Saturday, March 30, 2013

tags.. and some English pronunciation.. phonicly-speaking?

Ok so.. this isn't a vlog... its a blog, and therefor harder to convey things such as accent or the look of a place... And Although I wasn't tagged by name, I was amused enough to give it a whirl here anyway. so.. hang onto yer hats yaall!

Its a blog adaption of a video tag!

Accent tag.

My accent.. if it could be said that I have one.. is um.. American English.. with a 'deep southern drawl' influence and a whole lot of what I call old-fashioned 'pet' words and phrases from.. all over the place.

A bit of an english pronunciation before I go on, to help with my 'phonic' sound description..

A. there is 'ahh' (short vowel) as in.. about, Asparagus, and daughter.
'aeh' (a bit like 'ehh'.. only with the 'nahh' sound) as in.. apple, absolutely, ant, trash, can, and dam.
'ay' (strong/long vowel) is in.. hay, tray, okay, April, ape, and ain't.

E. 'eh' (short vowel)as in.. bleh, friend, send, pending, trend, cherry, and ten.
'ee' (long vowel) as in.. tween, spleen, scream and eek.

I. 'ih' (short vowel) as in.. sniff, rift, quick, and drip
'iy' (long vowel) as in.. eye, sigh, bye, tie, and cry

O. 'ah' or 'uh'(short vowel) as in on, off, love, dove, done, and some
'oh' (long vowel) as in.. so, dough, toy, over, flow
OO (long or sometimes short U sound) as in.. soon, toon, root, and foot(fuht)

U. 'uh' (short vowel) as in.. gum, under, us, sun, duck, drum, and fun
'oo' (long vowel) as in.. tube, true, blue, and due

G and J. Guh (hard sound) or Juh (short sound) as in.. glue, grape, just, and jingle. and when pairing g and h together.. they go completely silent. as in.. night, fright, blight, and sight

C. sometimes sounds like 'kay' and sometimes sounds like 'Ss',
as in.. case = kay's, copper = kah'per cinch = sinch, circumstance = ser-cuhm-stahns

then a whole bunch of double vowel sounds..
ae/ia = 'aye' or rarely 'ee' as in.. aeon, aerie, daemonic, pediatrics
ai = 'eh' 'err' or 'aye' as in.. said, fair, acclaim
au = 'awo' 'ahh' 'ehh' or 'ow' as in.. abound, about, account
ea = 'eh' or 'ee' or occasionally 'ehr' as in.. dead, earth, tease
ei = 'ay' as in sleigh, freight, and reign
oa = 'oh' as in.. oak, moat, boat
ou = 'ow','oh' 'oo' as in.. sound, trout, mound, gourd, four, colour, you
io = 'eeoh' or 'shun' (-tion) as in.. onion, brio, radio, nation, creation
ie = 'ee' or 'iyeh' as in.. achieve, piece, diet
ia = "eeyah" or 'iyah' as in.. lamia, alias, diaper
ua = 'ahh' or 'ay' as in.. squash, aqua, aquarium

on the odd occurrence there are three vowels in a row, mesh the first two, then sound the last one. beautiful = b'ee'-u-tih-ful, continuous = con-tihn-yoo-uhs

double of the same consonant are just made into one sound.. sometimes separated by a quick 'breath' mark. butter = buh'ter, llama = lahmah, summer = sumerr

always exceptions to the rules..

gh = (ignored), often making the vowel before it long) as in.. night, fight, bright, freight
-ing = -een'guh or 'ihn' as in do'ing

'e' at the end of a word. called a silent 'e' - it makes most vowels before itself long ones.
make = mayk, fright = fr-'iy'-t ...except in certain cases, as in.. fishes/fish and other such words that change depending on the counter.. mongoose/mongeese/mongooses, goose/geese, mouse/meece/mouses etc

Aunt = I weeble with this word. sometimes its 'ahh'nt and sometimes its aeh'nt.

roof = r oo f (long oo sound, like uu)

route = like root. (long oo sound, like uu)

wash = wahh'sh. Sometimes it comes out sounding a bit eastern with an 'r in it. wahh'rsh

oil = oy'yull ... (oy/oie, as in.. soy or toy)

theater/theatre = thee'uh'tur ('th' as in.. thought, think, thistle. not the hard 'th' as in this, that, those)

iron = iy'ern

salmon = sae'mon (ae in apple, ant)

caramel = care-eh-mel or cahr-ah-mel (care (long A sound) as in .. april, bear, swear, ape, air.. car (short a sound) as in.. tar, far)

fire = fiy'yr (the silent 'e' at the end makes the 'i' vowel long)

water = wah'tdur ... yes folks, here it is.. the American English alveolar tap. and you didn't think we had one. lol! it's like.. the tip of the tongue goes up to the edge of the ridge in the upper part of your mouth and 'taps' or briefly slides against it to make the 'tduh' sound that isn't quite a 'd', a 't', nor is it quite an 'L' sound either. I have been told, its a bit like butter is for the British English.. and is much like the Japanese 'r'. (which sounds nothing like an 'r' to me.)

