I tried to just this in a neomail but it just wouldn't fit.. soo... I had to put it here. Hope you don't mind too much.
ok, this concerns the character, Tsunade, you chose to play... she has a bit of a history with one+ of my characters. I thought you might be interested as to what has gone on before so you aren't bowled over should something come up concerning it.
--- about Mai ---
Tsunade was, at one time, Mai's sensei.. teaching her the healing arts. of course, at that time, Mai was better known as Rin. She was very much a "sakura shy" in those days but unusually talented with healing. (Rin didn't develop the codename "mai" until after she joined ANBU.) Tsunade knows that Mai was a member of Root before coming under Tsunade's tutelage.. and even though she was mustered out of Root, she is still considered under the thumb of Danzo, and thereby a possible risk. (Danzo's intensive training made her a bit emotionally chaotic and she would serve Danzo's direct orders even though he is no longer considered her commander.)
Tsunade and Mai get along a bit like cat and dog, perhaps because in some ways, they are quite a bit alike. Tsunade considers Mai to be a loose cannon, ready to go off without warning. so whenever Mai has been in town, the 5th Hokage has insisted that she be carefully monitored 24/7 by the only two people who have ever been able to keep her under some control.. those of her teammates, Kakashi and Yamoto. (Yamoto, proper name, Tenzo, replaced Obito in the team after Obito died and all three went into ANBU together.)
Now, whenever Danzo has suggested Mai for a mission, (who's specialty is deep undercover espionage/assassination) Tsunade has agreed... perhaps because it was info that was needed, and perhaps because it took Mai far away from the village for an extended time. (one of the earlier times, Mai was gone for about 3 years, playing the part of a geisha in an efort to get close to an engineer who had helped to develop the Akatsuki cave complex. ...unfortunatly, when the man thought her more of a oiran, she killed him and fled back to Konoha.)
This last time, She was sent into lightning country to determine just why the cloud were willing to go to open warfare with the fire country over one small girl, Kita. (A whole other story) this was for the time skip. (2 1/2 years ago) (we have also played Tsunade as ever-so-slightly jealous of Mai's relationship with Kakashi, naturally, this is up to you if you want to continue this or not.)
A few months ago now, there was a rumor of a huge storm over the cloud village's area and they lost contact with Mai. Tsunade thought her possibly dead.. but hesitated to say so when Kakashi confronted her about calling Mai home.
When Jiriaya returned with Kita from walk-about (yet another tale), He mentioned that they had seen a woman looking much like Mai in rice country. Kakashi quickly headed off to make sure for himself. (this is where we are at the present, with Kakashi, Mai, Kita, and Jiraiya returning to Konoha.)
--- About Kita ---
Jiraiya met a wandering Kita and offered to teach her ninja arts... then he got into a freak accident involving a mad scientist in a cave, a bottle of mystery liquid, and a huge prismatic dragon.. which turned him into a teen. He then fell head-over-heels for Kita and spoke of marrying her when they turned of age (they were about 15 years at that time...jiraiya having randomly given them both that age.), just before taking off on a cross-country trip with her for the time-skip.
Kita spent has been taught under Tsunade as well. Kita has an affinity for healing. (Her special ability to copy jutsu's comes in handy, but when it comes to actual knowledge, she struggles along like everyone else.. so she has been a near permanent presence in the hospital lab.)
Also... When Kita first came to town may have been nothing out of the ordinary as first, but things quickly became more of an issue. Konoha ninja had several tangles with the cloud ninja.. then along came a Monk sort calling himself Mogan, who kidnapped both Mai and Kita. A quickly formed group of Konoha ninja lit out to retrieve them, but the attacks continued... especially concerning this young girl and that of Kakashi who had somehow gained Mogan's attention.
Then both Mai and Kakashi encountered the monk just outside the Konoha walls. they reported that he had said that if the cloud was not able to secure the girl, bounty hunters would be likely sent in, and they might consider war.
Tsunade quickly put Kita under village arrest and under Jiraiya's watchful eye. then sent out several teams to ascertain if there was a war party of cloud in the foothills or not. mai, yamoto and kakashi were one of the teams. instead of locating a gathering force of cloud ninja, they came upon the lone monk who laughed at their plight.
Tsunade relaxed a bit after a time, but Mogan was on the Anbu and village militia's watch-for list.
Just before the time-skip, Jiraiya took Kita with him on a walking tour. apparently, Mogan trailed after them, because when they returned, the monk was in their party, along with another newcomer to the village, Arianna. Jiraiya, as it turned out, used quite a bit of the village's coffered yen, to outbid the cloud for the monk's services! (Tsunade considered killing Jiraiya for this, even though it was very much like Jiraiya to have done so.)
--- About Mogan ---
The monk, Mogan, though did not enter the village, until invited by Jiraiya within hearing of Tsunade.. during which he also agreed to speak with her concerning his involvement with the cloud. Tsunade had three quite aggravating days with the monk, before releasing him into the village.. under watch. (He was hired by the cloud 'self-proclaimed' emperor/Raikage to seek out and retrieve a small child, alive and unharmed, to the capital, and was paid extremely well to succeed.
(Mogan, as it happens, is from outside the 'ninja lands' in an unknown area, but he refused to speak of his homeland.) Mogan was fascinated by stories he'd heard of the legendary "White Fang" and took Kakashi to be his only surviving son..which he is. So in his efforts to stay longer in the ninja lands to better learn more about the famed legend's son, he sort of waffled in Kita's capture. (He had her once, but allowed the group to free her when they got to the foothills bordering the lighting country.)
The Raikage called the girl a traitor and a thief, claiming she was a cloud ninja who had stolen their secrets and was listed in their bingo book. (this in spite of the fact that Jiraiya could not detect a single bit of previous ninja training in her when he first became her sensei.. she couldn't even walk across the water, or up a tree.) Kita claims they lie. She said she had no home before coming to Konoha.
Since beginning this fascinating task, of which Mogan claims not a single wit of regret, He has been witness to many amazing things. He has seen a man sheer off someone's whole arm just by looking at them. He has seen giants toads and dragons in battle and gotten to meet two living legends in their own right.
After speaking with Tsunade, he stayed in town approximately two weeks, using Jiraiya's place for sleeping, and checking out the sights around town, then he, along with a local herb merchant, left town together. Mogan has not been seen since.
Just recently, the herb merchant returned to town with a wagon full of things, which he took to his shop. (caught up to present rp)