One of the best things about it is.. the graphics are completely stunning in its complexity!
Even the classic good vs evil theme isn't too badly represented.
The crafting is fairly unique.. if a tiny bit difficult to get started with.
And this is a game that is actively being improved upon all the time, as I understand it. Soon there will be pets, mounts?, swimming, player housing, expanded areas etc..
On the Ehh side of things.. All Roads lead to the abyss, which is esentially pvp-land. Call me a carebear, if you like, even though I never much cared for the toon. I'm not big into pvp.. I have seen, far too often what it can do to friendships. It isn't pretty. Please oh please give us more quests that don't lead to the open battlefield!
Another ehh thing, I have found is.. on the crafting side of things, there is gathering on both land and air.. which isn't an issue.. but.. some of it is on the mobs, now while this might be fine if you are in level range of said mobs... but you know what happens when you grow beyond the mob's level? they stop dropping. So if you are needing a crafting item that just happens to be on, say a crab, but you have grown beyond its level.. you will never again see the item you need to have for the crafting.
update... I ended up leaving this world.. as the rifting got to be a great opportunity for overpowered pvp'rs to enter the area and kill who-so-ever should stray outside one of the towns.. any-one of the towns, and there was no place left for a non-pker, such as me, to level in somewhat safety.
the graphics were sure inspiring though!!!
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