With a tiny bit more continuing luck (?) this christmas,there will be electricity! I'm hoping. itd be sooo nice... running hot water, lights, heat as needed, -and- a way back into computer use for my desktop!would likely still have to rely on the library for internet but hey! no crying over spilled hot water here!
the unrelated rant.. since it seems i gotta have one in the light of all this hope, is...
why does it seem that no matter how I try to make a difference... people would rather acknowledge the 'other guy' as having made the good contributions? Even if my efforts were thought of as a shared thing.... itd be ok if it was thought I had at least had a part. no, It seems that when I am the only one they could thank.. I don't hear a thing, and then when someone else does the same thing later on, they get the glory and kudos... as if they had done such for the very first time. ugh! frustrating! Anyone else know this story or is it just me again?
It must be a conspiracy, i'm telling ya! XD
beh.. .guess I should just go back to my lingo lessons again.
いきます。。。。to go..o.o; I'm going, I'm going!
Tales of a mostly Solo PVE Roleplay Character within the multi-verse of gaming... with -lots- of break-outs into other interests and the occasional obsession.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
continuing rl drama
uhmm... yeah.. onward it goes with no light at the end of the tunnel... not even a train. nothing but imagined dream light.
going to the library fairly often.. so at least my japanese studies are on-going as well as the occasional you-tube lovin.
grammar is a bear! and so is the issues of my laptop keyboard... it doesn't care much for certain letters so it just skips them. likethe spacebar! sure wishthere was a japanese class of sorts in my area.I'd like to find japanese dramas but... they arn't very interesting to me.. would rather the korean dramas. lol!
going to the library fairly often.. so at least my japanese studies are on-going as well as the occasional you-tube lovin.
grammar is a bear! and so is the issues of my laptop keyboard... it doesn't care much for certain letters so it just skips them. likethe spacebar! sure wishthere was a japanese class of sorts in my area.I'd like to find japanese dramas but... they arn't very interesting to me.. would rather the korean dramas. lol!
Friday, October 07, 2016
lackluster laziness leaves loss..listness in a leppard T
still no signs of anything better comin down the tube. there is talk about moving from house to dinky wheeled space..too maybe if's and maybe more than enough.., "this just is not such a great idea",.... comes to mind for my liking. but while i'm feeling shoved out the door unwilling.... i still would rather avoid the subject altogether. how sad... sigh. i can hear the gnashing of teeth, (boy can i hear it now!) i just... dont want to get into it.. no way to stay, no help in moving. crap.
so, there's no light at the end of this tunnel of hopes and dreams.. its startin to seem like false messages more so everyday that passes. and.i just feel sadder and sadder.... welcome to depression...again. when's this sposta end already?!
Monday, July 11, 2016
Opinions of my own
Fair warning.. what follows is my personal opinions of the given subject. If you, by chance, don't like it, that's tough tiddly-winks, don't read it. if you got a constructive rebuttal, there's a space for comments below the post. Otherwise, if you don't have anything constructive to say, keep it to yourself... its my blog. so :P pffts. *grin*
In the news today...
what? the new star Trek's Sulu character is gay? when did that happen? seems the original actor for that character called it unfortunate. ... I agree with him. It's not a bad idea to have a gay representation in the star trek universe, no, i'm all for that. star trek was always known for pushing the limits of the norm. They were up with the firsts in that regard. putting into script, the social issues of the time.. and mixing colors when it wasn't the usual thing to do on TV.
To my way of looking at it, as a fan, and apparently to that of mr. Takai as well, Sulu was/is an original cannon character and as such, should be left to the creator's original construction. Sulu was as G Roddenberry created him to be. just as Captain Kirk was, as spock was, as doc bones was. Changing those attributes, changes the original personality of the character. I mean, think about it a sec...
There's always going to be fam what-ifs.. but they don't often make it into the inner working of an official story without a whole lot of consideration of the story's cannon character personalities. why doesn't Spock just suddenly become an exotic dancer? because that just isn't how Spock moves.
(like someone pointed out) would the original james Bond's personality be changed if a woman played him? Hell yes! don't agree? look at the personality of that character as he was for film after film in the past.. james bond was quite debonair, a ladies man, tricky and capable. now look at the current james bond. he's a straight-shooter, rough, crass, and dirty, but get's the job done. he's no longer even remotely like the original. the personality has changed in a way original creator had not intended. making him into a her will change the personality from the original even further.
I don't especially want any of the cannon character's personalities to change too much. for that reason, most directors and such, need to be careful. if they get too far away from how the famous character was originally, the character might as well not be that character anymore in fan's eyes and the series' popularity will suffer for it. It's happened before.
Leave well enough alone already. if you want to make a gay character for the enterprise.. add a couple of extra's walking down the hall and see if they become permanent characters somewhere in the timeline.
I was a little cautious of the Reboot too. I was a bit frightened they were going to change the original reason they were out there in the first place. But I have since seen that they tried hard to find actors who could do a good job filling out the cannon character's personalities. (everyone except maybe scotty, who never had a side-kick... didn't need one.) it turned out to be a good thing. and I applauded the reboot for the first several movies.
What Now?! unfortunately, -Someone- is trying to untie the original shoe-laces of the series by changing the cannon character's personalities. why?? Leave Sulu alone.. along with the others from the original star trek pattern. you want new personalities? make them up. even if they get labeled as "that gay guy" for a season or two. I'd bet they'd soon become as endearing to the ST family as anyone else quickly enough. maybe add in a gay alien species. like one of them frosty blue faces with the antenna and white hair, or the fuzzy razor-bladed felines to ship's crew. There-by kicking it up a notch without ruining the original.
In other news..
It seems the neighborhood cat club is yowling with rankled fur once more. This time though, instead of 'just' yowling.. one of those fellows sent a handful of milita to the heavy-side layer. What a sad day it is when some idiot, wrongly thinking he can separate different colors of fur, by making an example of his insanity with others lives. Yes, I know, he had his reasons, but killing is wrong, no matter what the fur color is. and as most know.. there were different fur colors in the militia as well. bullets don't discriminate, they'll hit any color. that tomcat just defeated his own reasons, such as they were. he was so angry over the discrimination, he discriminated against the light fur's, picking them out from a bunch, several of which were the same color of fur as was his own. If anything was unfair, that was.
and.. to add to this, look back in history and learn. who -really- started the whole flying fur issue in the first place? wasn't it darker colors, they were taking on local tribal enemies and selling them to foreigners. no, it doesn't justify the wrong the light colored pelts have ever done.. They did a lot of wrong just by carrying on the prevailing thought at the time. which made them feel like rulers... kings.. which was very wrong of them to do.
I poignantly feel for the lost lives of the true natives of this country too. That -was- started by the light-furs.. those natives really paid a harsh price.. just because the light furs needed to feel like kings by trodding others under them (which is never good idea). the red furs were slaughtered or/and made suffer horribly under the light colors' arrogance simply because they were there.
