In the news today...
what? the new star Trek's Sulu character is gay? when did that happen? seems the original actor for that character called it unfortunate. ... I agree with him. It's not a bad idea to have a gay representation in the star trek universe, no, i'm all for that. star trek was always known for pushing the limits of the norm. They were up with the firsts in that regard. putting into script, the social issues of the time.. and mixing colors when it wasn't the usual thing to do on TV.
To my way of looking at it, as a fan, and apparently to that of mr. Takai as well, Sulu was/is an original cannon character and as such, should be left to the creator's original construction. Sulu was as G Roddenberry created him to be. just as Captain Kirk was, as spock was, as doc bones was. Changing those attributes, changes the original personality of the character. I mean, think about it a sec...
There's always going to be fam what-ifs.. but they don't often make it into the inner working of an official story without a whole lot of consideration of the story's cannon character personalities. why doesn't Spock just suddenly become an exotic dancer? because that just isn't how Spock moves.
(like someone pointed out) would the original james Bond's personality be changed if a woman played him? Hell yes! don't agree? look at the personality of that character as he was for film after film in the past.. james bond was quite debonair, a ladies man, tricky and capable. now look at the current james bond. he's a straight-shooter, rough, crass, and dirty, but get's the job done. he's no longer even remotely like the original. the personality has changed in a way original creator had not intended. making him into a her will change the personality from the original even further.
I don't especially want any of the cannon character's personalities to change too much. for that reason, most directors and such, need to be careful. if they get too far away from how the famous character was originally, the character might as well not be that character anymore in fan's eyes and the series' popularity will suffer for it. It's happened before.
Leave well enough alone already. if you want to make a gay character for the enterprise.. add a couple of extra's walking down the hall and see if they become permanent characters somewhere in the timeline.
I was a little cautious of the Reboot too. I was a bit frightened they were going to change the original reason they were out there in the first place. But I have since seen that they tried hard to find actors who could do a good job filling out the cannon character's personalities. (everyone except maybe scotty, who never had a side-kick... didn't need one.) it turned out to be a good thing. and I applauded the reboot for the first several movies.
What Now?! unfortunately, -Someone- is trying to untie the original shoe-laces of the series by changing the cannon character's personalities. why?? Leave Sulu alone.. along with the others from the original star trek pattern. you want new personalities? make them up. even if they get labeled as "that gay guy" for a season or two. I'd bet they'd soon become as endearing to the ST family as anyone else quickly enough. maybe add in a gay alien species. like one of them frosty blue faces with the antenna and white hair, or the fuzzy razor-bladed felines to ship's crew. There-by kicking it up a notch without ruining the original.
In other news..
It seems the neighborhood cat club is yowling with rankled fur once more. This time though, instead of 'just' yowling.. one of those fellows sent a handful of milita to the heavy-side layer. What a sad day it is when some idiot, wrongly thinking he can separate different colors of fur, by making an example of his insanity with others lives. Yes, I know, he had his reasons, but killing is wrong, no matter what the fur color is. and as most know.. there were different fur colors in the militia as well. bullets don't discriminate, they'll hit any color. that tomcat just defeated his own reasons, such as they were. he was so angry over the discrimination, he discriminated against the light fur's, picking them out from a bunch, several of which were the same color of fur as was his own. If anything was unfair, that was.
and.. to add to this, look back in history and learn. who -really- started the whole flying fur issue in the first place? wasn't it darker colors, they were taking on local tribal enemies and selling them to foreigners. no, it doesn't justify the wrong the light colored pelts have ever done.. They did a lot of wrong just by carrying on the prevailing thought at the time. which made them feel like rulers... kings.. which was very wrong of them to do.
I poignantly feel for the lost lives of the true natives of this country too. That -was- started by the light-furs.. those natives really paid a harsh price.. just because the light furs needed to feel like kings by trodding others under them (which is never good idea). the red furs were slaughtered or/and made suffer horribly under the light colors' arrogance simply because they were there.
