a good friend at first, who sowed seeds of hate between them. And who ended up blackmailing and defrauding them both while they blamed eachother for the problem and the loss. In the end, with thier very lives at stake, only then, that they realize the truth of it all.
Its was bad at the start and only seemed to get worse and worse as the story went on. You can just imagine the ending before it did.

Adressing a concern.. Dude! You were doing so well!  But the %'s  were a terrible tell. How disapointing you are.. such high hopes too. Now i hear you saying this is the right path, but im not the only one able to tell its not what wed agreed upon. What happened to you? You sound like them now. You give thier talking points the highest numbers when you know thats not what you said when you got the job. You just..changed your mind...viewing that as more important than anything you promised.. without even talking it over first?!! What kind of 'stick to yer guns,' is that? In with a deturmened roar and out with a cluck. You cant even claim now to be doing better than the guy you replaced...because you are sounding as bad as him right now. Maybe worse. Because you arnt even pretending to hold the line.. you folded like a weak cardboard chair. And to think, i was still of the mind to support your struggle with comprimise until i saw your idea of  percentages asked for. Thats pretty low. I can see why peoples are pretty upset with you now.
*Humphs and steps off the soapbox, kicking spilled kittylitter everywhere as she does so*

Also got a call from someone i rather value.. i didnt catch the call and.. they should call back. Altho a part of me doesnt want to hear what its about. The only real reason, i can think of, that this person would reach out to me, like this, is if the news is bad.

 I fell on my butt, financially, about a year or so ago, and am only just now back up to a low crawl. Cant aford to stop everything to go deal with bad news right now. I'll drown!

Aahem... Other news is.... Yeah.. a new spot... New wrapping. Trying to not burn out the portal. Keeping busy has gotten ...dull, tho.
I found an old portal and reconnected with it from a new spot. I have seen a few neigbors that were not there before.. not sure if they are active tho. I have raised a few walls, added a little farm and cleared a few trees. I even added a few tree tops to the hilltops and a couple sheep to make noise so it doesnt seem so lonely. Not sure what else to do really. Just... Keep going, i guess.
Its at times like this, that i hear the sirens most clearly. Should run from sirens, right? Ive ever been the sort of person who detests being where she isnt wanted anyway. Where to go though? I mean really. Its down to the pickle and the dead fish.
You ever get the 'waiting in a holding pattern' .. feeling?  I seem to feel that most of the time these days. Im growing ssoo tired of waiting...

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Merry and Chris the Mouse

 Happy happy Tiz the season! ... This year is pretty much a day like any other, to me anyway. Somehow that seems to be the way it goes in recent years.  

well.. maybe it was just getting underway. 

maybe i should hide before thing -really- get going.

christmas was basic but really nice, in a lowkey kind of way.

New years was a dashing disaster zone. sure hope thats not indicative of the whole year to come.

never the less.. Ive the mood (likely in spite of my annoying keyboard) to write. I came across a rp posting-board that reminded me of forgottenworld times...and a small village with some strange and yet comfy? townfolk. so guess i could just start anywhere really. mght need to consider where to put it though... hmm

Sunday, November 26, 2023

A question in thought

 Scanning the news earlier, someone had asked. Name something you are tired of. It didnt take much time at all to come up with several answers to that one. jumping to immedant thought was,how tired of this laptop skipping letters, n spite of my best efforts to be clear as to which letters i am pressing... i still have to go back over every other sentence with a corrective eye. so, beyond the usual typos, im sayng a quick frustrated sorry for all the missing ''i"s and spaces.

ahem..'m tired of all the struggle for day to day living going on. especially at the low level i am on. Soo many people are struggling for smple necessities, like a loaf of bread or  a living day to day wage. there are no real jobs for the unsklled that pays enough to even support the day to day. ts not a wonder there are whole cities of homeless.especially those with an actual tent. seriously. and those cities are growng every day, more and more people are filng in, having no other where to go, starving, and destitute. and to think, ts not just where i am, but all over the world. what brought us to this..new low in the burden of existence? I'll bet you can make a pretty good guess. how are we to fix it, I wonder. Its enough to make a person very paranoid me-thinks.