Since then, the darker shoe has gone on the other foot. way back when, there were problems simply getting used to the very idea of having to share educational space between black, red, and white. at that time, most of the higher education was predominately light spaces and arrogance. and it wasn't fair. and now? there are no real light spaces... but see how many darker spaces there are.. with special monetary kudos continuing for them as well. but arn't they grateful? apparently not, they are demanding its not enough. and the light colors can't say anything because if they try to continue to go as they once did, (only sharing a bit more) the fur will fly once more.
need a parallelism? alright..
once upon a time, (not really...) there were these peoples, who thought they were god's answer to ruling everyone else... so they all got on their high horse, and rode over several other people nearby.. and said they were kings. they committed nasty nasty crimes on the people they trod under their heels. and then along comes another neighbor, from much further away, and makes them stop. the trodden-under peoples complained for years about the defunct rulers treatment. until finally, the ex-rulers new generation apologized... on behalf of their fathers and grandfather's poor choices and the horrible treatment of their neighbors, they apologized again and again.. saying, on paper even, that they would never do it again.. even going so far is to give kudos. their folks and grandfolks who thought themselves king, were wrong to do what they did. but then, it somehow wasn't enough, the downtrodden wanted more apologies.. and more kudos..
so when is enough enough?
now, I know, nothing can truly repair such grievous damage done by those peoples in the past. all that really can be done is to shake your head with a heavy sigh, apologize yet again, and hope that those harmed by your ancestors will unruffle their feathers at last, knowing you are not the same in thought or deed as that of those who did the harming way back then.
And.. its important that the youngers should be educated in the truth of what happened.. not versions of.. but the truth of it, overall. so they can make their own informed decisions on the happening.
after awhile though, people (and cats) should be aware, that all the yowling gets old. seriously... seriously old. get over the problems and learn to cope as we -all- have to. find a more productive way to yowl to keep with the times.
yes, there still is a lot of discrimination.. on all sides. yes, of course its wrong... and yes something needs to be done about it. do think reasonably and responsibly though. -All- lives matter. not just this or that life, but all of them. If you don't like what the problems are, don't create even more problems with your hate. That too, is wrong. and as the saying goes.. 2 wrongs don't make it right. you don't want discrimination? don't discriminate. sheesh people, get a clue already! we all gotta live in this world. Most people learn by example. don't be two-faced... yelling about something being unfair with one hand while committing the same issues on others with the other hand. I'm saying to be careful that you aren't contributing to the problem while you are yowling about taking care of it. Some of us can be really blind about such things... not even aware that its going on until its pointed out to us. It's called 'practice what you preach' in my neighborhood. Violence isn't any sort of real productive answer.. it just creates more problems.
and since I seem to be on a roll....
There's a certain search engine (read:yahoo)/and answer forum That, after a year plus of growling in their general direction, that I have finally had enough of. I once was an active member of their answer forums, which I still think is a good idea for people to get general answers about most things at.. not to mention the idea of having a friendly place to post a relevant blog address and get a bit of free advertising. I would always make sure to only post my blog address with posts that were relevant.. ie: an answer post regarding asian dramas, to my drama review blog and not to an answer regarding home remedies for tooth pain or something. One day, seemingly out of the blue, to me, I found myself suspended. no-one would answer my queries as to why.. or what I did wrong. so..
a year later, i asked for an appeal, to look at it again... to see if i could finally get some actual answers for my continued suspension... and I ended up pretty much with the same old thing. the moment they discovered *gasp* I was suspended for an unknown violation I know not what,.. then closed the book on me. so much for an appeal.. that being the closer I apparently needed, at last, I gave up on them. I'm closing the account, washing up and tossing the whole damned towel to the dirty ground. Stupid unreasonable better-than thou's won't give the time of day for some conjured up reason to toss someone forever off their list. Joke em! they can just take their own ball and play all by themselves in their own backyard, leave me out of it!
Being that at the moment of this typing, they are also closing their messenger service.... I have nothing left to do with them.
goodby Yahoo, I once thought you were cool. Then I learned better. To the People and rats I gotta say.... I can already see the silt blooming up from the muddy bottom.... "Jump the edge soon, that ship is sinking!"
btw, i wanted very much to play pokemon Go! but alas, its not compatible with my phone and my laptop wont run it on emulator either. *thats because after all this time of trying, ive come to the realization, that my laptop really is a piece of worthless dodgy un-enabled trash. (don't trust Anyone in the wallyworlf electronics dept, for knowing anything about what they are selling.)
*climbs back off the soapbox and saunters away*

In the news today...
what? the new star Trek's Sulu character is gay? when did that happen? seems the original actor for that character called it unfortunate. ... I agree with him. It's not a bad idea to have a gay representation in the star trek universe, no, i'm all for that. star trek was always known for pushing the limits of the norm. They were up with the firsts in that regard. putting into script, the social issues of the time.. and mixing colors when it wasn't the usual thing to do on TV.
To my way of looking at it, as a fan, and apparently to that of mr. Takai as well, Sulu was/is an original cannon character and as such, should be left to the creator's original construction. Sulu was as G Roddenberry created him to be. just as Captain Kirk was, as spock was, as doc bones was. Changing those attributes, changes the original personality of the character. I mean, think about it a sec...
There's always going to be fam what-ifs.. but they don't often make it into the inner working of an official story without a whole lot of consideration of the story's cannon character personalities. why doesn't Spock just suddenly become an exotic dancer? because that just isn't how Spock moves.
(like someone pointed out) would the original james Bond's personality be changed if a woman played him? Hell yes! don't agree? look at the personality of that character as he was for film after film in the past.. james bond was quite debonair, a ladies man, tricky and capable. now look at the current james bond. he's a straight-shooter, rough, crass, and dirty, but get's the job done. he's no longer even remotely like the original. the personality has changed in a way original creator had not intended. making him into a her will change the personality from the original even further.
I don't especially want any of the cannon character's personalities to change too much. for that reason, most directors and such, need to be careful. if they get too far away from how the famous character was originally, the character might as well not be that character anymore in fan's eyes and the series' popularity will suffer for it. It's happened before.
Leave well enough alone already. if you want to make a gay character for the enterprise.. add a couple of extra's walking down the hall and see if they become permanent characters somewhere in the timeline.
I was a little cautious of the Reboot too. I was a bit frightened they were going to change the original reason they were out there in the first place. But I have since seen that they tried hard to find actors who could do a good job filling out the cannon character's personalities. (everyone except maybe scotty, who never had a side-kick... didn't need one.) it turned out to be a good thing. and I applauded the reboot for the first several movies.
What Now?! unfortunately, -Someone- is trying to untie the original shoe-laces of the series by changing the cannon character's personalities. why?? Leave Sulu alone.. along with the others from the original star trek pattern. you want new personalities? make them up. even if they get labeled as "that gay guy" for a season or two. I'd bet they'd soon become as endearing to the ST family as anyone else quickly enough. maybe add in a gay alien species. like one of them frosty blue faces with the antenna and white hair, or the fuzzy razor-bladed felines to ship's crew. There-by kicking it up a notch without ruining the original.
In other news..
It seems the neighborhood cat club is yowling with rankled fur once more. This time though, instead of 'just' yowling.. one of those fellows sent a handful of milita to the heavy-side layer. What a sad day it is when some idiot, wrongly thinking he can separate different colors of fur, by making an example of his insanity with others lives. Yes, I know, he had his reasons, but killing is wrong, no matter what the fur color is. and as most know.. there were different fur colors in the militia as well. bullets don't discriminate, they'll hit any color. that tomcat just defeated his own reasons, such as they were. he was so angry over the discrimination, he discriminated against the light fur's, picking them out from a bunch, several of which were the same color of fur as was his own. If anything was unfair, that was.
and.. to add to this, look back in history and learn. who -really- started the whole flying fur issue in the first place? wasn't it darker colors, they were taking on local tribal enemies and selling them to foreigners. no, it doesn't justify the wrong the light colored pelts have ever done.. They did a lot of wrong just by carrying on the prevailing thought at the time. which made them feel like rulers... kings.. which was very wrong of them to do.
