Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another quiz/survey sort

Name: Kanicha-Oni-Linatulan aka SaliasT aka Sunny Elf
DOB: 09/08
Birthplace: I have no real idea.. but lets just say Mich. US
Current location: 'in' my email box
Eye color: green/brown
Hair Color: red/brown
Height: 5'
Heritage: Scottish, Germanic
Piercings: None.
Tattoos: None.

Band/Singer: um um! uhh.. so many to choose from!
Song: Currently - Kakashi's Theme by Tasiro Masuda
Genre of Music: instrumental, country, pop, rock, classical etc.
Color(s): Royal Purple/blue
TV show(s): TV?
Movie(s): The Matrix, V for Vendetta, 10th kingdom
Food: Fresh Blueberries
Store: half-price bookstore
Number: 4?
Drink: Sunkist Orange
Clothing Brand: None really.
Shoe Brand: Birkenstock
Animal: Fox
Pizza topping: Cheese, sausage, and pineapple
Season: Winter
Month: December!
Holiday: Christmas Break!
Flower: Tiger lily
Tree: Aspen, Sugar-maple
Rock: the floating ones.

This or That:
Sunny or rainy: Rainy
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Sweet
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: In person
Poor & happy or rich & miserable: Poor and Happy
Looks or personality: PERSONALITY!!
Coffee or tea: Tea
Hot or cold: Cold

Goal for this year: Survive through the new year.
Most missed memory: good times with friends in Oregon.
Best physical feature: Smile.. so I have been told.
First thought waking up: -tired- is it morning already? *followed by disgust*

Do you wanna get married: So many sweethearts out there!
Do you wanna have kids: sure, kids are fun.
If so, how many: dunno?
Do you wanna go to college: yep.
What do you want to be: A healing mage.

Do You:
Dance in the rain: No
Smoke: Ew, No.
Drink: No
Shower daily: Yes.
Like thunderstorms: Yes.
Curse: Um, occasionally.
Sing: Yeah! quite often.
Play an instrument: flute, guitar(a little) and the cd player.
Think you are good looking: not particularly. *shrug*
Get along with your parents: I sposin.

Other Questions:
Can you whistle: Yes
Right or left handed: Left
Your bedtime: bedtime? whazat?
Biggest fear: being alone.
3 things you can't live without: Can't live without or don't want to?
Color of your room: sunshine yellow.
Siblings: 2 Sisters, one brother.
Middle name: wouldn't you like to know...
Pets: 2 cats and 1 dog.
Nicknames: as stated at the top of this quiz.
For or against gay marriage: I don't agree with the lifestyle.. but then again, it's not my lifestyle choice in question here, now is it?
Thoughts on abortion: against. it's an inhumane practice.
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: Not Here.
Do you wear contacts/glasses: yep
Are you afraid of the dark: yes and no. More a fear of the unknown, then of the darkness itself.

1 comment:

Rinkurai said...

Oh interesting, I learned a couple things about you. We have the same This or That section. X3 Hrmmm... I'm pro-choice I only put undecided on the quiz because I don't want certain people to judge me. ^^ Glad to see you like the quiz I randomly found. XD