Friday, July 08, 2016

Pc dlable gamezes review

Ak now before I get started on this, let me just say, i'm not talkin about ala those game types you are obviously not sposta dl without a really good checker. And I already avoid those tricky sorts that are really just dl for trials and demos before demanding payment for the full version. (like bigfish). Also.. I have tried to give indication where I found the game, it's likely not the only site they can be found at, its just where I found it... and no, no one is paying poor lil o me to endorse their game sites, (that might be a cool idea though.) no, it's just me, enjoying and showing what's out there. ok.. here we go....

Hero Of The Kingdom
(Toomky Games)

most pc style games are usually, fairly short, and have genre's such as puzzle, arcade, time management etc. This one was likely somewhere under time management, adventure and maybe hidden object. You play a farm kid out looking for a missing dad. There is a bit of back and forth, you have to remember where things are.. like who sells what for what, kind of thing. (sell the herbs you picked to buy the pick-axe you need, to acquire iron which you need more.) Your lil hero ranges all over the place, helping the locals build a house, picking mushrooms, fishing, or learning skills such as hunting, and alchemy. It has a moving quest line to keep you interested.. that really, could have been longer. lol! I spent the better part on an evening on this one. only draw-back was trying to see all those ttiiinny lil boxes, crates, mushrooms etc in the trees and such.. when eyes are not that sharp... ahh the squint strain! other than that.. It's a most amusing game and rather well put together. If the creator of this game just happens to be reading this... sequel? maybe yes?

Paradise Beach

This one constantly reminded me of Roller Coaster Tycoon (sans penguin guests). you start with a granddaughter who is the new ceo of a beach resort company. It's her business to make up safe beach resorts with all the bells and whistles to bring in the happy customers while being aware of the chaos they might be causing to the local population of birds, pandas, elephants etc.

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