Tales of a mostly Solo PVE Roleplay Character within the multi-verse of gaming... with -lots- of break-outs into other interests and the occasional obsession.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Some of my favs!
"Gai Bian Zi Ji"(HK&Chinese version)
Leeholm Wang
"Super Hot"
"One For The Win"
Music testing
by Boyfriend
mouseover to see player controls.
by CN Blue
mouseover to see player controls.
"Fantastic Baby"
by BigBang
mouseover to see player controls.
"When you Hold me Tight"
by Yael Meyer
mouseover to see player controls.
Random.. drama addict-ness
Listening to: Kat-Tun "Your Side", "Six Senses"
Shinee "Married to the Music" & B2ST "Bad Girl"
Watching: Penny Dreadfull & Scholar Who Walks the Night
Playing: Mabinogi, EQ2, Neverwinter
Reading: random html how-to's
mood: a little blurry-eyed, dern horrid eyesight!
Latest Rant: No such thing as good Free File storage/Web Page space without limits and required advertisements all over the place.
You know you are an asian drama addict when...
1. Watching Korean Dramas many episodes a day
Done that bin there...
2. marathons with friends
Ahh, if only I had friends who'd watch them with me.
3. expecting your love life to be like in dramas (perfect)
uhh.. .. nahh
4. dreaming about Korean boys
hmm ..mayybe..
5. wondering what will happen next in the next episode
Dmn straight!
6. being excited and can't wait for the next episode of your current drama
Still waiting on the translation for the Night scholar!
7. searching up "Korean dramas like..." (ex. heartstrings, bof)
8. knowing what bof means
uh whats that? best of freinds? :D
9. singing the ost of your favorite drama to sleep
yeahh done that one a time or two... either 'to sleep' or 'in the shower'.
10. announcing your addiction when in reality no one cares
see Answer to question 2.
11. saying "one more episode..." when you actually mean 5 more
oh gawd, yeah
12. looking up the cast from the drama you just finished and watching their other dramas
all the time.
13. wanting a Goo Jun Pyo
.... you mean Lee Min Ho? QT!
14. being mad at Jan di (bof) for picking Jun Pyo and not Ji Hoo or happy that she picks Jun Pyo
"looks a little lost" -who- picked Lee Min Ho?
15. Being a total Park Shin Hye fan and being jealous because of all the hot leads she got to work with
Heh.. yeah... dunno if jealous.. but envious, fursure.
16. If all of these are you, you definitely have a kdrama addiction and what's the cure for kdrama fever? THERE IS NO CURE :)
and another... Linkiees
1. Weekends Are for Drama Marathons
no Duhh
2. You Consider Back Hugs to Be ‘Second Base’
Not especially.
3. You Think All Men Should Look Like This..
All men should be semi-dressed and ever-so-cool like Rain in “Fugitive Plan B.” I mean, really?! He’s so hot, he set that car on fire.
4. You’re Learning Korean or Another Language
True enough. I'm teaching myself 日本語.
5. You Think Kissing With Your Eyes Open Is Totally Normal
It isn't? wait...
6. You’re Often Sleep Deprived
Exactly why Am I still up, typing this?
7. You Think Piggy Back Rides Are an Efficient Form of Transportation
I only wish.
8. You Suffer Physical and Emotional Pain While Watching Dramas
When a character dies — you’ve been known to not leave your house for days. OMG, do we have to bring up “King 2 Hearts” Episode 19?
Oh no, don't bring that one up again. ugh! so sad!
9. You Think All Showers Should Be Filled With Angst
Angst?。。。。Hot guy in shower scene, angst or no angst is perfectly good with me.
10. You Can’t Contain Your Excitement for a New Episode and Watch Without Subtitles
Sometimes those translators are just sooo slow!!
And just cuz its funny.. Linkiees>
7 Things you never did before you found K-dramas
Congratulating myself for only watching 4 episodes in one sitting.
Belting songs at the top of my lungs even if the lyrics are in a foreign language.
Prioritizing something over sleep.
Love at first sight with someone who lives on the other side of the world.
Envying a guy's makeup.
Faking sick to watch a show.
Getting price alerts for fares to Korea.
Shinee "Married to the Music" & B2ST "Bad Girl"
Watching: Penny Dreadfull & Scholar Who Walks the Night
Playing: Mabinogi, EQ2, Neverwinter
Reading: random html how-to's
mood: a little blurry-eyed, dern horrid eyesight!
Latest Rant: No such thing as good Free File storage/Web Page space without limits and required advertisements all over the place.
You know you are an asian drama addict when...
1. Watching Korean Dramas many episodes a day
Done that bin there...
2. marathons with friends
Ahh, if only I had friends who'd watch them with me.
3. expecting your love life to be like in dramas (perfect)
uhh.. .. nahh
4. dreaming about Korean boys
hmm ..mayybe..
5. wondering what will happen next in the next episode
Dmn straight!
