I fixed the autoplay on the music box thingie to the right of this posting... at last! so now it doesn't automatically play when the page is loaded. yes the music is good, yes its wonderful to hear.. but.. sometimes, I'd rather hear the video's and/or the mp3s I have added to a post instead... and while I could just turn the music box off, it's an extra step I'd rather not have to take... I'm lazy, face it.
Also, got good advice from a friend and picked up an inventive little add-in to obliterate interrupting commercials on the pages of my favorite shows. It works soo well!! even on the one's seemingly 'in' with the show videos. So, in that respect, I am verrry happy right now. :D I guess I didn't overly mind most of them, but some of them wouldn't even mute, they'd just start blasting away in the middle of a show's tense or quiet moment.. worse then an ill-timed phone call or something.
Going extra slow on studies. Feeling a tad overwhelmed by the task... but I'll get there. I'm determined to push through and accomplish the thing! I never have been good at competition.. seems, anytime I am forced to rush, I manage to screw things up. So this time.. hows it go? slow and steady wins the race?
Right now, TX is wilting under a heat wave of triple digits.. and makes the saying a true one, that tx summers -require- a working air conditioner. plehh! so, what in the world, is a cold weather girl, like me, doing in sizzleworth central? even I haven't figured out that particular riddle.
What else.. um.. feeling a tiny bit left out with guild friends of late.. although, perhaps I'm deserving.. I haven't been in mabi a whole bunch of late either. have to keep it in mind to get on a bit more, if for no other reason, to re-connect with my best friends there... especially because said silly friends, are not often on msn, aim, or any of those im types very often.
I miss the ol mr. R .. rather acutely. people change, I know. and I try to not let my missing/saddness show too much for fear it will become annoying to others... but I feel it just the same. Once again, I find myself wondering if the changes are for the improvement or not... even while knowing, once again, there's nothing I can say or do about it either way.
I also miss mr. A.. and all I can really say is.. i'm sorry... if I had it to say over again, I wouldn't respeak the same words.
I am glad mr W and I seem to be getting along again. Found a niice picture to chat about. hehe and he seems to be willing to take on a bit of good-natured teasing about it.
Been playing a bit of eden eternal and dragonnest. eden eternal needs a better.. or better explained crafting system. and dragonnest really needs to fix quest bugs, explain/or add-in their crafting system so maybe we can dispense with the character clone wars going on. And add more quest content for levels 14-16... at least that!
I did re-connect with an old guild leader from runes of magic. So good to hear from her again! wishing we had another game in common though. Seems she had gained the attention of a purrty serious stalker and that led to abandonment.. or purrhaps it was the abandonment that led to the stalker's exposure.. or maybe it all just kinda happened at the same time. either way, the game just stopped feeling right to me, after she left. so I left also.
Did a little reading online and found a possible connection relating to my ear/eye issues.. dunno if that really means anything at all, but its info... and its good to be reminded that a medical practice, really -is- just that. practice. Sometimes, they really just don't have the answers and need to employ what is known best as.. an educated guess. I really need to find my way to a specialist at some point before I fall apart completely or something that's equally disastrous.
Reality has been a bear thus far this season... looking forward and hoping for a bit more escape time soon.
updated: Took a bit of movie advice and watched "The Help". At first I was a little bored.. Much like the start of gone with he wind or somesuch. but after a bit, I started to really like the 'skeeter' character and the women she interviewed for the novel she was writing. Like her mother said.. "Sometimes courage skips a generation. Thanks for bringing it back.." It certainly did take courage, both for the person writing the story, and for those who stepped up to share what they knew to be, even at a possible cost to their lives and those of their families.
Listening to: "what should I do?" by jang geun suk and "Precious one" by Kat-tun
Watching: Haven, Leverage, Warehouse 13, Castle, youtube, and various Drama's online.
Playing: Dragonnest, Eden Eternal, and a little of Mabinogi
Reading: This post, wiki, and facebook.
mood: neutral, slightly amused
Latest Rant: TX heat being waaay too hot for my tastes and how its threatening to kill the yard trees already! It's already killed what little green grass there was.
Eden Eternal
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