I had been trying to get hold of one of my best friends of late.. she also caught this whateveritis... and has been on only once in nearly a week now. Hope she's feeling better quickly!
Another good friend of mine just had his b-day and was going off on holiday for a week. the down-under is going through the height of their summer months now, so he should be having a blast, so long as he stays out of the heat. lol! (It's still difficult for me to think of Santa riding into town on a surfboard.)O.O
Yet another friend is having issues with his computer. So my contact with him has been scattered at best. Wish things would work out for him. I have missed seeing him on line.
What else can I chatter about? hmm.. oh.. to those who care,...yes yes, I have kept my promise and not mentioned personal particulars. No kill I!
Its still amazing to me that so many people put -so much- value on certain physical things. So long as there is common ground.. and it stays in its proper place. Such things should not be a big deal between good friends...even across the internet. I have had some great friends on the internet all different ages, shapes, sizes and situations.
Here are a few of them...
Boo, who claimed to live near a great sea in the east.. and was just learning to type in English.
JP, a young man who's country had just changed course and he had no real concept of 'college' as we do.
Dino, from the northeast.. who went through a terrific Rl upheaval and let it cost him all of his dear friends.
Barak, one of the friends he lost... who lost me as well.
Harle, a traveler from a very busy place who dreamed of being a champion for the weak.
Arthur, from the south of south, who cried out for attention, got it, and didn't appreciate what he had.
Topher, a sweetheart who knew it..and finally found his match? at least I sure hope so!
Prez and Adder, the best of friends! Where did you go? *cry*
RW, an English teacher, traveling the world before the idea of 'retirement' could catch up to him.
Millie and family, living way up north in the wild country...and doing well, last I heard.
The chained angel, in a life of misery, finally gave a farewell performance... in silence.
Juzza, who agreed that a skunk in the mail would not please the post office.. at all. XD
The werewolf, who I made instantaneous pals with, rather in spite of the lingo fence between us.
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