6. being excited and can't wait for the next episode of your current drama
Still waiting on the translation for the Night scholar!
7. searching up "Korean dramas like..." (ex. heartstrings, bof)
8. knowing what bof means
uh whats that? best of freinds? :D
9. singing the ost of your favorite drama to sleep
yeahh done that one a time or two... either 'to sleep' or 'in the shower'.
10. announcing your addiction when in reality no one cares
see Answer to question 2.
11. saying "one more episode..." when you actually mean 5 more
oh gawd, yeah
12. looking up the cast from the drama you just finished and watching their other dramas
all the time.
13. wanting a Goo Jun Pyo
.... you mean Lee Min Ho? QT!
14. being mad at Jan di (bof) for picking Jun Pyo and not Ji Hoo or happy that she picks Jun Pyo
"looks a little lost" -who- picked Lee Min Ho?
15. Being a total Park Shin Hye fan and being jealous because of all the hot leads she got to work with
Heh.. yeah... dunno if jealous.. but envious, fursure.
16. If all of these are you, you definitely have a kdrama addiction and what's the cure for kdrama fever? THERE IS NO CURE :)
and another... Linkiees
1. Weekends Are for Drama Marathons
no Duhh
2. You Consider Back Hugs to Be ‘Second Base’
Not especially.
3. You Think All Men Should Look Like This..
All men should be semi-dressed and ever-so-cool like Rain in “Fugitive Plan B.” I mean, really?! He’s so hot, he set that car on fire.
4. You’re Learning Korean or Another Language
True enough. I'm teaching myself 日本語.
5. You Think Kissing With Your Eyes Open Is Totally Normal
It isn't? wait...
6. You’re Often Sleep Deprived
Exactly why Am I still up, typing this?
7. You Think Piggy Back Rides Are an Efficient Form of Transportation
I only wish.
8. You Suffer Physical and Emotional Pain While Watching Dramas
When a character dies — you’ve been known to not leave your house for days. OMG, do we have to bring up “King 2 Hearts” Episode 19?
Oh no, don't bring that one up again. ugh! so sad!
9. You Think All Showers Should Be Filled With Angst
Angst?。。。。Hot guy in shower scene, angst or no angst is perfectly good with me.
10. You Can’t Contain Your Excitement for a New Episode and Watch Without Subtitles
Sometimes those translators are just sooo slow!!
And just cuz its funny.. Linkiees>
7 Things you never did before you found K-dramas
Congratulating myself for only watching 4 episodes in one sitting.
Belting songs at the top of my lungs even if the lyrics are in a foreign language.
Prioritizing something over sleep.
Love at first sight with someone who lives on the other side of the world.
Envying a guy's makeup.
Faking sick to watch a show.
Getting price alerts for fares to Korea.
Monday, September 07, 2015
Hello, and welcome back to another exciting round of Find That Well-put-together "Free To Play" world. This time, the portal swirled into existence and dropped me off in the city of "Neverwinter". No, thats not "Neverwinter Nights"... but yes, it is the same city name. At first I managed to get totally lost in this sprawling city, located, i believe, on the side of a steep hill. Man, those steps were killer! Right away there was a lot to do and no help to be found anywhere, But eventually I blundered me way through, making like a certain silver-haired paladin being wild with a mace and shield.
I was thankful to eventually get a little assistance in the form of an over-eager-to-please healer I called Chance. But i dunno for just how long his usefulness will be to me. I even utilized a loaner horse for some of those longer trips outside the city.

(It's dark because the game seems to lack a screenie ability on my computer, so I had to pause the game to use a snipping tool, and pausing makes the game go all dark. Screenshot folder? nopesir, never found a single one listed anywhere on my win8 computer os in connection with this game. As you might be able to tell, the text commands under the lower bar, are teensy. far too small for my, by now, tired eyes to make out. You are unable to change those and your movement keys... and its totally not made for a lefty ... which I am. so.. left hand is needed on the mouse for fine control and right on the wasd keys... jump is on the space bar behind my right hand... no thumb on that side... makes jumping forward a little hard to do for me. They -really- need an in-game HELP just to show just what keys do what things, and particulars on just how to augment your gear and train the companion. Oh, and what the fleep is with the purple boxes requiring me to buy something, showing up in my rather limited inventory every-time I turn around?!)
Other then that though.. it's a lot of fun.. if you run out of quests.. or you need another level to get onto the next one, check out the 'foundry' quests located on the city billboards. The loot found in them is random for your level, as is the quest itself, but the stories.. of the ones I have so far tried, are quite good..
I was thankful to eventually get a little assistance in the form of an over-eager-to-please healer I called Chance. But i dunno for just how long his usefulness will be to me. I even utilized a loaner horse for some of those longer trips outside the city.
Other then that though.. it's a lot of fun.. if you run out of quests.. or you need another level to get onto the next one, check out the 'foundry' quests located on the city billboards. The loot found in them is random for your level, as is the quest itself, but the stories.. of the ones I have so far tried, are quite good..
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