In other thoughts. new game to talk about. Sun Harvest. its a farming game only..a whole lot more. ts often compared to a great game called Stardew Valley.and i can certainly see why. it has, soo many skills/professions.. like exploring, mining, crafting, combat, tailoring,cooking, questing, carpentry, a moving and engaging storyline as well as farming. if you likr farming games,check out the Sun Harvest gameplay on youtube sometime. its well worth the effort to look.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

In Comment? no comment -.-

 Had a conversation the other day that got me thinking. It was a conversation about the new leader in chief.. of the 'free' world. I was told the person was an a-whole.. and the worstest in the business. I simply couldn't agree. The reason was not because of the name-calling.The fellow probably IS an a-whole... certainly I don't think he would make a good friend. but... because being a leader n chief has little to do with a personality, and everything to do with his ability to lead.. His polices are what makes the job.and if nothing else, he has proven that his policies work well for everyone he leads. he has put a check on all who have and would take advantage of us. he has shown the world strength and a united solidarity and independence that might have made past leaders pleased of the accomplishments. many others looked up to us.

In comparison, his opposite may just be the nicest sounding guy on the planet, but his policies have proven, hes no-one's hero. His policies have led us into a horrible spot on the world stage.He has drained our resources nearly dry and has given nearly all of our hard earned assets away. and when he couldn't get all of us to agree with him, he encouraged new peoples to come.. friends, enemies, legitimate and not. We didnt know any of them,they overran the border,and when we complained that there were terrorists and cartels, rape, and trafficking, and deadly drugs, he ignored us and further put the screws on, by going all soft on wrongdoers, and letting them out to roam the streets. His policies and spending, started the rise to the economy.. making good jobs that would support peoples living, harder to find by making everything more expensive to get while still keeping stiff competition with all the newcomers. many people have lost much if not all, and have been driven to destitution and desperation by these policies.

and this person sits there and tells me the a-whole is the worst? I'm sorry. i think not.When it comes down the the core of the issue I'd rather an a-whole with good solid policies that work for the benefit of those he leads, than a nice guy with beyond crappy policies that don't work and knowing he couldn't benefit the people he's leading if they were all standing right dab in front of him dressed in rags and pleading. 

Just look at him people!

The bloody emperor has no clothes!!.

why is it, when friends figure out you didnt follow thier own viewpoint about something, they suddenly no longer wish to really talk with you?i mean, other thanthat one thought, you get along fine. and  this one thing only being a talking point and not something earth shattering. I just think friendship is more important than this. am i the only one who thinks so?  change my mind.

Edit 2 .... Ok.. should i learn to no longer open my mouth when im trying to be light in a dark space with a friend?

Think i just got blocked for a well and fun-intentioned ribbing mid conversation.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Laughing at ones-self and Drago Noka

One step at a time, right? baby steps. 

Ok thankfully you don't have to read through each of the gimps (laptop) crazy word/sentence smashes before I then go back and iron out again. Having nothing else for it, A fair bit was done in the online Minecraft World I have found myself stuck in of late. 

 I have been working rather diligently on a village I have dubbed Meepsburg. The village originally had 2, just two, villagers, with about maybe 4 buildings when it was first come across. A tiny little fishing spot situated between three biomes, with a huge rift right through the middle of the space. Farmers attempting to use the farm plot where falling into the rift.. which was a crack n the lands surface created by a nearby volcano who had, some years before the village, settled into pumping a constant and consistent flow of lava into the underground caverns. 

The first thing on the agenda therefor, was to somehow make the hill safe to travel on. Once fences were up and the remaining villagers, were prevented from joining prev neighbors at the bottom of the narrow cliffs and into the vast underground network of caverns, work was started on development. Houses were erected, A small smithy was created, a safe crop farm was put in place and a storage room was shoveled out of the hill. 

Over time, the village grew and became a town. It developed a bit of an import/export business on one side.. 

District 1 brought forth an abundance of food and wood created in the rich soil. on the other side, 

District 2, known area-wide for its desert market, and offering bounties of its rich underground minerals mining trade. 

The main village and hub of the now bustling town had developed its paper trade and a port, where most of the seafaring traders docked. At the end of the refurbished dock, was an eclectic inn and tavern, situated near the lighthouse..A hot spot for sailors and merchants to relax away the evening hours. Near the storage room, is a tall building, occupying the rift area, which houses the alchemists, cartographer, and potions/brewing room (serving both the inn and the market). This effectively replaced the town's previous all-things-magical witch's tower of previous times, located on the hill. Its a serious wonder the dilapidated building is still standing having outlived its owner long ago. 


There has also been discovered a new old offline portal to a place called Drago Noka. Its a splendid little builder with what has to be the most confusing set of directions and how-tos(there are few to no how-tos or help for this one) on.. just about all of it but the theme story... living on the back of a turtle dragon. I am going to have to show you the notes I have gathered at some point, on this one, as it is a terrific little building game, and worth the effort, i think, to make a basic tips and useful help page for the entirely lost, like i have been..😆

Drago Noka 

If you are trying to play the game and are lost, Hope these tips help as there isn't a whole lot of information out there and there doesn't seem to be at all in the game. I have heard that Switch is really the platform to play this game effectively on.

ok.. finding things out as i go along. 

