And a rant. Just how can someone be of any real sense in saying that the messilly hand written page is easier to transcribe onto a computer page than is a nicely typed page you can just cut n paste with? I just really really dont get that!!! I know, i know, what difference does it really make? But.. it does make a difference to me!! Maybe im just rediculously dumb about little stuff in that it drives me batty in not understanding just why its just not understandable to me. And here i am being thrown a "get over it!" (Which is rude, to say the least.) And having to grumble my way into self-imposed seclusion.
And..since i am makin the noise.... Dont ever assume that just because you have been talking about and wanting a special something..and its gotten, that its actually all yours. Dunno just why that feels a bit like someone is lording something over just does. the church...less privacy... Living all in one room, getting food from another... Crampt...and grumbly. Feeling at once ill-temperd today, and rather like crying.
Today, we got to see a possibility. Very interresting dynamics to the area. Could you live in an old cinderblock house with tin roofing under big ol trees waay out near a lake? The damp earthy smell of mugginess and shade throughout the heat of summer in nowheresville... An old hippie commune..trash to treasure...was there even a mailbox in the area? Trailers old old old under tall thick trees, campers that have been there for years hidden behind better mobile homes . There was a friendly foor-footed sort, that came by to say hello, and welcome to the area. And thats always a good sign.
...and just to say i said so,..yes, there is such a thing as useless bumbling and rambling on.... I engage in it regularly, it seems.
I need a new home. Someplace comfortable.. That isnt some elses home. I need a job im secure in. Something i can do...reliably.. that i dont need to compete too much in .. something others might find helpful.
And another caught poison oak in a bad spot..not to say..all spots are bad when it comes to poison oak... And the person with the purse strings could..get you the drying agent you need to clear it up. Your misribles and uncomforable., So you ask them to plz plz pick ut a bit of that drying agent..along with a few other things you toothpaste and bandaids..the person gets everything but the drying agent you need. You ask again..maybe they had issues finding any... Maybe it costs a lot... But after the third time of asking...first time you got a toothbrush...second time was the rest of what you asked for..but for the drying agent...but no..they didnt get that item because it was thought you wernt really in need of it. You tried to explain that it would dry the area and work toward healing and you wouldnt be so unhappy...but it had no real simply dont need it in the eyes of the one who held the means to making things a bit easier on you. Why? ...good question. And what can you really do about it? That poison itchy crap isnt about to go away without help. Ointment does little to no help if you are sweating and itchy. Just continues to spread aroundanother one of those things that happen and i just dont get it all. Why would you want someone else to suffer when you could just get it cleared up, no real trouble at all?
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