Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Ah finally! changes are a-foot! ..or maybe a wave.

It's finally cooled down here.. almost overnight really. Like as if the local fall faeries suddenly realized the lingering summer months were overdue for a change.

I managed to catch up on a couple of dramas and updated the blog listing. For those of you hoping I had finally quit the obsession-for-dramas.. sorry, it hasn't totally left me yet!

As for my favorite portal to date.. I am glad they managed to get the new gen out, the trading system is rather cool and I was happy to see the ox event return. .. still.. the company imms have robbed me of my guild leader in a total sense, and I have found myself nearly in a perpetual flummox of frustrated feelings. Yes, I know, not exactly a reason to feel so low about it... not exactly any mutuality... and I was already feeling saddened for the distance I was beginning to feel. The guild itself had gotten so very quiet... and when there was chatting, it felt it was mostly 'continuation sentences' I was not given to understand. But still.. the leaders caused movement in an otherwise still pond. And atop all that, my giant along with several mules, have been abruptly locked out... which, although I'm certain was not intended, is nevertheless as annoying as the strong impression that the imms are likely ignoring tickets all-together.
And then there's this.. slightly annoying guy, who on the one hand, is nice as can be, and on the other, someone I'd like to avoid. Maybe all the hot then sudden freezing temperatures is making me unseasonably grumpy.

In the world of life... There is this island whose people and culture I Greatly admire in so so So many ways, who had some cataclysmic difficulties earlier this year. If I somehow had the monetary means, I would certainly have done what I could to help them out, but really all I could do was shake my head sadly at their plight and pray my mental support... which I continue to do so.. and searching the net in hopes of catching good news that things are possibly improving for them. I feel deeply for those who passed on, of both the 2-legged and 4-legged variety and more-so for those left-behind in this life without them. Such a tragedy really. (and still on-going, as I understand.)
Its horrible that all that beautiful scenery, and affected villages/towns/and cities that, by necessity, had to be abandoned...or simply wiped away as if they never were.
My thoughts to the people there are thus:.. I know, you have been there for so very long... I know, it's hard to have to leave, and it's likely going to be even harder to find a new place to go. but please, if you feel your life is at stake by unseen danger, please -do- take the steps needed to see you and your families, including the 4-footed members, to a safer place in which to live... even if its just to a nearby island or a further-from-danger city.

I had a rather odd dream last which someone who was very important to me had shown up at a planned camping trip. I was trying to accept that the trip was being postponed, when he spoke up, asking if I wanted to go with them and relief
flooded me. his smile was gentle, warm, and evident.. and I wondered if it might be a last gesture of care or favor I was to ever receive from him. I woke up with a sigh.. feeling sadness and a small warm smile fingering inside. There are times.. even now.. when I really miss you. I said I never would lie like that ever again.. and I never have. I bet you know that though. I really am sorry.
Ducky!.. are you still there? are you ok?

Listening to: "Zombie Love song" by Your Favorite Martian.
Watching: Castle, Sanctuary, and Terra Nova
Playing: Mabinogi
Reading: This post, wiki, general surfing the net
mood: neutral, slightly grumpy
Latest Rant: While I realize the Gov on the financial Island were likely intending to keep the public from panic, I do hope they realize their mistake in trying so hard to downplay things... because the result was the people's distrust.

The thing about trust... its fairly easy to have, but once you lose it, Its quite difficult to ever fully retrieve again.

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