Thursday, October 15, 2009

what is love?

Consider this....
(not in any particular order.)

1. Love is.. feeling like laughing with joy when you are around your partner.
2. love is.. supporting them when they could really use it.
3. love is.. never wanting to give up on them.
4. love is.. communication.
5. love is.. understanding.
6. love is.. saying your sorry for arguing... even if you aren't sorry for your side in it.
7. love is.. learning to put up with/overlook/tolerate some of their not so wonderful traits and habits.
8. love is.. caring.
9. love is.. a test of time and endurance.
10. love is.. forgiving.

True friendship is.. communication.
true friendship is.. saying your sorry for arguing, even if you aren't sorry for your side in it.
true friendship is.. supporting them when they really could use it.
true friendship is.. understanding.
true friendship is.. a test of time and endurance.
true friendship is.. learning to put up with/overlook/tolerate some of their.. not so wonderful traits and habits.
true friendship is.. caring.
true friendship is.. feeling like laughing with joy when you are around them.
true friendship is.. forgiving
true friendship is.. never wanting to give up on them.

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