sure = sh-err (some people make it sound more like shohr)

data = day'tah (some people make it sound a bit more like dahtah)

ruin = r'oo'ihn

crayon = cray'on

New Orleans = New-Or'lins (some call it New-Or'lee'ons)

pecan = pihk'kahn (some say pee'kaehn)

both = bohth

again = ah'gehn

probably = prohb-ah-blee

spitting image = spihting ihmaj

Alabama = Aeleh'baem'ah

lawyer = loy'er

coupon = koo'pahn

mayonnaise = may'oh'nayz (most just say may'oh. some call it mah'nayz)

syrup = sih'rup

pajamas = pah'jah'mahz (some just say pee-jays)

caught = koh't

naturally = nat'rehlee

aluminum = ah'loom-en'uhm

envelope = ehn-vehl-ohp

What is it called, when you use toilet paper on a house? TPing

what is the bug, that when you touch it, it curls into a ball? taterbug or pillbug

what is the bubbly carbonated drink called? coke/soda or softdrink

what do you call gym shoes? sneakers or tennis shoes

what do you say to address a group of people? hello or hiya!

what do you call a spider, or spider-like creature that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs? daddy-long-legs or harvester spider

what do you call you're grandparents? grandma and grandpa.. or grandpapa

what do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket? grocery buggy/cart or basket

what do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining? rainshine or foxrain

what is the thing you change the tv channel with? (not that I have one but..) the remote or godbox


Toilet tag ?!!

1. Spray things that you like.. hmm ok..

shhht .. I like hot chocolate n marshmallows on chilly days.
shht .. I like Chai tea, english style! (with milk and sugar)
shhht .. I also like manga and graphic novels
shhht *cof* I Love peach cobbler!
shhhht .. I like jpop, tpop, and kpop music... like kat-tun, 183 club, and mblaq
shht .. I like comedic film.
shht .. I like cats.
shhht *cofcof* and I love asian Dramas!

2. how does it smell?

A bit overwhelmingly of cuddles and giggles... with a hint of vanilla citrus.

3. draw a youtuber with your eyes closed.

I don't actually have to say who I believe this to be, right?

4. what is the last thing you bought. why did you buy it?

last thing I bought... groceries.. because I was getting hungry.
But the last non-food, non-household, thing I bought was a kanji book.

5. show us your toilet area.
How about i describe it instead? a room large enough to have 2 oval sinks, a toilet, and a tub/shower with glass doors. beside the toilet on the floor, is a brush, and the occasional household cleaner. in the window sill, right next to it, (left side) is shampoo-ish items and the toiletpaper. on the sills of both mirrors over the sinks, toothbrush holder, hairbrush, and liquid soap container. in tub sills, shampoo, soap, and back brush. Next to the tub, behind the door, is a built in cupboard, where I mostly keep beauty and hair stuff. general theme of the room is.. uhh... white walls, grey linoleum floor and the stray towel or two at any given time.

6. flush one thing you want to delete from the world.

only one thing? *mumble* stingy *mumblemumble* ok
The whole 'rat race' concept..and by it, having to fight against a constant catch22, which keeps you struggling just to stay in one spot. *flushhhh* .... us your best faces.

>.> <-- innocent askance eyes
:P <-- raspberry
:D <-- I thought it was funny
XD <-- laughing hysterically
^ ^ <-- cute smiling eyes
o.o <-- surprised face
-.- <-- not amused face

8. who do you tag?

good question... I would tag Mesh and her sis, but dunno that I'd ever see a reply to it. Ditto for Darkelfie and her sister. so.. ok.. I'll tag Aztaro! .. and you as well, dear reader! send me a link to yer blog when you have completed it ok? I'd luv to read it!

all 'tag' rules apply.. in a guideline sort of way. don't over-gross it, don't off-topic spam it, do be creative with your answers. do have fun with it. thankyouverymuch (Elvis has now left the blog!)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tera First - step right up

Listening to: "Kiseki" by GReeeeN, "Every Single Day" by Shower
Watching: Murder She Wrote Reruns, ongoing dramas
Playing: Tera
Reading: random blogs, Youtube
mood: Neutral
Latest Topics of Interest: The Rather funny and random directions that spammers take. How to increase comments on a blog and getting the word out there.. come see this site!! :D

Not long ago, I was introduced to a new portal going to a place called Tera. At first it was a crimp really. It's a Huge world, which meant for a loong wait in transit... and then, when I'd finally arrived.. I couldn't seem to view it properly at all. Made my eyes hurt just to read the too small writing on the signs. *rubs eyes* and I wasn't too sure I wanted to stay. I nearly didn't.
As it turns out though, several of my Mabinogi guildies had also located the same portal and helped me to adjust things a fair bit.

So I figured to stick it out a bit longer. Finally having adjusted settings adequately and getting used to things enough to get around, I wandered from this place to that, doing the random quest, and clumsily falling off of the random cliff, doing the occasional face-splat into rocks or trees.. and all too often, backpedaling -into- monsters while trying to keep distance from yet -other- monsters(!!) fortunately, the race I chose is rather adept at running away.

So far, it's a lot of fun exploring and.. knowing there is soo much more yet to be seen is so exciting to me! I understand there is crafting and enchanting available, still haven't figured out much more then extraction and the expense of refinement. >.< Overall, though, this place seems worthy, even for the addition of one small Elin archer.

It seems they have the right idea for what free-to-play should mean. (free-to-play.. all the way through.) The detail is amazing.. maybe not as ooooo'ish as Aion had.. but really pretty nice. General gameplay reminds me a fair bit of the worlds of Warcraft and Everquest 2... as well as the mouse-drive camera weirdness of Dragonquest.. which takes a fair bit of getting used to for me.

As something of a solo artist, this game is very worth checking out. just.. watch out for the little silver poke-balls next to the monsters names. Party monsters are freakingly nasty.

The lag monster is alive and well! Have a care, lest you find it chewing on yer heels.