Monday, September 27, 2010

Random Gaga

Personally, I love the musical tunfulness of the lady's music.. somehow she can make even the blehist of words seem like a hoppin dance step. I don't care for many of her vids... so I resort to listening to parodies and covers of her music... and I have found several of real talents. Check it out.

Bad Romance parody - A men's chorus?

Muffintop - missesmuffintop

Lady Gaga Melody - Sam Tsui and Kurt Schneider

Greyson Chance singing Paparazzi


Listening to: A ringing sound from a deaf ear.
Current Show: Warehouse 13, and Haven
Feeling: A little concern for the possible loss of a good friend..
...hoping its just paranoia ... concern also for my sis.. I havent heard from her since some months before my birthday.. it doesnt seem much like her.
Internet Tabs: Mabi, Facebook(somewhat), Vindictus, )and InfiniteAion
Obsessing Over: (see feeling, above)
Current Rant: Why do some girls seek to make their boyfriends toss all of their friends to the gutter in order to be with them? If the guy's friends are willing to accept you, why can't you accept them? doesn't mean you have to like all of them, just as they aren't all required to like you either. but they -are- his friends. After all, isn't it often the case, where they were friends months if not years before you were even in the possibility of the picture?
and please don't think you are going to change that guy of yours.. it never seems turn out well at all. He is who he is and if you don't like how he is, best not even get started in a relationship with him. if the guy changes, it's because its something he wants to do... not just because its what you want him to do. Really, aren't we all basically the same way about that? In the immortal words of Popeye, "I yam what I yam, and that's all that I yam! We are just who we are. you either accept that soon, or you move on... for better or worse.

1 comment:

Rinku said...

To be honest I'm not much of a Lady Gaga fan, I do respect her though because I think she's bringing a lot of diversity and and uniqueness to pop music and culture.

The men's chorus cover was awesome, well done and kind of funny. ^_^ Lily actually showed me the muffintop parody and it actually REALLY freaks me out, lol. I don't know why but it's just a little weird in my opinion, she thinks it's hilarious though. The third one of the two guys is awesome too, I love the singer and his facial expressions are just too adorable!~

And as for your rant, I agree people who do that are just stupid, you shouldn't expect someone to change to be with you no matter how cliche it sounds, somebody should love you for who you are. And to be honest, I've actually heard of a ton of girls ditching their friends just because their boyfriends don't like them, but I've never actually heard of a guy doing that to their friends. Either way it's so stupid. o_o

Anyway, hope you're doing well, I apologize we should chat more often!