Saturday, March 14, 2015

mehs, blehks and a cool pic

Hey there. school isn't going to hot but well... there ya are... hope i make it to another semester without having to pay through the nose for my class failures... some grant.. ever hear of a gift you have to pay back? still sounds like a stinky loan to me. Classes are all right.. i guess.. dismayed with my history and government classes though. gov teacher speaks legalese on his tests... can't understand much at all of what he's trying to ask. history isn't fairing much better, even though she seems nice enough.. maybe its the online-ness of it all. 3d class is kinda fun.. even if it is just trying to learn an expensive huge program that I don't have a chance in hey of affording. Guess that's the way of it though.

Sobbing real tears for the spent spring break.. i have only just started relaxing! Why couldn't it be just a tiny bit longer?!

Been in the worlds of mabinogi a fair bit this semester.. and in dragon nest. don't seen to have enough time for eq2... heard they have changed company hands... sure hope its someone who cares a bit about the game.. enough to keep it alive with actual updates.... instead of sitting on it until it truly dies. (shades of creatures 3 and docking station... poor thing.. such a good game too)

dragon nest has changed a lot since i last was there.. added 3 new classes, changed the crafting system .. added fishing and cooking O.O some terribly confusing things in that. crafting is confusing.. i know they tried to make it simpler.. and I applaud them in the effort. just.. uh... the spark thing, i'm lost. picked up a plate the other day, and it required a diamond splinter.. I mean fragment.. only they don't drop those anymore. hrm.. still kinda funny to be sent in-game mail from npc's. Who else does that? Love their sense of humor. hehe

Lancea - dragon nest

edit - update

well, as my luck goes, I do have the day off. fault being, a tooth decided on a quick abscess
into my cheek, last night, and the earliest i could be seen by a DDS is tomorrow. so here I sit hopped up on drugs (Aleve, I love you!) and feeling like i have a balloon plastered to the right side of my face. Went to the store and could feeeel the stares so.. no, not going anywhere but the dentist tomorrow, and hoping for antibiotics.

I miss ceramics class. people might seem real.. but its really only temporary. unless you somehow manage to retain an actual friend. Still, some of the teachers have amazingly real personalities. Ms Green was the best. lol! visiting another classroom just for hugs and giggles. Embarrassing yet surprisingly fun. ^.^ I won't soon forget her. I really like my 3d class as well... love the nifty program... feels like a lot of work though. ..and so expensive.. don't know when I'd have the chance outside of the class, to use these new skills anyway.

too loopy for dragon nest this evening. most of the rest of the household has gone a little manic with that world. Lol! guess it was time.. or something. I've only been talking about it for... some while now.
amazingly splashy kill-em-good skills and a bit of fast action.. where you can't even see what you are attacking at times. just keep swinging and hope one of those hotskills hits the intended big bad guy.

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