Wednesday, January 06, 2016

The holiday drive-by..VRoommmMmMmm!!

The all hallows eve deal, zip by, then so did the decorated tree n presents day.. even though it wasn't too bad.
I didn't decorate at all for it this year... even though it was rather nice to have 'something' to spend on people. (sorry Eric, but it was a nice change. thank you. .. Also.. I can still see the finger-swiped "+"s on doors and windows. how curious.) we all gave and got some nice things. Kind of soothed a few bumps and bruises of everyday living, I suppose. I"m not all that happy with my living, but then, i suppose it could still be worse and atm it doesn't seem -quite- so bad.
Still, there are gripes to be had and vented. I don't get into politics of a given portal often. but sometimes I feel I just -have- to have my say - dernitall! and, in trying hard to keep to the policy of not naming names to protect the guilty, or otherwize, which can sometimes make me sound vague... whatever..
soo.. without further adooo... *pulls out the soapbox*
Idiots are abounding, it seems...on both sides of the fence. There is the red dude waaay over there, thinking he can just.. take whatever space he wants and call it his own just by dropping a little home soil onto it.

There's the slap-yer-own-face fellow over there on the island, that seems to think he can do as he pleases even when most, if not all of the islanders under him are protesting what he's doing, thereby tossing his rep into the tank.

There's also the faceman right here who thinks the whole area is his oyster.. but is still nothing compared to what might be comin up.

And then, how about them donkeys? Someone please drop a box on top of them. Quick, before the idiocy spreads any further!
I'm sorry, it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. What kind of wonder does it take to to figure out... its not brain science to get a clue here, guys. ok, Let me try this another way...

Once upon a time, there was this little piggy... and this big ugly blowhard of a wolf who had a serious craving for a pork dindin. The piggy, naturally, didn't care much for this wolfish idea, and knowing his stick house was no match for the wolf, he ran away, screaming for help.

There was this turkey, living not terribly far away, who heard the screams and pleading of the piggy, running frantically before the open gnashing teeth of the wolf. The turkey, being a rather benevolent fellow, quickly opened the door to let the pig in, slamming it again just as the wolf got to the stoop. whew!

The turkey then explained to the out-of-breath pig, that he was safe enough, as long as the wolf couldn't get in. "so," said the turkey, "please don't open the windows or anything. because that would put us both in danger."
The piggy, happy for having been saved, smiled in agreement. Within a short time though, the pig was opening the windows and claiming he simply couldn't live in such a stuffy place.. and since he was now here, (in turkey's house,) it was -his- house... because he was living there. and therefor, the turkey's rules didn't fit how he wanted to live. .. and piggy was generally being a horrible guest and pest in Turkey's house.

After closing the windows again for the 50th or so time, Turkey had finally had enough. and so one day He put piggy out of his house... telling him that piggy needed to find a place of his own to 'take over', and not have that be turkey's own house. But outside, still sitting on the stoop, was wolf... who was still hungry.

You sure you want to be like the piggy... donkey? .. because I'd bet the nasty ol wolf, doesn't mind the thought of chewing a little fat off of donkey either.

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