I poignantly feel for the lost lives of the true natives of this country too. That -was- started by the light-furs.. those natives really paid a harsh price.. just because the light furs needed to feel like kings by trodding others under them (which is never good idea). the red furs were slaughtered or/and made suffer horribly under the light colors' arrogance simply because they were there.
Since then, the darker shoe has gone on the other foot. way back when, there were problems simply getting used to the very idea of having to share educational space between black, red, and white. at that time, most of the higher education was predominately light spaces and arrogance. and it wasn't fair. and now? there are no real light spaces... but see how many darker spaces there are.. with special monetary kudos continuing for them as well. but arn't they grateful? apparently not, they are demanding its not enough. and the light colors can't say anything because if they try to continue to go as they once did, (only sharing a bit more) the fur will fly once more.
need a parallelism? alright..
once upon a time, (not really...) there were these peoples, who thought they were god's answer to ruling everyone else... so they all got on their high horse, and rode over several other people nearby.. and said they were kings. they committed nasty nasty crimes on the people they trod under their heels. and then along comes another neighbor, from much further away, and makes them stop. the trodden-under peoples complained for years about the defunct rulers treatment. until finally, the ex-rulers new generation apologized... on behalf of their fathers and grandfather's poor choices and the horrible treatment of their neighbors, they apologized again and again.. saying, on paper even, that they would never do it again.. even going so far is to give kudos. their folks and grandfolks who thought themselves king, were wrong to do what they did. but then, it somehow wasn't enough, the downtrodden wanted more apologies.. and more kudos..
so when is enough enough?
now, I know, nothing can truly repair such grievous damage done by those peoples in the past. all that really can be done is to shake your head with a heavy sigh, apologize yet again, and hope that those harmed by your ancestors will unruffle their feathers at last, knowing you are not the same in thought or deed as that of those who did the harming way back then.
And.. its important that the youngers should be educated in the truth of what happened.. not versions of.. but the truth of it, overall. so they can make their own informed decisions on the happening.
after awhile though, people (and cats) should be aware, that all the yowling gets old. seriously... seriously old. get over the problems and learn to cope as we -all- have to. find a more productive way to yowl to keep with the times.
yes, there still is a lot of discrimination.. on all sides. yes, of course its wrong... and yes something needs to be done about it. do think reasonably and responsibly though. -All- lives matter. not just this or that life, but all of them. If you don't like what the problems are, don't create even more problems with your hate. That too, is wrong. and as the saying goes.. 2 wrongs don't make it right. you don't want discrimination? don't discriminate. sheesh people, get a clue already! we all gotta live in this world. Most people learn by example. don't be two-faced... yelling about something being unfair with one hand while committing the same issues on others with the other hand. I'm saying to be careful that you aren't contributing to the problem while you are yowling about taking care of it. Some of us can be really blind about such things... not even aware that its going on until its pointed out to us. It's called 'practice what you preach' in my neighborhood. Violence isn't any sort of real productive answer.. it just creates more problems.
and since I seem to be on a roll....
There's a certain search engine (read:yahoo)/and answer forum That, after a year plus of growling in their general direction, that I have finally had enough of. I once was an active member of their answer forums, which I still think is a good idea for people to get general answers about most things at.. not to mention the idea of having a friendly place to post a relevant blog address and get a bit of free advertising. I would always make sure to only post my blog address with posts that were relevant.. ie: an answer post regarding asian dramas, to my drama review blog and not to an answer regarding home remedies for tooth pain or something. One day, seemingly out of the blue, to me, I found myself suspended. no-one would answer my queries as to why.. or what I did wrong. so..
a year later, i asked for an appeal, to look at it again... to see if i could finally get some actual answers for my continued suspension... and I ended up pretty much with the same old thing. the moment they discovered *gasp* I was suspended for an unknown violation I know not what,.. then closed the book on me. so much for an appeal.. that being the closer I apparently needed, at last, I gave up on them. I'm closing the account, washing up and tossing the whole damned towel to the dirty ground. Stupid unreasonable better-than thou's won't give the time of day for some conjured up reason to toss someone forever off their list. Joke em! they can just take their own ball and play all by themselves in their own backyard, leave me out of it!
Being that at the moment of this typing, they are also closing their messenger service.... I have nothing left to do with them.
goodby Yahoo, I once thought you were cool. Then I learned better. To the People and rats I gotta say.... I can already see the silt blooming up from the muddy bottom.... "Jump the edge soon, that ship is sinking!"
btw, i wanted very much to play pokemon Go! but alas, its not compatible with my phone and my laptop wont run it on emulator either. *thats because after all this time of trying, ive come to the realization, that my laptop really is a piece of worthless dodgy un-enabled trash. (don't trust Anyone in the wallyworlf electronics dept, for knowing anything about what they are selling.)

Friday, July 08, 2016
Pc dlable gamezes review
Ak now before I get started on this, let me just say, i'm not talkin about ala those game types you are obviously not sposta dl without a really good checker. And I already avoid those tricky sorts that are really just dl for trials and demos before demanding payment for the full version. (like bigfish). Also.. I have tried to give indication where I found the game, it's likely not the only site they can be found at, its just where I found it... and no, no one is paying poor lil o me to endorse their game sites, (that might be a cool idea though.) no, it's just me, enjoying and showing what's out there. ok.. here we go....
Hero Of The Kingdom
(Toomky Games)

most pc style games are usually, fairly short, and have genre's such as puzzle, arcade, time management etc. This one was likely somewhere under time management, adventure and maybe hidden object. You play a farm kid out looking for a missing dad. There is a bit of back and forth, you have to remember where things are.. like who sells what for what, kind of thing. (sell the herbs you picked to buy the pick-axe you need, to acquire iron which you need more.) Your lil hero ranges all over the place, helping the locals build a house, picking mushrooms, fishing, or learning skills such as hunting, and alchemy. It has a moving quest line to keep you interested.. that really, could have been longer. lol! I spent the better part on an evening on this one. only draw-back was trying to see all those ttiiinny lil boxes, crates, mushrooms etc in the trees and such.. when eyes are not that sharp... ahh the squint strain! other than that.. It's a most amusing game and rather well put together. If the creator of this game just happens to be reading this... sequel? maybe yes?
Paradise Beach

This one constantly reminded me of Roller Coaster Tycoon (sans penguin guests). you start with a granddaughter who is the new ceo of a beach resort company. It's her business to make up safe beach resorts with all the bells and whistles to bring in the happy customers while being aware of the chaos they might be causing to the local population of birds, pandas, elephants etc.
Hero Of The Kingdom
(Toomky Games)

most pc style games are usually, fairly short, and have genre's such as puzzle, arcade, time management etc. This one was likely somewhere under time management, adventure and maybe hidden object. You play a farm kid out looking for a missing dad. There is a bit of back and forth, you have to remember where things are.. like who sells what for what, kind of thing. (sell the herbs you picked to buy the pick-axe you need, to acquire iron which you need more.) Your lil hero ranges all over the place, helping the locals build a house, picking mushrooms, fishing, or learning skills such as hunting, and alchemy. It has a moving quest line to keep you interested.. that really, could have been longer. lol! I spent the better part on an evening on this one. only draw-back was trying to see all those ttiiinny lil boxes, crates, mushrooms etc in the trees and such.. when eyes are not that sharp... ahh the squint strain! other than that.. It's a most amusing game and rather well put together. If the creator of this game just happens to be reading this... sequel? maybe yes?
Paradise Beach

This one constantly reminded me of Roller Coaster Tycoon (sans penguin guests). you start with a granddaughter who is the new ceo of a beach resort company. It's her business to make up safe beach resorts with all the bells and whistles to bring in the happy customers while being aware of the chaos they might be causing to the local population of birds, pandas, elephants etc.