Since then, the darker shoe has gone on the other foot. way back when, there were problems simply getting used to the very idea of having to share educational space between black, red, and white. at that time, most of the higher education was predominately light spaces and arrogance. and it wasn't fair. and now? there are no real light spaces... but see how many darker spaces there are.. with special monetary kudos continuing for them as well. but arn't they grateful? apparently not, they are demanding its not enough. and the light colors can't say anything because if they try to continue to go as they once did, (only sharing a bit more) the fur will fly once more.
need a parallelism? alright..
once upon a time, (not really...) there were these peoples, who thought they were god's answer to ruling everyone else... so they all got on their high horse, and rode over several other people nearby.. and said they were kings. they committed nasty nasty crimes on the people they trod under their heels. and then along comes another neighbor, from much further away, and makes them stop. the trodden-under peoples complained for years about the defunct rulers treatment. until finally, the ex-rulers new generation apologized... on behalf of their fathers and grandfather's poor choices and the horrible treatment of their neighbors, they apologized again and again.. saying, on paper even, that they would never do it again.. even going so far is to give kudos. their folks and grandfolks who thought themselves king, were wrong to do what they did. but then, it somehow wasn't enough, the downtrodden wanted more apologies.. and more kudos..
so when is enough enough?
now, I know, nothing can truly repair such grievous damage done by those peoples in the past. all that really can be done is to shake your head with a heavy sigh, apologize yet again, and hope that those harmed by your ancestors will unruffle their feathers at last, knowing you are not the same in thought or deed as that of those who did the harming way back then.
And.. its important that the youngers should be educated in the truth of what happened.. not versions of.. but the truth of it, overall. so they can make their own informed decisions on the happening.
after awhile though, people (and cats) should be aware, that all the yowling gets old. seriously... seriously old. get over the problems and learn to cope as we -all- have to. find a more productive way to yowl to keep with the times.
yes, there still is a lot of discrimination.. on all sides. yes, of course its wrong... and yes something needs to be done about it. do think reasonably and responsibly though. -All- lives matter. not just this or that life, but all of them. If you don't like what the problems are, don't create even more problems with your hate. That too, is wrong. and as the saying goes.. 2 wrongs don't make it right. you don't want discrimination? don't discriminate. sheesh people, get a clue already! we all gotta live in this world. Most people learn by example. don't be two-faced... yelling about something being unfair with one hand while committing the same issues on others with the other hand. I'm saying to be careful that you aren't contributing to the problem while you are yowling about taking care of it. Some of us can be really blind about such things... not even aware that its going on until its pointed out to us. It's called 'practice what you preach' in my neighborhood. Violence isn't any sort of real productive answer.. it just creates more problems.
and since I seem to be on a roll....
There's a certain search engine (read:yahoo)/and answer forum That, after a year plus of growling in their general direction, that I have finally had enough of. I once was an active member of their answer forums, which I still think is a good idea for people to get general answers about most things at.. not to mention the idea of having a friendly place to post a relevant blog address and get a bit of free advertising. I would always make sure to only post my blog address with posts that were relevant.. ie: an answer post regarding asian dramas, to my drama review blog and not to an answer regarding home remedies for tooth pain or something. One day, seemingly out of the blue, to me, I found myself suspended. no-one would answer my queries as to why.. or what I did wrong. so..
a year later, i asked for an appeal, to look at it again... to see if i could finally get some actual answers for my continued suspension... and I ended up pretty much with the same old thing. the moment they discovered *gasp* I was suspended for an unknown violation I know not what,.. then closed the book on me. so much for an appeal.. that being the closer I apparently needed, at last, I gave up on them. I'm closing the account, washing up and tossing the whole damned towel to the dirty ground. Stupid unreasonable better-than thou's won't give the time of day for some conjured up reason to toss someone forever off their list. Joke em! they can just take their own ball and play all by themselves in their own backyard, leave me out of it!
Being that at the moment of this typing, they are also closing their messenger service.... I have nothing left to do with them.
goodby Yahoo, I once thought you were cool. Then I learned better. To the People and rats I gotta say.... I can already see the silt blooming up from the muddy bottom.... "Jump the edge soon, that ship is sinking!"
btw, i wanted very much to play pokemon Go! but alas, its not compatible with my phone and my laptop wont run it on emulator either. *thats because after all this time of trying, ive come to the realization, that my laptop really is a piece of worthless dodgy un-enabled trash. (don't trust Anyone in the wallyworlf electronics dept, for knowing anything about what they are selling.)