Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Papas Day!

I gotta tell ya.. There are times, like this one, where I really kinda miss my pa. I recall some of our adventures.. spun back in time.. panning for gold in a desert creek... chasing the wild and rolling sagebrush across the sandy floor. trying in vain to locate the end of a yucca's tap-root... gingerly sitting on fishhook cactis to sip suntea, relaxing in the gathering sunset... of clambering over rough rock with hand picks and a ready excuse of "rock hounding" to say why we had just spent half the day climbing that hill... only to have to quickly make our way back down before it got too dark to see by... Of getting lost.. telling tales of ghost towns and mirages to stay awake by as we meandered our way back to the beaten path once more.. and of taking the "tourist" route, a million pictures, horseback humor, of laughter and chuckles. He had his moments... magical times indeed. and made for some rather sweet memories. I do hope my dad received his fondest wish at the end of that long pathway he rambled on... A lost love reunited! :)

I know I know, maybe Its a tad belated.. but Happy Father's Day to all you Dads out there! (and ohh! the Dads-to-be as well!) The good memories are -always- worth the time and effort.. especially for your children.

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