Sunday, March 13, 2016

Asheron's calling... pick up the phone!

This is a bit of an update for an old game I learned to love. Asheron's Call. It seems the powers-that-be for this game, have pretty much given it up.. even as there is still a fairly tenacious player base.

They are no longer updating with new content... since about 2000something. just.. keeping up the maintenance is all they are doing now.. i think.

I would say it has gone FTPlay.. but it hasn't really. you still have to pay a $10 fee to get into the game.... or about double that to -maybe- rescue old characters if you have them.

Which sucks to me. I have been away from Asheron's Call for so long now, I couldn't even hope to recall the info I might still, by some stretch of a miracle, have in their login severs. I do recall character names... not that I think that would help. (Although, it did for Everquest2, which I think I had truly the best experience in getting through, what could have other-wise been a serious headache for me, as well as the folks attempting to find my account. Seriously.. the person helping me found it straight away! I was really impressed!)

I remember Indy the best of my household there. It was during the time, just following the addition of the blue-skinned player race. She was clumsy, thought she was an Angel who had, lost her wings.. was always falling or jumping off of things. She had even been interviewed once by someone called Snowimp. (see the story here.)

It was christmas time.. and she was in a little snow village with the guild leader, beating on big naughty snowmen. Second in household command, was the original me. where Indy took the most deaths title, I took the title for the most ridiculous deaths. Indy fell off mountains, died via verindi or a winged sprite, I died due to thrown snowballs. -sigh- Well, I loved home lots more then running errands anyway. I miss ol Belmont a lot. He was like a big protective and huggable teddybear to me. I miss Odin and other friends I knew there as well. ah Dereth.. I wonder what all has changed since I have seen your wondrous explore-worthy expanses.

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