I'm trying to see change, by changing my attitude.. Thoughts. Still difficult to see, at times, but i am seeing it.. Little bit by little bit. Very subtle.. But yes.. Things are changing.. Maybe just my perception.. But that's OK... It's still change to me.
Trying to define the English lang still flusters me at times.. Today I'm caught on... In 2 weeks vs the week after next. (Or even the week after the next one) to me they are pretty much all the same thing. Just saying the week after the next one is a fancy long-winded way to say in 2 weeks. To me, a week is simply a block of time ... 7 days. It doesn't indicate a certain day or the start of the week, .. It's just a 7 day block of time. 2 weeks is simply that. 2 of those 7 day blocks of time. So when i hear someone say that something is happening the week after next.. I think, ah, it's in 2 weeks.
And i follow that thought with, it's not rocket science after all. So, it kind of boggles my mind when someone says they are not the same thing. How can that be true? Unless they think it means in 3 weeks.. Not this week, not next week, but the week following that next week... -.- but that's just annoyingly splitting hairs.
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