Friday, April 08, 2022

and the beat goes on.. dee da dee dahh dee da dee dahh

In Minecraft... the server I play on..
moved a few boxes around today. put some saddles downstairs....
got a few more litchens.... forgot where i put them...
put iron blocks into a box downstairs...

checked out the news.. still boring...still going on....

went to genshin impact... after having to reload again. finally remembered my hotkeys..
moved over my dailies into a new area. then relized it was better where i had it.. forgot how i moved it. *slap forehead*

went to mabi... thankfully remembered to permi my new wings before the event ended.
going back into hiatis with them... at least until they get an interesting prize for an interesting event.

might try to catch up (hahahaha!) in duolingo... ohh that was funny *wipes tears of laughter*

considering a few semi fav games, like timberborn or a return to rimworld.

still poofta over sims 4. have to be online to play it.. and have to be the only one up in the house to keep from lagging everyone. its not that fun.

my time on seems limited.. and dragged out. still not entirely sure if thats a good thing or not. feeling restless and .. sad really, over the whole thing.

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