Saturday, March 27, 2010

More on the drama life

It seems Kt did get the idea.. of sorts, but 'couldn't help himself' in understanding just what the glaring 'Hands-off' sign was trying to convey and he frightened me off. Then, as a bonus... he got a threatening note from mr K. I guess that's the end of that friendship. Maybe just as well. I may not be easily frightened by such idiotsy, but that guy creeped me out in a major way.

It was really nice to hear mr K say that although he knew he couldn't tell me who to or not to speak with, he would protect me. I took that as a reflection on the past issues I had with mr Tf.. who couldn't seem to figure out just why I would want to be friends with someone he didn't get along with. And for that, I was rather flattered.

Speaking of mr Tf... He as done a lot of tacking of late. first going this way, then that in the general breeze of our friendship. and to think, I was just starting to get a bit more comfortable in the way things are too. One moment he's all happy and sweet ripples.. and the next he snaps as sharp as an accusing ice flow... then, while I'm still swamped from that... over the last several days of silence... he goes on to being the overboard confessing kind. I'm starting to feel rather water-logged from all the choppy surf here.

I have been feeling rather restless, bored and depressed of late.. not sure just why that is. I do hope I can shake it off soon. Maybe it's the 'sidewalk-stomping' woes.

Listening to:
Reading: not much atm
Current Show: Star Trek tng/Enterprise
Feeling: blehhish
Internet Tabs: facebook, youtube
Obsessing Over: how low I feel, I guess
Current Rant: nothing in particular


Happy Easter!

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