Friday, November 15, 2024

another day, another space.

Think im finally getting kinda used to it. Its not the best side of life in the no-zone..its not even close to it, but its amazing what one will put up with really, just to continue standing upright. Even as i still kind of empathize with the so sad dude in the tent. What a huge pile of dead lemons... not even worthy of lemonade. And yet.. the portal is still there. I can still make out its promise by its electric purple glow and swirl. Just seems really lonely atm and i dont want to take it. Last moment jitters before the plunge into icy waters, i suppose. So i keep on keeping on..hoping for something a little better. Heres to tomorrows hope!
Today, darks and i descovered,that someone has land-grabbed our village at blue portal. I first questioned chat as to the rules related just how far away from another claim one needs to be. They insisted one block. So i flipped by orange to speak with loopy.. but she was leaving and sent another, Zy, to do the job in her place. Zy suggested we send the interloper a msg and ask them to vacate. Zy said if they refuse well just have to expand in one of the other directions. (Since they are within 100 blocks.. and was on earlier that day.)  We sit at the edge of a plains biome, facing a whole lot of ice spikes. I was diapointed to hear that, about having to expand into the ice again.. (I think i was also having a rather cruddy day) having run head-first into my expectations, i pretty much packed up on blue, rather like i felt like doing on green portal. It wasent the day to be in the portals at all, i suppose. I was at low energy as it was and i was straining to maintain my neutrality. So i left blue then..darks was giving me a "who cares" aditude..which prolly should have been my m.o. as well but, damn it all! I did care! I was pissy!. So i moved over to green to sulk a bit and what to my wondering eyes should apear but a huge ugly wall just beyond my claim. Fog claimed his reason was he had found a trials chamber, and did some mining. I had the thought that i should just delete claim and go find another spot. But..instead, i went to mangrove base and added to the claim there. Darks and i were on different sides about that spot. She left it before i did. And confessed she wasnt going to stay next to the wall...maybe visit once in awhile but not stay. So atm.. im thinking of unattaching claim to both blue and green portals. Sigh.. i dunno.. guess ill just let go of the village the clear most of my sweet house in the snow and let it sit awhile.

Have to give the mangrove another look. Maybe clear it out a bit.. prepare it to be abandoned.

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