Wednesday, March 25, 2009

thought provoking

"The way I look at it too is; I live my whole life for God and enjoy a relatively good life and I die, and say I was wrong...........what did I have to lose? Now say I live the same lifestyle I die and I'm right..................The choice is yours my friend"

by a randomly found forum poster.


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I can't say I agree with this, you do lose something if you're wrong. The reason for your past life I guess. Well, I personally just don't believe in god, for me there has never been any physical evidence of god, I'm sure most people find it in their bible or church or what ever, but I feel no connection to god, and I think it's something people created as a need for something higher, it's like fear of the unknown so they create an all powerful being to explain it all. Honestly speaking if I had never been brought up with a certain religion I wouldn't believe in god, and I think that influence of parents and religious figures are what programs people to believe in god, or at least many people, others I suppose have their own take on it. That's just my perspective though, I respect everyone's religious views, I only wish more people would respect mine. =D I guess you could say I choose not to live for god because I don't believe in it, or even the consequences.

btw: I tagged you, hahahahaha... You must complete the tag. XD

SunnyElfie said...

rebuttal time.

If you lived a happy life.. and your wrong.. you lose nothing. you had a good life.. if nothing follows then there would be no regret.. no loss.. no nothing.

and while I do agree that there is a certain amount of 'programming' via upbringing.. the option is still up to the individual, proven by your words vs the thoughts of the forum poster.

As for physical evidence of a higher source.. It's mostly, I believe, a matter of perception.
You walk past a tree on your way to anywhere a million times.. and never once note the birds nesting in it. why is that? because you are used to it.. used to seeing that tree one way.. and that is what you see everyday as you walk past it.

Did you know that tree has a symbiotic relationship with people? We breathe in what that tree gives out... that tree uses what we breathe out to make more. Without the trees, where do you think we would be? How did this complex relationship come about? you think that's random?

Alright, how about the birds? you ever stop to think about a birds short life? and all the things those little creatures accomplish for their future generations? Random chance?

What about the ant brigade climbing the tree trunk? have you ever given thought to the vast complexity of an ants life? from before the time they are given life, they are put into a caste system and each one serves a special purpose. There are queen ants and consort ants, nursery ants, cleaning ants, harvesting ants, soldier ants ... and this is all within a single ant hole! How did such complicated creatures come about? more randomness?

Me now, I can perhaps believe a single random life.. a cosmic surprise of 'hey look at that!', if you will. I might believe it of 2...3 or even 5 random things.. but when you add in the whole of this world, this solar system,.. this universe.. I begin to wonder... maybe there's 'evidence' of something more all around us and we just haven't had the correct perception to see it all.
How can -anyone- in this life be completely sure?

Rinku said...

For me the explanation is not god, but rather science. There is a logical scientific explanation to everything that goes in the world, many argue that there can't be science without god, but really that's a matter of opinion. Science is the study of the universe and everything in it, essentially how things work. You can either attribute those things to philosophy or to science. Logic and science make a lot more sense to me because there's proof. I can't see proof of god in my daily life which is why I can't believe in it. Who knows if I'm wrong I don't even care if there is such a thing as hell, (which I completely doubt) I know for sure I've picked up my one-way-ticket already. Honestly though, the day I believe in god is the day I have proof.