Friday, July 17, 2009

thoughts and musings

I'm rather analytical and introspective person by general nature. Recently I have come to musing about the expressions of love vs crush and a soulmate vs a life mate.

Have you ever developed a crush on someone? It feels a bit like a heart-stopping thrill-a-second coaster that you just can't seem to get off of until the ride is over and the cart has come to a complete dead-stop. ..and my-oh-my do people do some of the stupidest things when crushing! we are talking true to classic noggin-thwapping stuff here. but it usually ends. and often-times, it is a rather abrupt stop too. fights, anger, tears, agony...and sometimes.. it is easily forgotten as well.

but now love, as ever I have seen it.. is a constant thing, with certainty that the object of your attention will be a part of your heart for the rest of your life. That it doesn't matter how many years, or what horrible things have been done or will be done.. you will always love them in a deeper sense then your average infatuation case.

Then there is the differences between what people consider a soulmate and a lifemate... which touches upon the whole subject of old souls and reincarnation or destiny.

A lifemate, to me, is someone you spend your life with. pure and simple, compared to the complexity of a soul mate. You can love, be in love and even crush on a lifemate.
A soulmate, is someone, whose very being and essence draws you together like nothing or no-one else in the scope of the universe can. Sometimes, it can even be against one's will.
These two ..elements? are not always found in the same person.

I saw an episode of a recent tv series, in which this pi was approached by and 'old soul' looking for his wife of a previous incarnation. but, as it turned out, she had married and was happy with her choice. So it would seem, that the old soul and she were soul-mates.. and the girl had taken a lifemate. (which kind of knocked their combined death-for-love-and-rebirth thing rather askew.) Needless to say the old soul was rather resistant to the idea of her having chosen anyone but him.
So then, does this mean, that these two soul-mates will drift further and further apart, never to come together again? or..does it mean, that they will go their way for this lifetime.. and come together in another? and what of the life-mate then? he is married to the girl, and yet knows, (or does he?,) that while he is her spouse and love for this lifetime.. she has a deeper and older connection to another guy. or does the lifemate then become another soulmate? perhaps replacing or adding to the number she has? either way, it seems they knew eachother to be soulmates, destined to be drawn to one another like bonded recognition.

Now, how might this apply to rl? look around you, walk of life, school, church, gathering spots. you ever wonder, will 'she' stay with him, past the event.. or when the heady crush wears off? will 'he' find that 'his' heart will truely always be 'hers' even after years have gone by? how about the two married people there, they love eachother sure, but why is 'she' murmuring that,..perhaps there might be something yet missing from her heart? why, if 'he' is so in love, is 'he' still looking around him, even in knowing 'he' cannot touch, nor would 'he' really want to? is there a difference between soul and life mates? and if there is..

Its easy to see that there can be many lifemates in a single lifetime. divorce being an option in this world has shown us this,.. to some, quite a number of times too! So then, what about this soul mate business? can a single person have a true soul-mate somewhere in the whole of the world? The world is quite a big place really.. in spite of the saying of its being small. There are a lot of people.. a lot of cultures.. and a lot of different time-lines going on. I would imagine how much easier it would be to choose a life mate then it would be to find that one person with whom you are 'drawn' to. Perhaps then, many people never actually find their soul mate.. and instead settle comfortably with the lifemate potentials they can see right around them.
what then, should happen, if, after having gotten comfy in their happy life with someone, the soulmate shows up on the radar?


Rinku said...

For the most part, I agree with your thought process there, so many people think that a soul-mate is someone you're destined to marry and there's nothing more then that. But you're right in that people can already be married and then find their potential soul mate. That's kind of expressed in a movie my sister made me watch a while ago "She's just not that into you", I thought the movie was boring, and the women in the movie were eccentric, but it proves your points I guess.

Anonymous said...

I'm tempted to leave a comment here and so I will. According to me, I won't say is the right belief, but there is no such thing as soulmate. Every person has many lives, re-births. There are some relations that are short, because somehow you owe something to them in the last life. And you may meet many as well along your path. I think a wise person doesn't confuse themselves about soulmate stuff and live their life just as it comes. And person who understands you and makes you feel happy, and is ready to spend his/her life with you should be your soulmate. The part where an old soulmate of past life who even remembers his past life comes - well it's bad luck for him.