Friday, June 24, 2016
peeking into wow
over the last months, I have finally gotten another chance to look through the portal toward friends in World of Warcraft and managed a couple of pics before the portal went unstable. now, I am hoping yet, to get back there.. but so far, no luck. the reliable box I was using, suddenly proved to be not so stable and I admit, I panicked all over the place! it took a lot of hours trying to get it back into some sort of shape I could work with. (and kicking my portable around for being a severe lag monster).. which is something I cannot work with.

A new dwarven model baamount kesa got to try out at the faire.

a beautiful view of painted clouds over Pandaria. Which turned out to be the most amazing floating island with all of its varied and -really- interesting quest-lines, beautiful views ..and the dragons!
Now truthfully, I can not put Warcraft in my games line-up because its more free-to-'pay' then it is free to play. you do get a little, "trial" you can download for a bit of free play time.. which is just enough to make you whine and sigh when its all too soon time's up. hardly worth the lengthy download time for that.
but of the game world itself, it's worth the experience of seeing at least once imo. It's got something for just about anyone's gamin style and tastes.
For the explorer in me, it has had something new to see everyday for months now and i still haven't been to most places that I have heard of. such a vast place. Lots and lots and lots to see!
And games within games as well! My favorite amusement this time seems to be the battle pets. even while in the middle of dark haunted wilderness or in the whirling midst of elemental force, there's room for a pause and a battle on a miniature scale to happen.
There I was on the banks of a raging river, the very air of which tried to pluck me off the spit of land I was on and toss me headlong into a watery grave, the roar of the air, had a tangible bite on my face and arms.. and yet i took little notice of it, rather I was intently watching my three trusty battle pets, rabaa, the transmogrified rabbit/sheep (from a bounced spell as I recruited him for my retinue), rooky the ram and a little mechanical cat I just called, flux. fighting with a small frog and its companion, a roach, skittering idly along behind it... waiting its turn to swarm. euw! lol! what glorious fun! I gotta find more of these, mini-sized critters! Gotta get em all!!
Here's hoping I can somehow get back to it soon.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
A little bit of this and that
hey there, its off and on again without much tune to it. just passing the days as best as I can and trying not to think about the troubles that seem to plague me. My passport external died today, along with most of the files i had been wanting to keep. try as I might, I just can't seem to get access to anything on it.. in fact, i can't seem to even see it on my computer. and yet. with others on better systems, all is good, if very slow. not sure quite what to do. sounds something like a familiar line to me.... A shades of a past external problem... but its where my wow game was located *whine*.
in other news.. I got my first real taste of a durian earlier today. I couldn't hack it.. after several moments of trying unsuccessfully to swallow growing bile... I spit it out in the toilet and spent the next hour trying to get the taste out of my mouth. I tasted remarkably a lot like some horrid vial o medicinal concoction a horror story of a dentist often gave me for bad teeth when I was young. Id swear he really was a vile mad scientist in training and I was one of his ready subjects .. too innocent to know when to bite hands, and kick shins before running away.
A friend of mine went to s. Korea on vacation and has been sending me pics of the fun being had. They are great pics. I couldnt ask for better. ^.^ Im really enjoying them. memorable fun for the whole family. mountain and shore. great stone carvings and hand painted and designed architecture 100s of years old. wow. and i learned a few things too. tallest mountain in Korea is as high as simple elevation of a colorado town.. and flat-topped. but the legends are inspiring. they say ancient gods and spirits live on the mountain and visit the white deer lake crater.they also say the volcano is active... but it is, at best, dormant,its last eruption was very very loong ago. it is one of three or four volcanos in korea... which is interresting considering how many there are in japan, just hop and sail that-a-way from s.korea's south-eastern shoreline.
well, guess its on for the next few days more. need to re-up my game on my laptop so i can move it if i have to have a better then flake connection.
gunna try to get my passport fixed on the other computer system that can see it, maybe..at least get a few things off it. maybe have to go back to putting things on dvd disk.wish me luck. and gnight. oyasumi nasai!
in other news.. I got my first real taste of a durian earlier today. I couldn't hack it.. after several moments of trying unsuccessfully to swallow growing bile... I spit it out in the toilet and spent the next hour trying to get the taste out of my mouth. I tasted remarkably a lot like some horrid vial o medicinal concoction a horror story of a dentist often gave me for bad teeth when I was young. Id swear he really was a vile mad scientist in training and I was one of his ready subjects .. too innocent to know when to bite hands, and kick shins before running away.
A friend of mine went to s. Korea on vacation and has been sending me pics of the fun being had. They are great pics. I couldnt ask for better. ^.^ Im really enjoying them. memorable fun for the whole family. mountain and shore. great stone carvings and hand painted and designed architecture 100s of years old. wow. and i learned a few things too. tallest mountain in Korea is as high as simple elevation of a colorado town.. and flat-topped. but the legends are inspiring. they say ancient gods and spirits live on the mountain and visit the white deer lake crater.they also say the volcano is active... but it is, at best, dormant,its last eruption was very very loong ago. it is one of three or four volcanos in korea... which is interresting considering how many there are in japan, just hop and sail that-a-way from s.korea's south-eastern shoreline.
well, guess its on for the next few days more. need to re-up my game on my laptop so i can move it if i have to have a better then flake connection.
gunna try to get my passport fixed on the other computer system that can see it, maybe..at least get a few things off it. maybe have to go back to putting things on dvd disk.wish me luck. and gnight. oyasumi nasai!
Monday, May 09, 2016
more of the same, under a different name...
I might have mentioned Linguti before. I'm sure they are using a rosetta style approach which is pretty limiting but... while it does seem to be that. along with its lack of explanation... has taught me a few, i consider, valuable things. what it doesn't explain has gotten me to looking for the reasons and finding them with other sources. example...
why is the 'no' particle between midori and hon.. but not between akai and ringo?
and why are some sentences finished up with desu.. and others by imasu?
these are the simple answers I came up with by surfing the net.
黒(kuro), 白(shiro)white, 赤(aka)red, 青(ao)blue, 黄色(kiiro)yellow and 茶色(chairo)brown can end in either -i or are followed by 'no'... because of a limit of color in Japan's linguistic history. 4 to 6 colors.
but others like 緑 (midori)green, 紫 (murasaki)purple, and 灰色 (haiiro)ash grey, can only have the 'no' come after it in a sentence.
Desu means 'is' 'am' or 'are', for the most part.
masu and its verb conjugations take up the rest.
desu = is, am, are. there is a blue ball.
deshta = "was". there was a blue ball.
deha(wa)/ja arimasen = is not. it is not a blue ball.
deha(wa)/ja arimasen deshita = was not. the ball was not blue.
Imasu = "there is" (life) "living some place". there is a man standing over there.
arimasu = "there is" (for non-life) there is a ball over there.
imasen = neg. present. there is no ghost by the bookcase. (so would that be non-life or once life?)
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
More of the Same, plus some.
