There is this story about these hard-working fishers.. who got up very early every morning to work hard at their nets and provide for their family.. living day by day like this for.. generations.
One day, along comes this.. wandering prophet... who tells them to get up, leave everything behind and wander away with him... to become like.. his outreach. which they did do.
On another day, the group sat on a hill, hungry.. and the prophet asked if there was any food to be had. Strangely, there was.. a little. certainly not enough for the whole group. But somehow, it stretched out, filled them all up, and there were even leftovers.
That must have taken a lot of faith, for the fishers to do something like that. To just up, and leave everything they had worked so hard for. Trusting in some unseen unknown to provide for them? ..or simply choosing not to worry about it, perhaps.
And what about the one who offered up his meager lunch for the group? What could he/she have been thinking? "well, I don't actually need this food... just because its the day and age where you have to work really hard for whatever scraps you can manage to get hold of"? or maybe.. "Here I am, being soo giving up what is likely to be my only meal for the day, if not for the next several days, to these guys.... and what will I get in return, huh? you think they are going to pay me?"
and even after.. when he got the leftovers back... was he thankful and surprised? was he maybe a little bitter that all his nice food had been handled by a whole group of dirty smelly guys?
How many people in today's world, would even consider doing such things?
Take Me to Tomorrowby John Denver
Hey everybody, tell me how do you feel? Are you satisfied with your life, do you think it's real?
Tell me.. how is your head, what are your dreams?
Do you have any plans, do you have any schemes?
Do you care about, about anybody? I'd like to know, is the answer "no"?
Hey everybody, tell me, what's on your mind?
Do you think there's nowhere else to go, that there's nothing left to find?
Are you happy where you are, do you have anything to share?
Do you think you're gonna waste your life.. spending it there?
Would you like to find a way out, do you think it's worth a try?
I'd like to know, is the answer "no"? Well maybe so....
Comeon..Take me to tomorrow, take me there today, I've had my fill of sorrow and living this way.
Take me to tomorrow, that's where I'd like to be, the day after tomorrow is waiting for me.
Listening to: A rattling fan
Current Show: Leverage, Psych, warehouse 13, and Haven
Feeling: ehh kinda crappy atm
Internet Tabs: Mabi, Facebook(somewhat)
Obsessing Over: inexplicable things
Current Rant: injustice and lack of understanding