Saturday, July 11, 2009


I'm a bit worried about mr Tf. He claims to be returning more often, and yet the opposite has proven true thus far. He claims that he cares, that he wouldn't leave.. and yet.. it seems that he has. I am.. not quite sure how to take it really. oh, he has his excuses.. I'm sure they are perfectly valid one's too. or perhaps they were. So now in my pining.. I need to carry on... not knowing which way to turn.. feeling lost... and I mean more then just 'in a crowd'. So pardon my randomness for a little while longer... I'm trying to patch up.. trying to find a safe attitude to take. something I can do to seal away the wounds once again.

ok so.. watch those oxhorn's vids. they are pretty funny, I think. and good for a reality break... and if you have ever played wow, they are hilarious!

Listening to:
Reading: random blogs.
Current Show: blood ties.
Feeling: ehh.
Internet Tabs: rainy days, fbook.
Obsessing Over: guild politics and affairs of the heart.
Current Rant: my own instability.

Oxhorn's Short shorts. Prof Evil kills All Gold Farmers.

Oxhorn tells off Xfire

Inventing Swear words 5

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