Hey there.. here we are.. back at it all again.. once more around the darkened loop, it seems.. in perpetual motion. once more hangin at the library on too-hard seats, on a faulty keyboard. -.- with no real relief in sight .. these days its more a battle with cussedness and just plain straight-up depression. working hard onthat whole shouganai thing.. complete with a good dollup of dmned ifn you do.. and dmned ifn you dont added for yet something else to fret about. once more i could have predicted it.. how disappointing. added to that.. as if it wasn't already too much.. a birdi wants to fly so badly it can be tasted... in desperation. and the frosting bit is.. apparently the powers that be want us out before they get back. I cant actually blame them. they have been beyond patient with us all. still.. plehhs
She was just a bit overdoing it, with her midnight suggestion that the bird-call give in and use got creds to get everyone moved out instead of flying away alone. sigh and yet, i'm actually frightened to be leaving half-cocked with no where to end up. and nothing to end up with. and asmuch as it'd befun to see sheep again... not sure I'd want to descend on him with all of 'this'.... so much uncertainty!!
on another note.. i successfully fussed out the issue with linguti locks and got myself restarted... naturally though, because im not
on my comfy desktop, I have to contend with this piece of. meep.. of a laptop so cannot seem to keep needed sentences straight without giving it a once more critical eye of appraisal before submitting..just to make sure i got all the right letters in place. no missing spaces .. no missing o's or i's or s's.ugh!!
-.- I do ..honestly.. wish i could just close my eyes and all this trouble would just.. go away.
She was just a bit overdoing it, with her midnight suggestion that the bird-call give in and use got creds to get everyone moved out instead of flying away alone. sigh and yet, i'm actually frightened to be leaving half-cocked with no where to end up. and nothing to end up with. and asmuch as it'd befun to see sheep again... not sure I'd want to descend on him with all of 'this'.... so much uncertainty!!
on another note.. i successfully fussed out the issue with linguti locks and got myself restarted... naturally though, because im not
on my comfy desktop, I have to contend with this piece of. meep.. of a laptop so cannot seem to keep needed sentences straight without giving it a once more critical eye of appraisal before submitting..just to make sure i got all the right letters in place. no missing spaces .. no missing o's or i's or s's.ugh!!
-.- I do ..honestly.. wish i could just close my eyes and all this trouble would just.. go away.
Friday, March 25, 2016
OK, It's time I finally said something.. again? about my meandering and shuffling course through language learning... self study. (cheers and clapping placed here)
Yeas, for the last... uhhh.. has it been a year + already? year or so, I have been attempting to teach myself Japanese. Talk about determination and tenacity!!? whew! I have learned a whole lot of little things, mostly online, along with a number of books for help.
learning the words/symbols/meanings, i have found, is one thing... learning what they sound like is a whole different ball of wax.
Thus far I have grouched through most of the grammar lessons I have found, (which hasn't been a whole lot really) and totally skipped over sounds in kanji... its a temporary thing though. I am learning to recognize and get the meaning of kanji first.. then back it up for the sounds they make so I can better pair them up with the words I have learned.
Along the way, I have found the occasional website or such, that I think has helped me learn and stay motivated. oh.. as for 'why' I am teaching myself Japanese? No super special reason.. I want to prove to myself I can do it. I want to be able to look at a manga.. or watch an anime, and have some idea as to whats going on. I want to be able to carry on, even a rough convo in Japanese.. and be able to be understood. To me, that's more than good enough.
I like how, of all the asian lingo's, Japanese sounds quite a bit like singing to me. speedy singing. :D
ok... so I've got this small list I'd like to share of places and games etc, that I have found helpful, what I liked and what I didn't like.
Top o the list...
-online- websites
A bit like duolingo.. only for Asian languages
What I liked: what a terrific set of learning quizzes! with varying ways to work each question as well. writing, listening, multi choice and back and forth translation.It also tallys up your points and has a little 'store' to buy goodies with your hard won stars.
What I didnt like: the goodies were waaay too few in number. It only got me to level 9. *gasp* It's not complete! wheres your friends list? where to get more lessons, where is the explanations/textbook info? I really want there to be more to it!
It's not totally free.. but even the part that is, is well worth the look-see.
what I liked: very engaging quizzes. the memorizing by mnemonics is funny.
What I didn't like: after level 2 or 3.. the freebies are done and you have to pay to learn more. Even as I understand this... I'm a perennially poor kitty. This is also the case with its partner site, textfugu.
-games- for PC
Slime adventures.
For learning the meanings of kanji, this game is top of the mark with me.
What I liked: A simple game where even the free version will keep one occupied for hours at a time.
what I didn't like: Still thinking on this one.... perhaps the kanji list hasn't been updated in some time.. still has old obsolete symbols not used anymore, in it.
fun simple game that very quickly throws you head-first into deep waters.
What I liked: its a Japanese learning game. with sentences.
what I didn't like: I dont care much for jumping head-first into muddy deep waters. it gets too deep for me, very quickly and I run away from the game.
Worth a mention...
An up and coming Japanese learning game via Kickstarter, being painstakingly created for a hopeful first release this year. Looks like its going to be a blast!
-games- for the DS
Kageyama method
What I like: A great place for 'storing' what kanji you have learned to write/understand the meaning of.
What I dont like: Its all in Kana with kanji so you have to stumble about a little bit to find the right spot for kanji practice.
Kanji Sonomama
what I like: its a dictionary! with a tablet area for writing out kanji you want to know the meaning of.
What I dont like: a good percentage is in complicated Japanese as well.
(in special: Anpanman to asobo Aiueo kyoushitsu DX)
What I like: Its Anpanman!!! super bread with friends! easy to understand games. About perfect for beginners.
What I don't like: Whats not to like?
Japanese for busy people.
what I like: basic symbol study.. overview of numbers, time, etc..
what I don't like: its a text book.. doesn't keep my interest for very long. but still, its kept my interest for longer then most.
Beginning Japanese by Tuttle
what I like: applied Japanese in the form of study and comics concerning a girl new to the country and getting to meet her host family.
What I don't like: same as above. Its a textbook. difficult to keep my interest for very long. But has kept it longer than most.
Essential Kanji for everyday use.
what I like: good for figuring where to pick up random-ish kanji to study.
What I don't like: its a text book blah blah..
Kanji & Kana By Tuttle
what I like: great for that random kanji look-up stuff. think "dictionary" and youl have an idea.
what I don't like: getting used to how things are listed.
Websters new world compact Japanese/English dictionary
what I like: It's a stuffed dictionary in mini size.
What I don't like: um.. well, it doesn't have everything.
Yeas, for the last... uhhh.. has it been a year + already? year or so, I have been attempting to teach myself Japanese. Talk about determination and tenacity!!? whew! I have learned a whole lot of little things, mostly online, along with a number of books for help.
learning the words/symbols/meanings, i have found, is one thing... learning what they sound like is a whole different ball of wax.
Thus far I have grouched through most of the grammar lessons I have found, (which hasn't been a whole lot really) and totally skipped over sounds in kanji... its a temporary thing though. I am learning to recognize and get the meaning of kanji first.. then back it up for the sounds they make so I can better pair them up with the words I have learned.
Along the way, I have found the occasional website or such, that I think has helped me learn and stay motivated. oh.. as for 'why' I am teaching myself Japanese? No super special reason.. I want to prove to myself I can do it. I want to be able to look at a manga.. or watch an anime, and have some idea as to whats going on. I want to be able to carry on, even a rough convo in Japanese.. and be able to be understood. To me, that's more than good enough.
I like how, of all the asian lingo's, Japanese sounds quite a bit like singing to me. speedy singing. :D
ok... so I've got this small list I'd like to share of places and games etc, that I have found helpful, what I liked and what I didn't like.
Top o the list...
-online- websites
A bit like duolingo.. only for Asian languages
What I liked: what a terrific set of learning quizzes! with varying ways to work each question as well. writing, listening, multi choice and back and forth translation.It also tallys up your points and has a little 'store' to buy goodies with your hard won stars.
What I didnt like: the goodies were waaay too few in number. It only got me to level 9. *gasp* It's not complete! wheres your friends list? where to get more lessons, where is the explanations/textbook info? I really want there to be more to it!
