Saturday, June 23, 2012

its a title

Listening to: "Pray for Japan" by Funky Monkey Babys
Watching: trying to think about it. .. soo hot tho.
Playing: fairyland in Facebook. stopped by online home, Mabinogi. played a bit of free Warcraft. (free2play until 20th level).
Reading: Japanese for Busy People ... who... arn't .. really that busy.
mood: hot and slightly grumpy
Latest Rant: Why is it I can't even think of a picture to go with ナ - na ??? Yeass, it -does- look like a knife.. doesn't solve the problem though! I need a NA picture I can remember!

Ahh so good to be back online once again! And with my own computer too! :D

Found a thought-provoking blog today. Seems this guy is doing similar to me, trying to learn Japanese step by step because of a lifelong interest. only problem is.. just after mentioning how cool technology is, he stopped posting... that was in Jan of 2010. Why stop?!! I just now found you!! Geez.. a few years too late, I guess. seems to ever be the case with me. ah well, guess I'll just... look through the past posts and hope for a few gems to keep me going with.

For me, it's mostly Japan, but I also have interest in knowing more about South Korea as well. Perhaps it's the whole 'Asia' thing, perhaps its all the dramas I have watched. lol! I imagine though, its a mix of both and a lot more.
Japan has a beauty in its language to me, like the words of a song you can only hum along to. There is elegance and charm in the very fiber of its people and traditions. Even as I can also see the not so wonderful things that is Japan, I feel I might could understand in some sense, as to why it is.

If I'm allowed a quote here..
"I will admit I'm not an expert on Japan. I couldn't recite the history of the country, I couldn't name the lineage of Emperors, I couldn't tell you the names of the past several Prime Ministers. I'm merely a person who has always had a fascination with a country that remains faithful to its history and traditions, and maintains a certain aesthetic tranquility, harmony and artistic quality to it, even in its bustling cities."

-Brendan にほんごがすこしわかります!(I Understand a Little Japanese!)

Kind of puts it nicely for me as well. Gambatte Nihon!

あとひとつ "atohitotsu"
by Funky Monkey Babys

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