Monday, April 07, 2008

A New Day

Finally got a bit of music up onto this silly blog of mine. It's been awhile in coming, I know, but thats the way it goes sometimes for me... a slow even pace makes for a rather nice result. Being as I have never done well when rushed, thats the attitude I have developed with this blog. I don't write in it everyday.. but I do try to get to it when time and thought occurs. I don't set myself up for rushing at the last moment... just take it as it goes.

The music list is far from complete as I really have just gotten it underway. More songs will be added as time goes along, I'm sure. Be aware, as I have often said before.. I have varied and diverse tune-likes so youl be sure to get a little of just about any sort of genre in that list. (I do have a tenancy to lean more towards easy-style songs.. like pop, rock, country, natural, and other such, and more away from driving, hard, hate-filled, and depressing stuff.. just so's you know. :)

I Finally managed to locate a portal to Stormreach the other day. When I got there, Indy was needfully away on quest, so I got a small tour from one of her roomies, an enchanted suit of armor called Alphonsia. It was a great tour. I got to meet several of the local shop owners, and even a number of locales needing help. She told me a lot about the land and how invaluable Indy had been to her and Mungo. Where Al was a large hulking clerical helper, Mungo was her polar opposite. He was small, lithe, and a thiefy sort. He seemed quite the fun-loving flirt though and readily laughed along with the amusing story situations Al was describing, even if they were at times, at his own expense.
It seems Indy has retained her want for wings/flight and has received her first gift of a ring of featherfall. To help with those hard landings, I'm sure. I didn't see any pixies so I suppose she is safe in that regard..although I have heard it described that she has taken issues with a particularly persistent wraith. I can agree with her want for fleeing in this one, those ghost types are seriously scary!


Anonymous said...

Styx & The Beatles, thank goodness for that. And one Yellowcard song. You have some interesting songs. You seem to like Rascal Flats. I'm not a fan, their too country sappy for me. Sorry I'm analyzing your music choises. =P

SunnyElfie said...

Nu-uh.. not more of one then another.. two of each. Well, ok, two of each but for the stuff at the bottom of the far. Still working on it. any better?