It's not totally free.. but even the part that is, is well worth the look-see.
what I liked: very engaging quizzes. the memorizing by mnemonics is funny.
What I didn't like: after level 2 or 3.. the freebies are done and you have to pay to learn more. Even as I understand this... I'm a perennially poor kitty. This is also the case with its partner site, textfugu.
-games- for PC
Slime adventures.
For learning the meanings of kanji, this game is top of the mark with me.
What I liked: A simple game where even the free version will keep one occupied for hours at a time.
what I didn't like: Still thinking on this one.... perhaps the kanji list hasn't been updated in some time.. still has old obsolete symbols not used anymore, in it.
fun simple game that very quickly throws you head-first into deep waters.
What I liked: its a Japanese learning game. with sentences.
what I didn't like: I dont care much for jumping head-first into muddy deep waters. it gets too deep for me, very quickly and I run away from the game.
Worth a mention...
An up and coming Japanese learning game via Kickstarter, being painstakingly created for a hopeful first release this year. Looks like its going to be a blast!
-games- for the DS
Kageyama method
What I like: A great place for 'storing' what kanji you have learned to write/understand the meaning of.
What I dont like: Its all in Kana with kanji so you have to stumble about a little bit to find the right spot for kanji practice.
Kanji Sonomama
what I like: its a dictionary! with a tablet area for writing out kanji you want to know the meaning of.
What I dont like: a good percentage is in complicated Japanese as well.
(in special: Anpanman to asobo Aiueo kyoushitsu DX)
What I like: Its Anpanman!!! super bread with friends! easy to understand games. About perfect for beginners.
What I don't like: Whats not to like?
Japanese for busy people.
what I like: basic symbol study.. overview of numbers, time, etc..
what I don't like: its a text book.. doesn't keep my interest for very long. but still, its kept my interest for longer then most.
Beginning Japanese by Tuttle
what I like: applied Japanese in the form of study and comics concerning a girl new to the country and getting to meet her host family.
What I don't like: same as above. Its a textbook. difficult to keep my interest for very long. But has kept it longer than most.
Essential Kanji for everyday use.
what I like: good for figuring where to pick up random-ish kanji to study.
What I don't like: its a text book blah blah..
Kanji & Kana By Tuttle
what I like: great for that random kanji look-up stuff. think "dictionary" and youl have an idea.
what I don't like: getting used to how things are listed.
Websters new world compact Japanese/English dictionary
what I like: It's a stuffed dictionary in mini size.
What I don't like: um.. well, it doesn't have everything.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
On the subject of Sand Fleas and Cats.
Ok, about a month or so, my poor kitty had to be rushed to the veterinarian. He was really very sick.. even though he didn't show it a whole lot. he had a weebilly walk, his jump had apparently headed for the cat Olympics without him. and he had totally gone off his food. Turned out he was seriously anemic to what the vet called "horrible sand fleas'. (still gives me the shivers). Those little buggers were literally sucking all the life blood out of him! so the vet gave him vitamins, a collar and a pill. Of the pill it was said you could see them vacating the kitty all in a flood. I saw nothing leaving at all. neither did anyone else. but it did seem to make the meow look a bit more comfy after a bit. He no longer had the flea party going on across his bod.
Now, we knew about the usual fleas, the place we chose to live in, had been/is infested with them since move-in. Sometimes they got really bad and other times they gave it a rest. other then the ongoing combat though they were kept in some check. These fleas, we grew to learn, were of a 'soldier' variety. some of them, when they bit you, seemingly took a chunk out and sent you squealing in pain and slapping the suddenly pained area to get it to quit. They were also very resistant... to just about anything we threw at them. Flea bombs, sprays, diatomaceous earth, and household nonsense.. it didn't seem to matter. but I knew next to nothing of sand fleas. What are they? I took to the net to find out and... I'm still not sure. There seems to be a great deal of confusion as to just what these things are and what it is they do or don't do.
The fleas in my place are both large nearly black critters about the size of a small mosquito, with compact bodies and a jump that could have them on your shins and knees in no time at all. Others are smaller and lighter colored with the same sort of jump. they either bite you one here, one there... like the usual flea sort, orr when they get really bad, they cluster. they are quick lil buggers too and they disperse from before your very eyesight like the flow and speed of the scarab beetles in the mummy movies. A flea comb and a bit of soapy water will catch some of them, but they will replace what you took away very quickly. and I was getting close to considering shaving the poor kittycat just to maybe even the playing field a bit and have a better chance of getting them off of him. (I'm still considering it)
So the net insists that these sand fleas live at the beach and have an issue with salt. -.- comeon now, does this make sense to you, really? They habitually live on an ocean's sandy beachside, which is naturally salty, and they cant handle salt? the net also seems to think they are not a flea but a good-sized crab... that they tunnel under the skin and leave marks at their location. that they arn't to be confused with sand hoppers and flies. and that they don't live in people's houses. ok, so if all that is true, what are the tiny little buggers in my carpet and on my cat?!
I can tell you they are not flies, crabs, or chiggers. Nor are they your 'usual' fleas. they are far more resistant... and persistent. I know that soapy water will clear off some of them for a time. I know that baking soda seems to decrease at least, their activity for a time as well. I know fleas can be caught between your fingers... but I have difficulty trying catch one of these tiny speed demons and when I do, they look just like a little flea... an adolescent flea? they will bite and flee more often then do the bigger ones as well.
So what works on these teensy tiny hopping vampires? good question. I'll have to get back to you on this one.
Any good ideas? ... please?
Asheron's calling... pick up the phone!
This is a bit of an update for an old game I learned to love. Asheron's Call. It seems the powers-that-be for this game, have pretty much given it up.. even as there is still a fairly tenacious player base.
They are no longer updating with new content... since about 2000something. just.. keeping up the maintenance is all they are doing now.. i think.
I would say it has gone FTPlay.. but it hasn't really. you still have to pay a $10 fee to get into the game.... or about double that to -maybe- rescue old characters if you have them.
Which sucks to me. I have been away from Asheron's Call for so long now, I couldn't even hope to recall the info I might still, by some stretch of a miracle, have in their login severs. I do recall character names... not that I think that would help. (Although, it did for Everquest2, which I think I had truly the best experience in getting through, what could have other-wise been a serious headache for me, as well as the folks attempting to find my account. Seriously.. the person helping me found it straight away! I was really impressed!)
I remember Indy the best of my household there. It was during the time, just following the addition of the blue-skinned player race. She was clumsy, thought she was an Angel who had, lost her wings.. was always falling or jumping off of things. She had even been interviewed once by someone called Snowimp. (see the story here.)
It was christmas time.. and she was in a little snow village with the guild leader, beating on big naughty snowmen. Second in household command, was the original me. where Indy took the most deaths title, I took the title for the most ridiculous deaths. Indy fell off mountains, died via verindi or a winged sprite, I died due to thrown snowballs. -sigh- Well, I loved home lots more then running errands anyway. I miss ol Belmont a lot. He was like a big protective and huggable teddybear to me. I miss Odin and other friends I knew there as well. ah Dereth.. I wonder what all has changed since I have seen your wondrous explore-worthy expanses.
Wednesday, March 09, 2016
testing testing... 1 2 3.... Is this thing turned on?
testing ...
well.. guess that doesn't work.
sanders n friends "friends on the other side"
6 year old with impared sight singing and playing bohemian rhapsody on the piano. Talent, Tenacity, and having a great deal of fun while he's at it.
