Friday, November 07, 2008

Taking a que..

1. Start Time: too early in the morning!
2. Name: "Kanicha-Oni-Linatulan" aka SaliasT
4. Astrology sign: lady with a pitcher in the shape of a dragon.
5. Gender: Funny you should ask.
6. Hair color: Brown/red
8. Eye color: Green/Brown
10. Favorite color: royal purple/blue
11. Glasses: Yep
13. Tattoos: No
14. Hometown: dinkyburg usa
15. Single or taken: Completely taken.. by this quiz. :D
16. Siblings Yep. gots a couple of em.

17. Cut your own hair? Yes.
18. Did something in the past month that you will regret? Yes.
20. Skipped school? Yes.
22. Bungee jumped? No.
24. Punched someone? Yes.
25. Cheated on a test? yep.
26. Been arrested? No.
27. Broken into someone's house? umm...
30. Been rejected? Yes.
31. Been to a funeral? Yes.
32. Used a lighter? Yes.
33. Been on stage? Yes... accidentally. I was a stagehand and the curtain-puller was vacant at his duty post.

34. Season: Winter
35. Food: Fresh Wild Blueberries!
36. Ice cream flavor: Cherry Jubilee
37. School subject(s): Art
38. Candy: Babe Ruth
39. Breakfast cereal: Apple Jacks.
40. Favorite band(s)?: too many to count.
41. Book: Twilight
42. Movie: Matrix, V for Vendetta, 10th Kingdom
43. Song: Made to Love - Tobymac
44. Park: Where?
46. Place: Morning Nook.
47. Sport to watch on TV: Don't watch TV Sports.
50. Letter(s): M
51A. Favorite fast food restaurant: A&W, Casa Taco
51B. Favorite restaurant(s): Outback, Red Lobster
52. Disney Princess: umm yeahh Euw.
53. TV station: Don't really watch TV.
54. Name for a son: Liam
55. Name for a daughter: Grace

56. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
57. Alcohol or drugs? Neither.
58. Long relationships or one night stands? Long Term.
59. Dogs or cats? Cats.
60. Scary movies or comedies? Comedy
61. Short or long hair? long
62. Croutons or bacon bits? Baconbaconbacon!

64. Mexicans: Border towns *shiver*
65. School: A total strain.
67. Cows: Moo!
68. Canada: Mounties
69. Mouse: Ratakin!
70. Hand: Lasso Rope

71. Talked on the phone? No.
72. Watched a movie? Yes.
73. Cried? Yes.
74. Smoked? No.
75. Drank a glass of water? Yes, several.
76. Done Drugs? No... wait. does Nyquil count?
77. Read a book or magazine? Yes.
78. Watched TV? No.
79. Looked in the mirror? Yes.
80. Taken a shower? Yes.
81. Taken picture? No.
82. Listened to music? yep
83. Told someone you love them? Yep. Told My best eq2 friends that. ........-We be the mutual admiration society! lol!-........
84. End time: Still too early in the morning.

Listening to: my blog playlist
Reading: nothing this post as I'm typing it out.
Current Anime: fruits basket.. again.
Feeling: Not tired.
Internet Tabs: Playlist, Blogger, Gaia
Obsessing Over: EQ2 crafting and stupid Zomg game on Gaia

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