Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Hiyas, nothing exciting to tell about, mostly just thought to check in here and let you all know I'm still paying some attention. No particular reason for that though, just the usual randomness.

The holiday(s) of st patricks and easter have been rather low-key for me. Not sure why. Guess it just happens once in awhile... I actually do -not- feel much like celebrating.

Sir Coon, my cat, escaped to the great outdoors several days ago. (It's kind of a long story as to how he became an indoor cat, which involves several seasons of rooftop rescues and bloodilly disgruntled rescuers) Anyway.. as evening drew near I got pretty worried about the scamp. (the brave coyotes in my area enjoy midnight snacks o furball.) When he did something predictible and started crying from up on the roof. (He likely got to meet one of the Real coon monsters that often use the roof as a nighttime highway) eesh, if I had not been sooo gratefull to see his fuzzy face peering anxiously down at me, I would have -really- given him a what-for for scaring me so badly! And it wasn't just me either, by that evening, I had everyone in the house out exploring the neigborhood searching for him. Sure hope he's had enough of the exploring spirit for a bit. whew!

I'm growing a bit weary of the homeschool thing. How come -I- didn't get a spring break?! I want one of those too! oh wait.. thats right, I had break early. dern it! It was a working holiday though! Thats not fair! beh.

One of the sites I sometimes visit, called Gaia, really seems to be going through a lot of disgruntling issues of late. seems like not much is working correctly...and the team coders are all off concentrating on putting together their own 'maplestory-ish' game... so are not fixing the issues on the site. Going to be interresting to see which will happen first. their opening the battlegame first..to the accompaniment of vast cheering and rushing of the inner gates to be the first inside.. or the death of the site due to the anger of the users complaining that nothing is working right and the horrible loss of precious coins. Sure hope they get that game out quick!

My beloved household leader, Indy, has also moved on from Dereth... and can now be found just starting out within the area of Stormreach. I might just have to find the correct portal and go join her there at some soon point. :) It'l be great to see her again!

oh. as I understand it, my friends living within Konoha have mostly gone walk-about in different directions. I'm sure they will return together at some point. mr J and ms K have wandered off, exploring the land together, and mr K and ms R have returned to his family home to iron out a few difficulties, as I understand it. but mr K still plans on his next rank in schooling, so can't stay gone for too long. mr Kk got rather ill for a time there.. and ms M had to leave him for something important she was asigned to do. Who only knows if or when she might return safely. -sigh- Life is so full of uncertainty.

The past is done with.
Tomarrow is all loose ends.
All we have is today. right here, right now..
So make the best of today that you absolutely can
that way tomarrow will always have the best possible chances
.. to be truely wonderful. :)

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Sad Parting

I spoke with a friend early on in the weekend and was invited to come visit. Life has, for some strange reason, become tense where I currently am and I have found myself missing my home in Dereth greatly. I walked by old stomping grounds last night, just to see what was what, and wouldn't you know it, but the old guild home has closed their webdoors for good. Everyone has gone their own way by now... off to this other world or to that. I really miss hearing from Tars.

I have once again left the RS world behind.. maybe someday yet again, eh? I am considering another change of pace in either the worlds of MS or perhaps DDO. perhaps I will simply redrown myself in the world at large for a time... I don't know... nothing is set as yet. I will consider a visit to see friends first, I suppose.

I feel a bit like I'm foundering in a sea of stillness today. no idea as to why I should be so melancholy. It makes me wonder, just a little, as to what is worth the indulgence anymore, and what isn't.

There was a bit of a verbal tussle with the rather apathetic actions of others last evening. I was so very frustrated at having had to wait so long for something I was eagerly awaiting a conclusion to, only to have it come apart at the seams once again. So..feeling like I just smacked the wall of my expectations for the same tired subject made me a little sharp in response. I became even more so to hear another, who obviously did not want the action to have happened in the first place, and who had voiced the same frustration I did earlier, be to 'oh well' about it a bit later on. This after having made an announcement stating it was done with and the whole would be skipped over. This yet further frustrated me because I had planned a part in the action that was to be skipped over.
This made several things rather clear to me with a jolt of horrible suddenness.. (much like the feeling of realizing the death of a beloved and innocently trusting pet was solely your own responsibility and fault.) Not only could I not count on someone who meant quite a bit to me, to be there in relation to the realm of rp.. but also, Reminded as to how easy it is to see the fault in others and yet how very hard it is to see the fault in yourself.
And so I withdraw in self-defense. Letting the turtle pull in his neck and limbs once more to think about actions, reactions, and dreams.. if any are left, and consider where to go from here.

My apologies if you found this muddled and confusing, but, after all, this blog was to be more for straighting out my own thoughts then actual communication with others, right?