Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Don't you just wish life were a bit like a game at times? so you could save your spot and if things don't work out right, you can simply return to that spot and start again? I sure do.

Portals to Dereth are not working again. Probibly due to the chaotic weather that is going on in my area. It certainly does make for some interresting times. Kind of keebashes my plans to meet up with an old friend in Sho town within the 14 day limit. I was so hoping to help get him aquainted with the lay of things too. Sure hope these portals get back to stability before the new month. It would be horrible to miss the best season ever. I love the fun to be had at the villa after first snowfall. Everyone breaks out the parkas and mits and has a snowman-making party in the yard.

I have been spending idle moments with a small furry friend called Pyxie, over at Neopets. He certainly leads an interresting life, full of games and exploring. Its like a much cuter version of Dereth! :)

Hope you all are having a fun yet cozy holiday season this year.

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