Friday, February 24, 2006


I still havent gotten good enough to wear that beautiful dress waiting for me in the villa chest. It, of course didn't help that I moped around all day today. I didn't even get it together to go out to market looking for portals or ancient armor pieces.

Indy went out again today looking for gem critters... and found none but a trip to the lifestone awaiting her... and sir T2 as well. It only seemed to dampen her spirits a little tho. sir T2 had given her a special pair of gloves and didn't seem to mind in the slightest following her about in dangeous lands. Perhaps I should warn him about her always getting lost and in over her head.

She has hopes of joining a quest to get that scroll in a day or so. I'm sure that would do wonders for improving her mood.

As for me, I really need to start speaking with someone about sir F's great desire to see the queen bug. I'm sure the bug hasn't been forgotten by Dereth's people. Just locating those going hasn't been easy since all the viam land has opened up with all those new opportunities. Perhaps the minx or KK's people have someone interrested in going.

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