Tales of a mostly Solo PVE Roleplay Character within the multi-verse of gaming... with -lots- of break-outs into other interests and the occasional obsession.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Sudden Memory-Clips 1
I remember...
leaning over the side of a blue wagon and drooling icecream over it's side as I tried to somehow to keep it all together under the hot summer sun. ohh what a mess!
sitting in a 'covered' wagon, playing card games with my eldest sister, (was that hearts or steal-the-pack?) and wondering what was yet to come.
sitting on the bedroom floor playing stuffed animals with my big sister (not the same as my eldest sister) and whiling away hours and hours without the slightest notice.
skipping home in the early thaw. ahh springtime! ...pausing near a puddle of slushy ice-water and looking up the still somewhat snowy street at the houses nestled there along the side of the road. ..of delighting to see the now dead and smushed fall leaves being unveilled once more from under a snowbank. .. the wet sidewalks.. ..smelling the fresh and yet somehow earthy scent I always seemed to assosiate with the season. ..hearing the constant dripdripdrip of the snow melting off the trees and the cool sound of dribbling water. .. of smelling the rich scent of evergreen that I only ever seemed to notice so much at this time of the year. ...of taking my first leaps outside the door in my summer shorts and skidding out of control across the snow in my sandals. WeEeE!!!!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Half-Wits, Half-Dead and Total Distractions.
It would have been nice though, if we had managed to actually put together a working plan before walking into the room, out of the room, into the room, and out again. I hate milling about when something is shooting at me! I expended -all- of my heal spells.. yes, even the little cure lights, on the group, running to and fro while they wandered about sliding on the ramp and getting themselves debuffed or somesuch silliness.
After that, we settled down for the evening next to the fellow who got himself swallowed by a big bug (mm bug burgers... uch) and Snake told us this odd story about this paladin, who had gotten captured by a deamon and soul-forged with a dark knight who then had to work at escaping together. From the odd look of revulsion of Kish's face, I'd guess she might have actually known the paladin in the story. It makes me wonder a bit about the whole good-bad thing.
Well enough is enough, and I'm beat. Time to sack out and hope tomarrow sees us inside this overnight glacier and quickly out the other side.
(Hhehe better here then in the South's raging heat wave, thats for sure. I think My poor PBTC (person behind the character) is likely melted completely away by now. See if you can picture it.... Snow, Ice, Cool breeze! Don't you all feel just a bit better now? :)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Bear with me now...
What Cute Animal Are You?
My pals and me got all the way up to the mountain where the dwarf dumped us in the snow. Now that we are here, we are wandering about looking for wherever the town's rescue party got themselves to that they should need rescuing from us.
I tell ya, those huge white bears are not the friendliest of chaps. About as how-do-you-do as the giants have been. humph... its not like we threw the first boulder or anything.
Glad, I am, to have brought along a pair of fuzzy snow boots, or I'd be shivering to beat the band like Pip has been... nothing like a healthy teeth chatter to ruin the plans of the sneakiest of rogues. Lol!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
SunnyElf on Vacation
I have to admit also, the snow is a bit of a relief from Dereth's opressive heat spell. Whew!
It's also rather nice to have such a close group to share time with, I can always be sure someone will pick up my bod and drag it back to safety (and a healer), rather then having to run across hostile landscape from the lifestone, looking for I last left myself at and hoping the critter that killed me isn't still there waiting to do it again. Lol!
Btw, did you see the skysparkles this year? I nearly missed them this time around. Wow! those twisty dracos up there sure looked like they were having fun.. diving, as they were, in and out of the clouds and spouting all those different colored sparks at eachother.