Thursday, June 11, 2015

What were the writers thinking?!!

Was looking at drama reviews today.. read about one, a JP drama called Sapuri.. which I regard as the worlds most booring drama I have ever tried to watch. It wasn't really funny.. or romantic.. but dull, uninteresting, depressed office work with a sprinkling of witty and wise sayings. I didn't even make it all the way through this drama.. maybe 6 or so episodes in.

I mean.. ok, I'll give you something for the whole "different strokes for different folks" thing. Some people watch movies/drama's to cry their eyes out, while others prefer being frightened half to death. I'm more the sort who would most enjoy laughing over funny films and enjoying my day after it has ended. I'm just like that. So, following that pattern, I enjoy romcoms... especially if they have something of a fantasy feel to them. I have also been a fan of asian drama's for some number of years now, just check the earliest date of my drama blog then add about a year, and youl have a better idea as to how long. So I like to think I have a little experience regarding them anyway. (it all got started with a good friend recommending My Girlfriend is a Nine-tailed Fox and it scored a direct hit in my fascination criteria list.)

I loved The drama Flower boys Ramyun Shop. It had a good mix of comedy and romance throughout, along with conflict needed to make a good drama. It even had quotes worth remembering, and scenes worth rerunning. There were dark sad situations and light sparkling flavor that ended in a happy manner.
Koizera, on the other hand, was a total bleh for me at the beginning and got worse and worse.. dragging through the mud of tragedy until it finally, mercifully, ended. It wasn't funny in the slightest, and was not even really worthy of a smile. At the end, I was left wiping my eyes and wondering just why I chose to watch it in the first place.

I even liked the Coffee Prince really. Even though I will often skip over the 2nd lead parts. (boring parts) I loved the fact that the girl in this story was just not a girly girl, or a girl 'pretending' to be a boy so much as.. it was simply not something that stood out in her basic personality.
She needed the money, was how it started. Why she kept it a secret... was simply because she didn't want to lose her job. And then, when it got complicated.. she didn't quite know how to come clean about the original (not really important at the time) oversight.
That in itself, was probably the main reason I liked the whole of it, in spite of the other distracting and rather boring parts of the drama.

And then to top it off,... There are the dramas That either just lose their meaning before the end or simply do not sit the genre that people assign them well at all. (this being the main point of my rant/rave session here)
Blood Had a good start.. it had an ok storyline that seemed to flow from one thing to another fairly well. and then, it was like as if the writers or some-such abruptly gave up on it before the end. what happened? did they suddenly run out of ideas.. or time? Seriously, the drama was going along well, I thought, until the ending episode or so. Make me want to shout with the unjustness of it all.

Writers please!! Its ok to take a little of the 'silly license' when your already dealing with a fantasy/unreal/futuristic style subject.. but don't fall over a sudden cliff into the absurd and unbelievable! People won't like it if they lose the "believable" connection. Even fantasy stories have this connection, you know. Stretching it a bit is one thing, breaking it will kill the story outright.

I have also run into several drama's that people label as this or that genre, that really have nothing to do with the drama in question. Seriously, Raters and Reviewers, did you actually bother to watch it? This is a bit like the common complaint in question/answer forums. Don't be answering the question if you don't even know what the questioner specifically asked about. I suppose its alright to over-answer.. in stating it was this genre because of this, and that because of that.. As long as you are actually answering the question. was there romance in the drama? was there actual comedy? was there? I mean, not just a single moment where the characters smile at eachother or something, but scenes that were actually funny? Was there enough of these scenes to actually say there was comedy in the series? If not, then don't put it under the comedy genre.

A good romance can stand in that genre alone if needs be. Just as a funny sitcom or such can firmly sit amidst the comedy genre all by itself. It's ok, It doesn't 'have' to be a romcom to be good. (Although being a romcom 'can be' make the difference of who/how many watches it imo)
Just don't call something funny if it isn't. and if you care to state 'eye of the beholder' to me, that's fine too. while your own sense of whats funny might be unique, or even uncommon, when you rate a drama for genre, you are rating it for the general public, not just you, right? I see that you call it a romcom, get all excited to watch it and.. get so disappointed, I not only abandon the drama part way through, but consider you as having lost creditability in my book of sites/links to return to. So there ya have it. Straighten up and fly straight or I'll take my ball and run away with it to play in someone else's lot. lol!

Seriously though, genre raters/reviewers and answerers, please give a complete answer -After- you have read -All- of the question first. What genre was the drama in? You can always explain further in the review without giving away too many spoilers. If the questioner is asking for romcom dramas, don't be giving them horrible, tragically ending, horror movies. I may have been your all time favorites, but that wasn't what they asked for!

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