Listening to: "Kiseki" by GReeeeN, "Every Single Day" by Shower
Watching: Murder She Wrote Reruns, ongoing dramas
Playing: Tera
Reading: random blogs, Youtube
mood: Neutral
Latest Topics of Interest: The Rather funny and random directions that spammers take. How to increase comments on a blog and getting the word out there.. come see this site!! :D
Not long ago, I was introduced to a new portal going to a place called Tera. At first it was a crimp really. It's a Huge world, which meant for a loong wait in transit... and then, when I'd finally arrived.. I couldn't seem to view it properly at all. Made my eyes hurt just to read the too small writing on the signs. *rubs eyes* and I wasn't too sure I wanted to stay. I nearly didn't.
As it turns out though, several of my Mabinogi guildies had also located the same portal and helped me to adjust things a fair bit.
So I figured to stick it out a bit longer. Finally having adjusted settings adequately and getting used to things enough to get around, I wandered from this place to that, doing the random quest, and clumsily falling off of the random cliff, doing the occasional face-splat into rocks or trees.. and all too often, backpedaling -into- monsters while trying to keep distance from yet -other- monsters(!!) fortunately, the race I chose is rather adept at running away.
So far, it's a lot of fun exploring and.. knowing there is soo much more yet to be seen is so exciting to me! I understand there is crafting and enchanting available, still haven't figured out much more then extraction and the expense of refinement. >.< Overall, though, this place seems worthy, even for the addition of one small Elin archer.
It seems they have the right idea for what free-to-play should mean. (free-to-play.. all the way through.) The detail is amazing.. maybe not as ooooo'ish as Aion had.. but really pretty nice. General gameplay reminds me a fair bit of the worlds of Warcraft and Everquest 2... as well as the mouse-drive camera weirdness of Dragonquest.. which takes a fair bit of getting used to for me.
As something of a solo artist, this game is very worth checking out. just.. watch out for the little silver poke-balls next to the monsters names. Party monsters are freakingly nasty.
The lag monster is alive and well! Have a care, lest you find it chewing on yer heels.
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