There is no Mouse support so I have to use the keyboard.This is my setup.I will use these keys to explain how to find and do things in the game. 

C on the keyboard is set to "confirm". this key lets you talk to the villagers. C will open a chest/box and will also move -one item- in a stack into or out of the chest 

X key is "sub" it will 'use' your tools..(which are on numbers 1-9 +0.) also X will, when looking in a box, move -all- of a stack into or out of the chest inventory. X and arrow keys together will roll/drag ore. 

Z will 'Cancel' and it will open 'options' menu. giving you (along with use of the arrow keys) access to your notebook saves, tools, building, management, housing etc. menues. Z will also list villagers and Mimimi's general tasks/request lists. 

Q and E will cycle through your hotbar of tools. 

 Arrow keys are used for walking direction and choosing something on the game's options wheels. 


The drill is hard to figure out. Set it up outside, wait for the -full- count downto end. then remove drill and add stairs. (from the build menu) Going Further down? cant use the drill, need to find a hole..somewhere near to a glowing mushroom maybe? 

 Moving ore. click and hold 'confirm" C and a direction arrow, while standing next to the ore,(your attention box on the ore.) You can then either push it forward in front of you, or 'carry' it to the side, or back. Push it to the stairs where it will then bounce into your inventory. 

Also, try to remember, with most workbenches, there are two menus. If your wanted inventory item is missing from the one list, tap the 'Sub'/special X key to hopefully see the other. 

 Mostly don't fret about Grant (there is no time limit).. just don't forget the dragon-turtle. He needs food for growing and strength. the more processed it is, the better it is. His likes and dislikes change. so keep an eye on that. His nearness to other dragons and giants causes 'weather' to happen, in the form of rain, rocks, clay, and trees. special plants will sometimes appear... and bugs or 'pests' show up, like butterflies. If you see them, 'strike at' or 'catch' them, then use them with the mortar n pestle to refine them into element powder. 

Need a nearby pool of water to refill crop waterer. Put your attention box over water (with the waterer in hand) and 'confirm' to fill. 

To get refined Iron you must have built a blast furnace.(use the 'build' and special menus located with the 'cancel' Z button. same place that you have walls, roof, and flooring listed) 

Be sure to leave a free space or two in your chests.. as over time, free items are dropped off in them. 

 Healing potions take a mortar and pestle 'workbench'(to powder) as well as a test tube set (to liquefy) Needs be of the same rarity. 

Wood or cotton wool powder etc for lvl 1 sickness 

mushroom powder for level 1-2 

glow mushroom powder for up to 5. 

Dont forget to toggle normal/specialty ('sub' X key if needed. 



Saturday, August 26, 2023

its another title...

Its another high stress kind of day for me. I blame the economy really. There was a time.. not too long ago, where a single income could keep you in everyday, if min, living. Today though, jobs are in scarce supply and even two/three incomes cant seem to keep you in living. Im a day away from landing on my nose in the gutter of nowhere. Seriously. And what have i of value to show for it? Ignoble self destruction of fading away with no one whod even care to read these words? Yeah, i know.. a little fatalistic of me. But in this moment.. the possibility of a light at the end of the tunnel... Even if its a train,.. is long gone..all i see now, is darkness... And i lack so much as a flashlight... Nevermind a working one.
I feel a forboding as well, about this place that i have found myself in. That, even in this patch of darkness.. theres nothing beyond it either.
Im begging for foregivness here.. just in case, eh? I feel chills and such regret and sadness. And yet.. id just go back to the norm if i can. Wierd huh? And i also realize that i am likely making little to no sense to you right now. I think thats ok atm. I also think thats suprising to me. Hi!! Well enough of the rl situation crying... Ahem..

In the latest portal saga.. while its still there... Meepsburg continues to slowly grow. Took down the parking garage at last, in favor of the growing area tucked in the corner of district 1. Made the patchwork tavern/inn at the end of the pier with stairs leading down into a large underwater viewing area. Theres a cargo boat with a single sail resting at dock now.. and plans for an underwater horse path to view the ruins and the coral bed located just off the fishing dock. The processor is still... Uhm.. not worked on but for the water to power the place.. which looked kinda cool in the darkness with the frame in its lighter color. Maybe could add a little terracotta brown to the processor build. Maybe sometime yet in the future. 
Sigh.. what a lousey day.. days.. week.. weeks..month...year..time.... As the worm turns..