(Old) Movie Dance Scenes Mashup music: Uptown Funk
(Mark Ronson ft.Bruno Mars)
A program plug... Now, you know its not really like me to plug software (or hardware for that matter) but there's a few out there worth the effort of passing along imo, so bear with me a little.
"Stickies" by Zhorn software
This little program pretty much does everything really useful you could possibly want in a free stickies program. It will color your words, it will remind you with music and/or a shaking alert box of attention!! of those birthdays and appointments you might be forgetting. it even has a scrolling feature for those terribly verbose moments that will not fit within regular stickie space. It is a well and thoughtfully written out program. I have never seen it glitch or lose data on my PC (unless it was my fault for erasing it.) Really need to check this one out!
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Memory of Old Words
I remember... yeah, I lived in a retro hodunk lil town in the north snow. When the world was swooning over the Beatles, we were enamored with Elvis. When the world was wowing over computers and the internet, we were ohhhing over the very thought of microwaved meals. So naturally, I recall words and phrases (still)in common use that were already well passe in the rest of the world.... so here's several of them, and what I thought they ment. .. in no special order.
Flapdoodle - babbling nonsense. She was speaking fluent flapdoodle last evening.
Limelight - put in a spotlight.. on the hotseat, everyone is paying attention to you. "that guy got the short shrift and now he's in the limelight.. he'd better not mess up!
Mudslinging and muckraking - literally what it says is what i know it as. a muckrake is a hard rake made of wood or metal used for mucking out horse/pig/cow stalls. muck being the dirt, stool, hay, dirty mud and whatever else is in the stall. you throw this muck at someone, you -really- don't like them. "Here's mud in yer eye!"
Mud in you're eye! (said in laughter) = a cheer, toasting or praising ..or said/shouted in anger. = (see muckraking)
a buck or to buck - a young daring, brash, or overconfident guy, to object or push away, a male deer, or simply a $1 bill. that guy is just a young buck but he bucked the law, stole a bag of bucks, so they dropped him in the hoosgow.
apothecary - someone who makes and sells herbs, spices and natural medicines. A natural goods store.
asunder - torn apart.
banshee - a screaming ghost foretelling of someone in a family's death.
bedlam - chaos. "it was total bedlam out there."
behoove - It makes sense. to feel obligated. "It behooves me to tell you, as your friend, she's messing around behind you're back."
besmirch - to soil, or dirty up someone's reputation.
betroth - to plan to marry.
bodkin - a small knife, or a leather vest.
breeches/ britches/ or leggings - by the seat of your pants or just pants in general.
brine - well soured or salted water/stock.
bushel - to me, a bushel was a big basket filled with apples or cherries.
caboose - one's backside or the end of a train.
conjure - usually to think up or do something really quick. "as if she conjured it out of thin air."
coxcomb - either an arrogant brash person or the red parts of a rooster's face.
crookback or crookneck - crookback is someone doubled over from a life of hard labor or a mountain pathway that doubles back on itself on a steep grade (aka a switchback), crookneck is someone very disagreeable and argumentative, or someone paying too much attention to neighbors woes.. also known as gawking, craning one's neck, or snooping.
derailed - stopped dead in its tracks, halted, dispersed, scattered, shattered or off on a tangent. "her idle thoughts were completely derailed when she heard the siren."
deserts - this one still mixes me up as i thought it pretty much meant the same thing as the sweets you ate after a meal.. a treat! after all, it was our just deserts! we deserved it! we had it coming to us.. in a good way!
ditty - a quick fun song. like a happy jig.
drab - old, unlovely, faded, being of greys and dull browns, like road dust.
egad! - oh my gosh!, ohno! oh dear! usually said with a bit of exaggerated cheek.
eggpan - a smallish skillet or shallow pan.
eh? or ay? - not really an actual question, more like.. asking if you agree but with no requirement to reply. found at the end of a sentence. "Goodness, the weather is nice, eh?"
eke - (sounds like ekk) as in to eke out a living. to scratch by. to live off the land. getting by.
erstwhile - to be earstwhile.. to be well-to-do, to mean well, on time, attentive. very old word not often used.
figure or reckon - To make a 'best' guess.
fixing - as in fixing to get to it. I intend to do it. a Texas-ism
Flapjack or pancake - interchangeable words. make a batter, pour it onto a skillet, cook until brown, add syrup or jam, and eat. yum!
fro - as in to and fro. (no, not a wonderfully full head of curly hair.), as in to come and go, this way and that.
gay = gleeful, happy, having a great time, joyful. "those at the hootenanny were just having a gay ol time."
hither(or thither) and yon - over here or way over there. here and gone again.
hoosgow - jail or prison.
hootenanny or hoedown - a party with dancing (often with folk or country music), sometimes including picnic lunch or potluck.
housecoat - a bathrobe, or something youd wear only around the house.
houseovercoat - the long coat you would slip on over your housecoat to quickly run to the store in.
hue - as in hue and cry, not as in shade of color. To raise hue and cry is like, yelling for attention.. to raise awareness of something. To make a lot of noise. "With a mighty hue and cry, the crowd ran after the wolf with vengence.
kith - as in kith and kin. meaning family, clan, shirt-tails, cousins, aunts, and uncles... that's about everyone.
lurch - as in leaving someone in a lurch.. not to lurch around like a hunchback. leaving someone in a lurch as like leaving them when they are in the middle of trouble and really could use the help.
nag and dray - a nag was a plodding old horse used to pulling light carts or wagons, raely faster then a slow walk. a dray was the horse or horses (often including the cart) used for heavy labor... pulling heavy things like logs or big supply flats. (a large flat cart or wagon). not a word that was often used.
mullberrying/beating the bush/ or hopscotching - verbally trying to get around having to give a straight or truthful answer. "The guy hopscotched like a total pro around the girl's question of his marrying her."
oft - often. poetry word.
roughshod - to run roughshod over someone, to me, ment the same as beating up or abusing someone... physically or verbally. being too much.. sometimes with no real reason. "don't just run roughshod over the kid when you don't have all the facts."
shrift - was a bit like drawing the short straw with something no-one wanted to do. Being drafted, being harshly critiqued, singled out, or chosen for the worst task possible. being given the 'short shrift' was never a good thing.
sleight - as in sleight of hand. "not slight... even if it meant only by a slight bit."
"snake in the grass" - sly, sneaky, "ol so-n-so", sly old fox.
sooth - and in forsooth or a soothsayer. to speak the, however unbelievable, truth(?).
stalwart - a hero, strong, and good person. unflappable, straight bearing, standing his ground, brave.
"stick in the mud" - stubborn, vexing, stuck in your ways. "he's being an old stick in the mud, forget him."
swain - like a swain. a sailor, servant, or dandy.
thin air - practically nothing.. like a waste of air. "it was all thin air to her."
thwart - stopped, pushed away, or derailed. "The thief was thwarted from carrying out his nefarious plans."
tithe - (sounds like teeth or tie-vth)+ giving money to the church.. a percent of what you have.
to give cheek or being cheeky - to talk back or talk back in a sort of funny way. "pippi is such a cheeky girl."
umbrage - someone talking down to a lesser, being insulting and intentionally crass. "a graduate has just taken umbrage over that freshman student. insulting!" Not a word used often where I come from.. but not unknown.
whence and wherefor - where did you just come from? where are you going and why?
wight - bad undead? beastie of folklore. tall, pale, sharp teeth, dark long sharp claws, impervious to most forms of attack, although not fond of fire. lives in deep caves or mines but able to walk out in the full moon night after or during a rainstorm. always hungry, particularly for children. often leaves bones and other debris outside cave entries. related to the wendigo, barrow wight, and sandwalker.
yepyep - yes. goes with nosiree - no. This was a fairly good give away as to where in the USA i spent my first years. localisms of the mitten state. yoopers or yuppers were those living north of the bridge, and trolls lived to the south of it, in the palm of the mitt.
