This might be a typical school comedy/romance kind of thing, yet I really enjoyed how each of the characters got to share some of the spotlight in each of the episodes. Somehow seems rather rare to see. Poor rebel Harima, has fallen for a for a girl in school and he simply cannot bring himself to confess. It doesn't help that, not only is she as dense as he is, but she has a crush on someone else.
Kenji Harima(without shades) in School Rumble
For a 2 episode series, this one had wonderful potential, Even if it -was- a "magical girl" kind of thing. Too bad it was soo short! The magical kingdom in the sky is in trouble and King Munto heads off after a possible source of power to help make everything right again. The source though, is in the mortal dimension.. the land of humans, and is in possession of an innocent girl there.
Munto and Yumemi of Munto
I My Me! Strawberry Eggs
I thought this short anime to be rather romantically sad and light-hearted also. It's a tale about a young man who, in desperate need for a job, cross-dresses as a woman to gain employment in a middle school as a gym teacher.
Hibiki-Sensei in I My Me! Strawberry Eggs
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
Its a magical shinto-style tale about two young children having to face the pivot of growing up. Especially after they find themselves on a magical journey through time and mind in the effort to find where they started. (be aware that there may be some cartoonish nudity seen in this short series, own discretion sort of thing.)
Sashi from Magical Shopping Arcade.
Gensomaden Saiyuki (Monkey)
A story based on a legendary Chinese tale, with updates for the times? Its about a monk who travels with a crew of three (plus one small jeep transforming dragon) toward the west in efforts to stop the resurrection of a demon lord. They are unlikely companions, often getting into disputes with one another, and yet fight on the same side in defense of each-other as need warrants. This all of course, doesn't really explain much of the central plot which is fairly complicated. I do wish there was more of this one.
Cho Hakkai and Hakuryuu of Saiyuki
OMG! I almost died in laughter when I heard the version of Babe by Styx, it's like chimpmuncks!!! XD Was that intentional cause If it was lol.
chipmunks? *looks dazedly lost* yeah, your right in that that would be funny but.. urm. no? you musta got a wierd version of it or something. sounds normal to me.
You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it
umm.. *glances at titles... isnt quite sure how to take this.* thanks, I think. ^.^;
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