+ note to those trying the learn English nuances ... good luck! :D
reference : tithe - (sounds like teeth or tie-vth) The sound th can have 2 ways of pronouncing it. one way is to simply tuck your'e tongue behind your'e teeth and blow air.. resulting in a breathy sounding thh sound. and the other way which makes the th sound harder. as if you were trying to add a z or v's buzzing noise to the th. Tithe can sound either way, like the typical tee'th sound or the harder tie'vth sound.
examples of 'th'
example of 'vth'
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
A few small games to spin through
Recently I was all a-surfing with idle moments and I came across several, what I call, smallish games, of the flash-ish sort... so I tried them out..
Swords and Potions
(by Edgebee Studios.)
Neat idea. you play a merchant and you quickly gain a couple of workers to pound out, sew up, nail in, or tincture into things such as Bows, potions, swords and boots to sell to the adventurers coming into your shop.
I could see two draw-backs straight away, from a soloist's pov.. there is -no option- for not having to be in a guild. seriously. you can put it off for a time, but you cannot gain any other workers, or any major improvements to your shop without a required guild entry. and, they stop your leveling point gain waay too early for a move. especially as the moving requires quite a fee plus the need to pay your workers for several days after the move.
Found at the same site, was
Arkandian Explorer
What a fun game! you play an explorer who is in typical exploration of dungeons and caves looking for better gear, spells, and things for your crew. for an idle sort of game, its a fun dungeon delver.
Another game I thought was a great deal of fun to play was this one.
Robots Initiate Work Sequence
It might occasionally hang and thereby causing you issues in vital timing but for the most part its fun to figure which part you should do first for the best time to finish the quest.
Wednesday, January 06, 2016
The holiday drive-by..VRoommmMmMmm!!
The all hallows eve deal, zip by, then so did the decorated tree n presents day.. even though it wasn't too bad.
I didn't decorate at all for it this year... even though it was rather nice to have 'something' to spend on people. (sorry Eric, but it was a nice change. thank you. .. Also.. I can still see the finger-swiped "+"s on doors and windows. how curious.) we all gave and got some nice things. Kind of soothed a few bumps and bruises of everyday living, I suppose. I"m not all that happy with my living, but then, i suppose it could still be worse and atm it doesn't seem -quite- so bad.
Still, there are gripes to be had and vented. I don't get into politics of a given portal often. but sometimes I feel I just -have- to have my say - dernitall! and, in trying hard to keep to the policy of not naming names to protect the guilty, or otherwize, which can sometimes make me sound vague... whatever..
soo.. without further adooo... *pulls out the soapbox*

Idiots are abounding, it seems...on both sides of the fence. There is the red dude waaay over there, thinking he can just.. take whatever space he wants and call it his own just by dropping a little home soil onto it.
There's the slap-yer-own-face fellow over there on the island, that seems to think he can do as he pleases even when most, if not all of the islanders under him are protesting what he's doing, thereby tossing his rep into the tank.
There's also the faceman right here who thinks the whole area is his oyster.. but is still nothing compared to what might be comin up.
And then, how about them donkeys? Someone please drop a box on top of them. Quick, before the idiocy spreads any further!
I'm sorry, it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. What kind of wonder does it take to to figure out... its not brain science to get a clue here, guys. ok, Let me try this another way...
Once upon a time, there was this little piggy... and this big ugly blowhard of a wolf who had a serious craving for a pork dindin. The piggy, naturally, didn't care much for this wolfish idea, and knowing his stick house was no match for the wolf, he ran away, screaming for help.
There was this turkey, living not terribly far away, who heard the screams and pleading of the piggy, running frantically before the open gnashing teeth of the wolf. The turkey, being a rather benevolent fellow, quickly opened the door to let the pig in, slamming it again just as the wolf got to the stoop. whew!
The turkey then explained to the out-of-breath pig, that he was safe enough, as long as the wolf couldn't get in. "so," said the turkey, "please don't open the windows or anything. because that would put us both in danger."
The piggy, happy for having been saved, smiled in agreement. Within a short time though, the pig was opening the windows and claiming he simply couldn't live in such a stuffy place.. and since he was now here, (in turkey's house,) it was -his- house... because he was living there. and therefor, the turkey's rules didn't fit how he wanted to live. .. and piggy was generally being a horrible guest and pest in Turkey's house.
After closing the windows again for the 50th or so time, Turkey had finally had enough. and so one day He put piggy out of his house... telling him that piggy needed to find a place of his own to 'take over', and not have that be turkey's own house. But outside, still sitting on the stoop, was wolf... who was still hungry.
You sure you want to be like the piggy... donkey? .. because I'd bet the nasty ol wolf, doesn't mind the thought of chewing a little fat off of donkey either.
I didn't decorate at all for it this year... even though it was rather nice to have 'something' to spend on people. (sorry Eric, but it was a nice change. thank you. .. Also.. I can still see the finger-swiped "+"s on doors and windows. how curious.) we all gave and got some nice things. Kind of soothed a few bumps and bruises of everyday living, I suppose. I"m not all that happy with my living, but then, i suppose it could still be worse and atm it doesn't seem -quite- so bad.
Still, there are gripes to be had and vented. I don't get into politics of a given portal often. but sometimes I feel I just -have- to have my say - dernitall! and, in trying hard to keep to the policy of not naming names to protect the guilty, or otherwize, which can sometimes make me sound vague... whatever..
soo.. without further adooo... *pulls out the soapbox*
There's the slap-yer-own-face fellow over there on the island, that seems to think he can do as he pleases even when most, if not all of the islanders under him are protesting what he's doing, thereby tossing his rep into the tank.
There's also the faceman right here who thinks the whole area is his oyster.. but is still nothing compared to what might be comin up.
And then, how about them donkeys? Someone please drop a box on top of them. Quick, before the idiocy spreads any further!
I'm sorry, it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. What kind of wonder does it take to to figure out... its not brain science to get a clue here, guys. ok, Let me try this another way...
Once upon a time, there was this little piggy... and this big ugly blowhard of a wolf who had a serious craving for a pork dindin. The piggy, naturally, didn't care much for this wolfish idea, and knowing his stick house was no match for the wolf, he ran away, screaming for help.
There was this turkey, living not terribly far away, who heard the screams and pleading of the piggy, running frantically before the open gnashing teeth of the wolf. The turkey, being a rather benevolent fellow, quickly opened the door to let the pig in, slamming it again just as the wolf got to the stoop. whew!
The turkey then explained to the out-of-breath pig, that he was safe enough, as long as the wolf couldn't get in. "so," said the turkey, "please don't open the windows or anything. because that would put us both in danger."
The piggy, happy for having been saved, smiled in agreement. Within a short time though, the pig was opening the windows and claiming he simply couldn't live in such a stuffy place.. and since he was now here, (in turkey's house,) it was -his- house... because he was living there. and therefor, the turkey's rules didn't fit how he wanted to live. .. and piggy was generally being a horrible guest and pest in Turkey's house.
After closing the windows again for the 50th or so time, Turkey had finally had enough. and so one day He put piggy out of his house... telling him that piggy needed to find a place of his own to 'take over', and not have that be turkey's own house. But outside, still sitting on the stoop, was wolf... who was still hungry.
You sure you want to be like the piggy... donkey? .. because I'd bet the nasty ol wolf, doesn't mind the thought of chewing a little fat off of donkey either.
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